Chapter- (492) Why does Arjun's feeling of friendship transform into ...?

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Why does Arjun's feeling of friendship transform into the worship of Shri Krishna?

आकारैरिङ्गितैःगत्वा चेष्टया भाषितेन च।

नेत्र वक्त्र विकारैश्र्च गृह्यतेङन्तर्गतं मनः।।

A Smart person knows another person's through his gestures, his style of walking and talking, his intentions through his eyes, and changes of shapes of mouth while speaking. He understands easily the difference, if there is any, in his speech and words . Just as a wasp knows only from the smell of a bud whether it would grow full of sweet juice or not, or just as a lotus cannot sustain without water, no person can be appreciated without manners. The difference between a person full of manners and discipline is like trees on the river banks which give shadow to the travelers, sweet smell of flowers and fruits to feed his hunger but river as a symbol of whimsical naughty wild girl rooted out those trees because that is the man difference between a forest and a garden, discipline and rudeness mannerism and roughness of character. We can see plants, trees, grass, flowers, and fruits in the jungle as well as in the garden but no one is afraid when he visits the garden but the forest is dangerous because you are afraid of uncontrolled growth of plantations and trees while walking as they create bog and home for wild animals, dangerous insects and poisonous creatures of all the kinds. While politeness and good manners are the ornaments of a knowledgeable person just as the sky is adorned by Sun, a forest of Lotus is adorned by water, Prosperity of a person is appreciated by his generous charity to the needy, your friendly behavior shows your pure mind and good expression and good thoughts adorn assembly as Spring is adorned by KAMDEV कामदेव Vinay, politeness is the greatest virtue among all that adorns a gentleman. Here, Arjun feels guilty as he addressed Krishna in a friendly manner as he was unaware of his Divine Swaroop. But when he shows Virat Swaroop of Paramatma he recognizes him as the father of all the livings, creator of all the nonliving, and Jagat Guru of all the knowledgeable; persons in the trio-world. Hence he wanted to do Sashtang Pranam (when six parts of the body touch the earth ) and want Paramatma to forgive his bad manners as a father forgives his son and friend forgives fault of other friend or a loving husband bares the misconduct of his rude wife. He begs pardon and urged Paramatma to forgive all the humiliating words spoken by him unknowingly as a friend and as a brother


प्रभो मोरे अवगुण चित्त न धरो

Generally, it is said that in various situations ten kinds of persons lost their senses and behave roughly or unwisely with others

मत्तः प्रमत्तः उन्मत्तः श्रान्तः क्रुद्धः बुभुक्षितः।

त्वरमाणश्र्च लुब्दश्र्च भीतः कामी च ते दश।।

When a person either drunk or he is not attentive to the happenings or he is crazy about something or when he is tired deadly or when he is going to man in fury or when he is afraid of something or someone or when he is hungry (BUBHUKSHIT KIM NA KAROTI PAPAM बुभुक्षित किं नो करोति पापम्। )Or when he is in a hurry and forgets or when he is greedy or when he has bad intentions, feels an unauthorized attraction to anybody's wife he becomes manner less and rude in his behavior but here Arjun is not included in above categories. He misbehaved with Krishna because he was unaware of HIS Divine Swaroop. Now, he comes to know that all Rishi. Maharishi, Devta, devotees worship HIM Day and night but they could not recognize or understand the extended power and strength of Paramatma then how could he recognize Krishna -his brother and childhood friend as Paramatma in human Swaroop.

Generally, we insulted a person for three reasons; when we are not aware about his status, power, strength, and position in society. Secondly, we insulted a person when we are careless about knowing anything that happens around us and we insulted innocent person because of our carelessness and laziness to find out the truth before we say something or be a judgmental. Sometimes we humiliate a person only for fun as Draupadi could not control his laughter when Duryodhan could not make out the difference between water and its reflection on the floor and drowned into the water in Mayanagri of Indraprastha and addressed him as 'Blind father's blind son' and we know what she had to pay for those words in the form of war of Mahabharat. Sometimes we insult our life partner taken it for granted to be pardoned especially about the wife thinking that she could not feel it in the hour of expansion of our mood of joy or entertainment. But whatever we do directly or indirectly, we have to feel sorry and say sorry to the person when we realize our mistake . When we sit on the chair in front of elders Guru or king, when they are sitting on the floor or sometimes a kid pushes beard of a father, Guru or Saint sitting on his lap unknowingly. They forgive him as elders, Guru, or a mature person.

It is said in our Vedas that even a householder should not get attached to his family and should not forget God. He should consider all the entertainment of senses as perishable and all the visible of enjoyment of life as temporary .He should never be impolite in his behavior. His association with his wife, relatives, and friends is like the chance of meeting of travelers .Everybody would depart in the end, body and dreams are inextricably bound to sleep. And hence, he should not harm and hurt anybody through his mind, body and speech

वेदाध्याय स्वधा स्वाहा बल्यन्नाद्यैर्यथोदयम्।

देवर्षिपितृभूतानि मद्रूपाण्यन्वहं यजेत्।।( उ.गीता – 12-50)

A person should be polite after studying Vedas, the utterance of Swaha and Swadha are the mantra used in the invocation of Pitru and Devtas respectively. They should offer food to them and distribute food whatever he has after worshipping them this is known as the five kinds of Yagna or sacrifice done as obligatory karma for Gruhasth but unknowingly Arjun talked to Paramatma as a friend while playing, talking, and wandering with him hence he wants Paramatma to forgive him. He wants that Paramatma forgives him as a father, friend and husband forgive son, friend, and wife.

क्षमया क्षीयते कर्म दुःखदं पूर्वसञ्चितम् ।

चित्तं च जायते शुद्धं विद्वेषभयवर्जितम् ।।

Because if Paramatma forgives his sinful act of addressing Paramatma as a friend and his karma-misbehavior with him as a friend would be fruitless (he would not be a sinner as he addressed Paramatma with humiliating words) . If Paramatma forgives him he would not be punished and his CHITTA would be free from fear. His mind would be purified and then he does not have to face the fury or anger of Paramatma.

In the eleventh Adhyaya of Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna has shown eleven RAS. When Dev Swaroop of Paramatma has described it shows SHANT RAS, Virat Swaroop –ADABHUT RAS, destruction in KAL Swaroop shows RAUDRA RAS. Vikral Swaroop with uncounted mouth and various kinds of beard show BIBHATSYA RAS. When Shri Krishna encouraged Arjun as UTISTHA for war, it expresses VIR RAS Arjun's Sashtang Pranam shows DASYA RAS, kings and powerful warriors entering in the mouth of Virat Swaroop shows KARUN RAS when examples are given of humiliation of friend by a friend, insult of a father by the son and humiliation of husband by wife shows –SAKHYA RAS, VATSYALYA RAS, and MADHURYA RAS respectively while the laughter of Krishna expresses HASYA RAS.

Now Arjun is unable to look at VIRAT SWAROOP for long. He begged Shri Krishna to show him the original Swaroop of CHATURBHUJ NARAYAN as he heard from his elders and parents, guru about Paramatma's SAUMYA SWAROOP.

Why does he want to see Krishna in Chaturbhuj Swaroop?

Let us know from our Paramatma Shri Krishna ...

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