Chapter (512) When the soul is independent, how could he see ...

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When the soul is independent, how could he see the function of the mind and inspire Buddhi?

यस्यात्मबुद्धिः कुणये त्रिधातु स्वधीः कलत्रादिषु भौमइ जयदीः।

यतनीर्थ बुद्धिः सलिलेन कर्हचित जनेप्वभिज्ञेषु स एव गोखरः।। भागवत पुराण -48

As we have acquired our body made of trio elements Sat Rajas and Tamas and think that this body is our soul. And all the relatives of body son, wife and land are mine. It is like the thought that Tirthsthanam –a place of pilgrim would wash out all my sins and hence let me do whatever my mind says and then I would have deep down bathed in Ganga and would be free from all the sins is just like PASHUBUDDHI animal sense because sins could be washed out by the listening of speech of saints, a knowledgeable person regarding Harilila or stories of Paramatma.. A person who does not understand this is just like an animal.

Our Mind is like Drashta- onlookers so as our Buddhi is also drashta. As we see things through our eyes, the beautiful site is a scene and whatever eyes see have its impact on the mind hence mind becomes an onlooker, We have three kinds of body. Our physical body sees things when we think about it and it enters in our thoughts it is nurtured through Sukshma Sharir hence mind becomes Drashta. When we hatched that thought day and night, may we try to reach on it positively or negatively and it becomes a function of our Karan Sharir and hence we see it through our Buddhi. This Buddhi through its logical or illogical arguments either accepts or rejects and reacts or responds which creates our intentions which is reflected in our actions.In all these processes souls never take part. HE is only a witness of all the procedures.

Upanishad says that,

भोक्ता भोग्यम् प्रेरितारं मत्वा।

सर्वं प्रोक्तं त्रिविधं ब्रह्ममेतत् ।।( श्र्वेताश्र्वतरउपनिषद-१,१२)

Brahm is known to us in three Swaroop. One is in the form of nature the other is in the form of soul in every jiv and the third who tries to organize and control everything in fourteen Bhuvans including our planet earth is Paramatma. We have the same explanation under Bhagavad Gita as Lord Vishnu is in three forms Kshirodakshayi Vishnu, Garbhodakshayi Vishnu, and Sacharachar Vyapt Vishnu. For our understanding, our body is one dimension, the soul within it is the second form the third who arranges birth and death keeps all the accounts of karma of all the livings on this earth who thought stays with us 24*7*365 days and nights, though invisible to us, through our physical eyes is eternal Brahma. Our body is known as Kshetra in Veda and Shastra Paramatma is JIVANAM BIJO AHAM the original seed of every living

बीजं मां सर्वभूतानां विद्धिपार्थ सनातनम्।

बुद्धिर्बुद्धिमतामस्मि तेजसतेस्विनामहम् ।। (७-१०) O SonofPrutha know it well that I am the seed original among all the seeds, I am the intellect of scholars ad I am the powerful light among all the Tej of powerful person and hence he only knows about every birth and death of all Jivatma . He is GYATA and we are full of ignorance AGYAN KSHETRANI HI SHARIRANI BIJAM CHAPI SHUBHASHUBHE

Aadi Shankaracharyaji says that

क्षेत्राणि हि शरीराणि बीजं चापि शुभाशुभे।

तानि वेत्ति स योगात्मा ततः क्षेत्रज्ञ उच्यते।।

every Sadhak who wants to know his original Swaroop should understand the word TATVAMASI – TAT, TVAM AND ASI are three words. Tat stands for two things the first is reality and the second is intention, goal, or target in our terms as we are full of ignorance. When we are blessed with the emergence of Satva virtues and try to understand the function of the universe which is full of Sat, Chit, and Anand, he should read Vedas and Shastras and goal is to attain pure knowledge of Brahma which is responsible for the creation, sustain and destroying this universe, which is invisible. And still existing in each and every particle of the universe is TAT and you, a human being is TVAM,a part of TAT Paramatma and hence you both are not different but the same TAT stands for Paramatma and Tvam stands for ourselves as we think both as separated and hence we roam here and there to find them. One is a source the other is a tributary and there is a tributary. One is an origin and the other is a part of it that is full of VIKAR as it lives in the body whichever it may be animal, bird or water insects, plants but all are made out of five elements and hence it has to pass through six stages as birth growth childhood, youthfulness, sickness, and death. As we see the difference in TAT and TVAM, we think about duality as we read it as two words but if we have complete and pure knowledge we understand that they both are like father and son of the same kind and destiny and hence looks different but they are one and the same. This is considered knowledge. Hence Shankaracharyaji says until and unless you do not understand the meaning of TATVAMASI you would remain in the cycle of birth and death.

यावन्नतत्वंपदयोरर्थः सम्यग्विचार्यते।

तावदेव नृणांबंधो मृत्युसंसारलक्षणः।। (सर्ववेदांत-सिद्धांत-सारसंग्रह)

And when you understand that SAT, CHIT AND ANAND Swaroop of Paramatma and you is a part of Perfect eternity. You would feel liberation from AGYANMTIMIR ANDHAKAR.

Lord Shri Krishna says that O Arjun! You understand that the knowledge of this KSHETRA and KSHETRAGYA, Jiv, and the universe is known as pure knowledge. It simply states that our body is connected with the abundance of all the universe and whatever we feel as far is within us and whatever is within our body in the form of five elements create universe when Shri Krishna uses the word MAM it is not used for him as only I, but it includes all the livings as they are part of HIM. As we have me, mine myself are various forms of MAM including all the numerous elements of the universe, whatever Arjun could see, as Krishna is only a Sakar form of that Paramatma but he dwells in each and every particle of universe livings and non-livings in Sakar Swaroop is earth river mountains forests, valleys and whatever, we see as Padarth while he dwells in Nirakar Swaroop also as air everywhere. Hence Paramatma insists Arjun understand the unity of Jiv and Paramatma and believe in the non-duality of both. This knowledge of KSHETRA AND KSHETRAGYA is vividly described by Rishi Munis in various Stotram and Rucha of Vedas. It is repeatedly told in stanzas of the Brahma sutra. Even the father of all, Rishi Vedvyasji says to Parashar Muni; AHAM TVAM CHA TATHANYE You and I mean all the livings on this planet on land, in water and air are parts of Paramatma. We all are considered as holy Divyatma even we may live in any kind of body. Kathopnishad too talks about three versions of Paramatma bodies of livings soul that dwells within them and Paramatma who is the creator of all the five elements and various holy TATITARIYA Upanishad talks about five Kosh of Paramatma known as Annamay Kosh, Gyanmay Kosh Vigyanmay Kosh Anand may Kosh. In the universe whatever we eat to grow and sustain our physical bodies, creates the growth of our body hence Annamay Kosh is responsible for the growth of the physical body. A healthy body makes a person think and hence Manomaya Kosh is a root cause of our thoughts beliefs opinion and learning all these things needed to sustain ourselves when Manomaya Kosh think about worldly success and achievements and after realization of worldly success and achievements and after realization of worldly happiness a Sadhak turns to think about Paramatma and liberation which creates our knowledge. Brahman and it is known as Vigyanmay Kosh while a Sadhak understands both GYAN VIGYAN worldly knowledge and knowledge of Para Brahma Para and Apara Prakruti he is filled with Aanandmay Kosh. Brahma Sutra talks about action root and creation. When it says NA VIPADSHRUTE it talks about action karma good or bad when it talks about NATMA SHRUTE , it talks about JIV and when it talks about PARANU TASHRUYATE it suggests the realization of Paramatma the only resting abode for all the livings.

Then which are the six things described by Krishna that a person should know about kshetra and khetragya ?

Let us surrender to our God and JAGAT GURU Shri Krishna to quench our thirst of knowledge...

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