Chapter-( 532) How does Vikars of Rajas create bondage of birth and death?

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How does Vikars of Rajas create bondage of birth and death?

रजो रागात्मकं विद्धि Rajas Virtue is related to persons, places, situations, events and actions. It is like fascination to our work, our belongings, our people, country or the hobbies and passion for something but in Bhagavad Gita Lord Shri Krishna says that attachment to kriya is also a characteristic of Rajas virtues. When a person does kriya because he wants to get reward from it, it can be in the form of money, name, fame or self satisfaction, when the reason behind any kriya is greed, it has its root in Rajas virtue though it may be SATVIK KRIYA

लोभः प्रवृत्तिरारम्भः कर्मणामशमः स्पृहा ।

रजस्येतानि जायन्ते विवृद्धे भरतर्षभ ।।

No person can live or sit idle without doing any activity for a moment. There is no wrong in doing Kriya but the fault about desires its fruit or its reward. Then something must be done to get something. It becomes the reason of bondage because if a person can get whatever he desires ,he would be filled with pride of success and if he does not get whatever he desires, he would remain in the cycle of birth and death till the accomplishment of his desire so Lord Krishna advises Arjun to do Kriya following YOGA योगस्थ कुरु कर्माणि before doing any Kriya .When a person does any activity he desires happiness from that karma or Kriya of three kind Satva, Rajas, Tamas. If all the Kriya are result of Rajas virtues, then how could it be SATVIK OR TAMSIK because the root of any kriya or Pravruti -karma is not trio-virtues but RAG –the attachment?

When Paramatma decides to create Universe it is because of Rajas virtues AKOHAM Bahusyam एकोङहम् बहुस्याम the reason behind the Sankalp of creation of universe is RAJAS and Rajas shows the Pran and Karmendriyas of Kriya- Prakruti. While Satva is like the heart अंतः करण ANTAH KARAN and Gyanendriya and all the physical elements, instruments and body are swaroop of Tamas, So when Paramatma creates Universe in every Maha Sarga, it is because of Rajas but the Karma of Paramatma is free from RAG-the attachment so It does not create bondage for him. When we churn curd we get butter and butter milk .Butter is SATVA element, Curd is RAJAS and buttermilk is like TAMAS virtue.

अन्तो नास्ति पिपासायाः सन्तोषः परमं सुखम्।

तस्मात्सन्तोषमेवेह परं पश्यन्ति पण्डिताः।।

But for a human being it creates bondage. When anything in the form of love, friendship, property, fame is acquired by a person, he thinks that it should remain continuous for the whole life. No person wants to lose his love, property, friendship or anything under his possession this becomes TRUSHNA –greed. He demands more and more. DIL MANGE MORE that too forever so it takes the Swaroop of greed and greed is a kind of vikar.

न योजनशतं दूरं बाध्यामानस्य तृष्णया।

सन्तुष्टस्य करप्राप्तेङप्यर्थे भवति नादरः।।

There is no end of greed contentment and that is the reason of unhappiness hence scholars see satisfaction as the greatest of all the wealth. A person inspired by greed walks thousands of miles as a greedy man runs for land till sun set and died without getting anything but for a person full of contentment there is no attachment to whatever he has under his possession.

Our Vedas describes various kinds of Karma in more than eighty thousands mantras. Jaimini Rishi says liberation is like attachment to heaven and YAGNA and fruits of Yagna is an indirect gain from your investment in JAP and TAP .We have right to do our karma but we should not expect fruits .When a person thinks himself as a karta, Bhokta and he does any kriya or karma, he is considered as an ignorant person. This ignorance leads him to the desire of fruits of karma that could bind him in the cycle of birth and death. Only pure knowledge can make a person free from greed and the cycle of rebirth. According to Veda only pure knowledge can lead us to liberation. GYANAT AEVA TU KAIVALAM ज्ञानात एव तु कैवल्यं Even VIVEK Chudamani describes karma as SAKAM KARMA and NISKAM KARMA with purity of heart. वस्तु सिद्दि विचारेणं न किंचित कोटिकर्मभिः। Sakam karma provides prosperity and all the desired Bhoga of Sansar but NISHKAM Karma only can provide liberation. KARMANYE VA DHI KARASTE कर्मण्ये वाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन् Again Shastra describes karma as SHASTRAVIHIT KARMA and SHASTRA NISHEDHA KARMA शास्त्रविहित एवम् शास्त्र निषेद्ध कर्म - do and don'ts and one should not give up doing Yagna, Dan ,tap ,karma यज्ञ दान तपः कर्म न ताज्यं कार्यमेव च। Even आश्र्वलायन एवम् ब्र.प. स्मृति says

अथोच्यते गृहस्थस्य नित्षयकर्म यथाविधि।

यत्कृत्वानृण्यमाप्नोति दैवात् पैत्र्याच्य मानुष्यात्।।

सन्ध्या स्नानम् जपश्चैव देनतानां च पूजनम्।

वैश्र्वदेवं तथा आतिथ्यमं  षट्कर्माणि दिने दिने।।

Shastra never denies doing karma. It insists only not expecting fruits of karma ज्ञानाग्नि दग्ध कर्माणि GYANAGNI DAGDHA KAMANI .When a Sadhak does his karma as an obedient pupil of a Guru and a child of a parent ,he would not responsible for its result .As the butcher is not responsible for killing animals but his boss who orders him to do the job is responsible for the result of good or bad karma .Just as an actor is not responsible for the dialogue he speaks but the writer and director are responsible for the impact of words and situations created by them on the audience and reviewer. We all are puppets in the hands of Paramatma and if we do our karma in SHSTR NIHIT ways as described in our Shastras we should not worry about its swaroop as Satva Rajas or Tamas or its result. Paramatma forgives RAKSHASAS and his own relatives in the Avatar of Ram and Krishna Lila who do not recognize him as God and oppose him.

The virtue of Rajas binds persons as he expects happiness and on not getting what he wants he would be angry and tries again and again to attain the same. We know kings and Emperors attacked the countries even when they are defeated frequently and at the end of his life he realizes like Sikandar the king that he has to go empty handed without taking anything with him. Not only Rajas virtue becomes the cause of rebirth even Satvik karma can be the reason of bondage. A person who is full of pious activities and serves sick people, dumb animals or does any kind of charitable work or act, if he desires his name and fame as a result or fruits of his karma, he would surely be in the cycle of rebirth so doing karma without expecting anything and after finishing karma a person should offer all his karma to Lord Shri Krishna. Then only he would be free from the result of his Karma. Again let us understand that Veda put stress on Karma Marg because no man can live without doing karma for a moment but Veda says to do Karma to attain all the prosperity of universe for self and Shruti -Veda shows us the way to get prosperity through science .Ayurveda ,Dhanurved ,Yoga ,Ashram arrangements, getting and distributing all the desired things from the five elements outside in the universe such as possession of land, beautiful things on this earth, power over people and riches from the nature. It means that we should follow VEDO NITYAM वेदो नित्यम् we should learn from Vedas and do Karma as shown by our great Rishi and Vedic culture.

Then what is the Swaroop of Tamas and how could it be a reason to bind us in the cycle of rebirth.

Let us surrender to our great Jagat Guru Shri Krishna and try to understand how to make our life better Om Tat Sat...Shri Krishnajpanmastu....

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