CHAPTER-(524) What is the real Swaroop of Pride that rules over ...?

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What is the real Swaroop of Pride that rules over our Karmendriyas and Gyanendriya?

Lord Shri Krishna says that

तेषांमहं समुद्धर्ता मृत्युसंसारसागरात्।

भवामि नचिरात्पार्थ मय्यावेशितचेतसाम्।।

A devotee whose mind is engrossed in me I help him come through the cycle of birth and death of Sansar Sagar but a Sadhak with even the slightest ego and pride would never be able to get entry in my abode. Whatever a person does, his mind inspires his senses to follow them. His intellect is well aware of good and bad deeds. Though his karmendriyas are ruled over by Gyanendriyas and Gyanendriyas are ruled over by the mind, the Mind is governed by intellect, and his intellect is enveloped with his pride and ego. In that sense, without the guidance of mind, intellect, and pride no Gyanendriya or Karmendriyas could work properly. When our Gyanendriya are in the coordination with mind, we can have a sense of various subjects and we have to choose from them as good or bad through our intellect but intellect is overpowered by our pride and ego.

Our intellect when thinks about the selection of various subjects our senses work on it to get name and fame, prosperity, status ,land ownership or good health. ManuSmruti says that a person who thinks about various objects and want to satisfy his senses he would be expert in getting them.

यथा यथा निषेवन्ते विषयान्विषयात्मिकाः।

तथा तथा कुशलता तेषा तेषूपजायते।।

When a person thinks about money, he works day and night to accumulate wealth. When he thinks of being a knowledgeable person, he tries to accumulate knowledge through Shastras, Saints, and their lectures. But a devotee who tries to see Paramatma in everything and everywhere does his routine Kriya only as an actor on the stage as directed by God for the pleasure of God and thinking himself as a part of God. He could remain free from the fruit of his Karma but when a person thinks about worldly things and wants to accumulate land, power, property, status in society, wealth, and treasures by any means and wants to satisfy his senses, he would not think about his deeds as good or bad and he would turn to a sinful act.

In the same way, even though a person does neither through his deeds nor through his speech or his act thinks ill of anybody, but he abuses anybody through his speech, his act becomes a sinful act. A person who speaks harsh words, untruth, useless unworthy talks and ills of others and speaks without sense is considered a sinful act according to Manu Smruti. And he would get his results accordingly.

शुभाशुभफलं कर्म मनोवाग्देहसंभवम्।

कर्मजा गतयो नणामुत्तमाधममध्यमाः।।

On the contrary, speaking truth and use of loving words, singing hymns of human virtues, of Saints, and reciting Characters of the king and God as described by Shruti, Purans, and Shastras are considered as good deeds by using speech organs. When a person is filled with Pride, he would never use good words for others. On the contrary, he boasts a lot and abuses others.

Further Sadhak through his wrongful acts and bad deeds, tries to cheat others, snatches others' property, wife, or kids, tries to kill anybody or turn to violence, and kills other living for his selfish gain or kidnapped other's wife, all these are considered as sinful acts of a body. A person has to suffer from mental depression and diseases because of his sinful acts and feelings of guilt in his heart. A person has to suffer from sinful acts by speech in receiving back defame and bad words for himself in return through others' speech. There are three kinds of bad karma through the body, three kinds of sin through the mind, and four kinds of speech PARA-eternal, PASHYATI-felt by a sage in hid deep consciousness Madhayama- when it translates an idea, in the intellect and Vaikhari- when it is actually expressed through the mouth ad three kinds of bad deeds through body; for all ten types of bad deeds, he has to suffer from various kind of punishments as it is described in our Shastras and ManuSmruti.

शुभैः प्रयोगैर्देवत्वं व्यामिश्रैर्मानुषो भवेत्।

अशुभैः केवलैश्र्चैव तिर्यग्योनिषु जायते।।

A person full of pride and ego suffers a lot during his lifetime and even after death due to his sinful act of three kinds as described above. This pride is divided into two categories to understand it properly . The first is AHAMVRUTI अहंकृति and the second is AHAMKARTA अहंकर्ता. अहंवृत्ति AHAMVRUTI is related with pride .Every person has this AHAMVRUTI अहंवृत्ति in more or less quantity. It is not even wrong to have AHAMVRUTI अहंवृत्ति -self-egoism. One should have self-respect for oneself but when it turns to self –egoism he thinks that I am the great and I can do everything. Again, To think 'I am the great being –is natural for every living as we are part and parcel of Paramatma but to think that I can do anything and everything makes him AHAMKARTA अहंकर्ता and this is dangerous for himself. Lord Shri Krishna describes this proudly person as अहङ्कार-विमूढात्मा-कर्ताहमिति मन्यते।

The function of Prakruti is to inspire intellect and our intellect supports our pride . This pride nurtures the intensions of egoism and our intellect becomes the cause of our good and bad deeds. When our mind –the chariot driver of senses, inspires our intellect, a person becomes Karta-a doer and Bhokta-a sufferer पुरुषः प्रकृतिस्थो हि भुङ्क्ते प्रकृत्जान्गुणान् । So when a person thinks that I am the doer of all the things, he has to suffer from bad or good deeds but when a person thinks that Lord is the creator and director of my role on this planet and I have to follow his directions, he would not be liable for its good or bad karma and their result. When a person is not a doer, whatever he does is according to the desire of Paramatma, he would not be liable or responsible for his act. Just as a servant is bound to follow his master's order a Sadhak is following Paramatma's order only. So he would become neither a doer nor a sufferer.शरीरस्थोङपि कौन्तेय न करोति न लिप्यते।

When a Sadhak feels oneness with Paramatma, he knows that Paramatma is sitting in the abode of his body –a temple and he is not separated from his God for even a moment, then how could he feel gain or pain in any of trio-kinds of physical ,mental or spiritual tensions AADHI VYADHI AADHI आधि व्याधि च उपाधि - आधि भौतिक, आधि दैविक च आध्यात्मिक AADHI BHAUTIK ,AADHYATMIK OR AADHI DAIIVIK UPADHI Brahadaranyaka says

आत्मानं चेद् विजानीयाद्यमस्मीति पूरुषः।

किमिच्छन् कस्य कामाय शरीरमनुसंज्वरेत् ।।

When a Sadhak knows his Swaroop as SHIVOHAM, then what would he desire or why should he worry about any kind of problems? He would be free from all the consequences of his karma. He would live in Sansar as a family man-GRAHASTHI or he may live in the forest as a SANYASI, he would live in ecstasy.

We know Prakruti as PARA and APARA. The first Swaroop of Prakruti- PARA is enlightenment and APARA is ignorance-rigidness. PARA Prakruti always fascinates every JIV to Paramatma naturally as when a child is lost in the jungle, he tries to find his parents so the attraction to Paramatma is natural but APARA PRAKRUTI is characterized by ignorance. When a lost child fascinated by the wild beauty of the jungles, roams within the illusion of Sansar, he is engrossed in all the subjects and he tries to entertain his senses through his trio- karma of head, heart, and hands with three kinds of body-mind, speech and deeds and then he throws his own self in the bog of seven VIKARS as desires, envy, joy, sorrow, SANGHAT, Chetna and Dhruti with the help of trio- virtues Satva, Rajas and Tamas.

Then let's understand who would be a real BHOKTA... from our great God and Jagat Guru Shri Krishna...

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