Chapter-(547) What could a Sadhak do when he remains detached from Sansar?

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What could a Sadhak do when he remains detached from Sansar?

मृगा मृगैः सङ्गमनुव्रजन्ति गावश्र्च गोभिस्तुरगास्तुरङ्गैः।

मूर्खाश्र्चमूर्खैः सुधयः सुधीभिः समानशीलव्यसनेषु सख्यम्।।(पञ्चतन्त्र,मित्रभेद - ३०५)

As a deer roams in the company of other Deer, a cow wanders with other cows, a horse with other horses, and every human being roams in the company of his nature. Idiots live with idiots and genius lives with genius because it is a common experience that a person would like to be in the company of his character. When a Sadhak attains true knowledge of Brahm and awakens inwardly, he would avoid the company of bad and sinful people. Vivek Chudamani says that

दोषेण तीव्रो विषयः कृष्णसर्पविषादपि।

 विषं निहन्ति भोक्तारं द्रष्टारं चक्षुषाप्ययम्।।(७९)

The bad nature and wrong habits of a person is considered as a fall of his character. A person can be survived with medicine ,if he was bitten by a poisonous serpent but the fault in the character of a person has greater effect than poison because when a person suffers from harmful poisonous effect he and his body alone would be punished but a faultful nature and rotten character of a person harm even those who are witnesses of his sinful actions.

This Sansar is illusive. Whatever we see with our eyes and feel through our senses is an illusion. The real Swaroop of Sansar remains hidden from the ignorant person. No one could understand the Show created by Prakruti on the stage of the world. It is a mystery how is this universe created. Who has created the cycle of birth and death? Who controls the routine of the Sun, moon, stars, and seasons? Who maintains law and order in nature? How is the ruler-functioning of all living bodies progressing from birth until death? Why does everything occur automatically after destruction? To understand everything is beyond the capacity of a human mind. Nature is full of mystery and suspense. Gandharva Puspadant in his prayer says that nobody knows everything about you O Paramatma every devotee tries to describe your Swaroop in different words.

तवैश्र्वरं यत्तज्जगदुदयरक्षाप्रलयकृत् त्रयी वस्तुव्यस्तं त्रिसृषु गुणभिन्नासु तनुषु।

अभव्यान्मस्मिन्वरदरमणीयामरमणीं विहन्तु व्याक्रोशीं विदयगत इहैके जडधियः।।

Time passes on and on. The functioning of all five elements go on and on repeatedly. Nothing is steady . Nothing is permanent. The cycle of birth of millions and trillions of creatures goes on moving every minute continuously. The process of birth and death goes on though everything living has a fixed life span and non-living also has a fixed deadline. No scholars till today understand why it happens repeatedly. No genius could find out from where everything emerges and ends. Who is the creator of this universe/? The power beyond our understanding is known as Paramatma. He is not visible with our eyes. We have different schools of thought and various conceptions of the power that rule, maintain, and destroy our world after a fixed time. Whatever we know is based on our Holy Scriptures, archeological monuments and stories heard from mouth to mouth since the beginning of the earth from Rishi Munis-our ancestors till today is difficult to understand with lots of criticism on them. Our literature and history, Vedas, Purans, and Upanishads try to explain the theory of evolution. All our ideas of the world, living and non–living repetition of events, sky, stars, moon, Sun, the space emerge from the holy scriptures listened to by our Rishi Munis through Paramatma and written as they memorize them which is known as Shruti and Smruti. But the entire concept of Paramatma as Swaroop is not described by anybody and all Rishi Munis and devotees gave the effort of knowing HIM as NETI NETI because this is not His Swaroop. This is not HIS ENTIRE swaroop. But when a Sadhak understands that whatever the form of Paramatma, he is the only creator, savior, and destructor he surrenders to none but him.

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