Chapter-(487) When Kal decided to kill all, what should I do, asks ...?

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When Paramatma in Kal Swaroop decided to kill all the Aatatayi, what should I do, asks Arjun?

Aitariay Upanishad says AATMA VA IDAM आत्मा वा इदम् (1-1-1) the power of Paramatma creates sustains and destroys this Sansar. Paramatma enters in all the bodies of livings as ''I am the only Brahm.'' There is no separate soul except Brahm. There is no separate soul than an ANSH अंश of Paramatma in all the livings. Rig-Veda says SURYA ATMA JAGATSTARTTHUSHCHA: सूर्य आत्मा जगतस्थुषश्र्चः Sun is the soul of all the livings and non-livings (1-115-1). Everything is under the control of Surya Mandalam. SURYAMANDALMANTVARTI सूर्यमण्डलामान्वर्ती While Aitariay- Upanishad says PRAGYANA BRAHM प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म (3-1-13) Soul shows his PRAGMA SWAROOP प्रज्ञा स्वरुप and hence no self-realization support abandoning Karma of a human being. If everything is destined and decided by Paramatma, why Arjun have to act like a killer of relatives? Now, Paramatma tells Arjun that it is his duty to do his destined Karma NO YOTSYAYE नो योत्स्ये (2-9) is not an excuse ISHAVASYAM UPANISHAD says that KURVANNEVEH KARMANI JIJIVISHECHCHHRTAMSAMA कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेच्छतँसमाः (35-2) A person should wish that he could live hundred years and do his allotted described karma without having the desire of fruits and without the pride and ego as a doer-KARTABHIMAN कर्ताभिमान.It is said by the VAJSEN वाजसेन Branch of knowledge that an average life span of a human body is hundred years. He could not sit still without doing any karma. AITARIYAARANYAKएतैरिय आरण्यक says hat TAVANTI PURUSHAYUSHOAHAYAM SAHASTRANI BHAVANTI.तावन्ति पुरुषायुषोङह्वां सहस्त्रामि भवन्ति An average life span of a Purush is thirty-six thousand days and he should utilize every day even in his old age in doing his karma . Chhandogya Upanishad told him that TATVAMASI तत्वमसि You ae that Brahma but when Aadi Purush desires to do karma He desires that he should have a wife as BRUHAD UPANISHAD says SOAKAMAYAT JAYA ME SMAT सोङकामयत जाया मे स्यात् and both of us, together as a source of Energy of Brahma BIJ and instrumental power of Paramatma SHAKTI शक्ति would create Sansar according to your desire as; UBHE उभे ह्येते एषणे एव (BRU. 3 5-3-5-1-44-22) and then they are dedicated to themselves to PANCH KARMAपंच कर्म daily. Hence it is said that YAVADJJIVAMGNIHOTRAM JUHOTI यावज्जीवमग्निहोत्रं जुहोति.I will do Agnihotra till I am alive and hence wife, son, DAIVVIT MANUSHVIT, and karma are known as PAKTA KARMA but when a Sadhak becomes free from this basic ignorance, he becomes free from Sansar and his consciousness is said to be awakened.

मूलाज्ञानविनाशेन कारणाभासचेष्टितैः।

बंधो न मेङतिस्वल्पोङपि स्वप्नजाग्रद्रदितीर्यते।।

He becomes free and not a single tie of Sansar can bind him but still, this status is known as SWAPNAJAGRAT स्वप्नजाग्रत a half-dream and half awakening. The same position is shown here by Arjun when he is confused about his karma and asks Paramatma when you have decided to kill all even if I do not do any karma all are going to die, then why should I be activated myself in blood shaded war? What should I do, if you are doing and decided everything in advance?

To this Paramatma says him TVAM UTISTHAत्वम् उतिष्ठ Awake and arise, do your karma. You have to play your role. You have to fight for justice and religion. You have to win over your enemies. You have to win over your weaknesses. You have to enjoy the fruits of your victory as kingship and ownership of land full of grains and prosperity. You are the SELECTED one by destiny and you have to do your karma. You are the vessel of my desire and by fulfilling your duty, you will earn name and fame in Sansar. Relax and don't be full of pride that you are the winner and don't feel guilty about killing all the relatives. Be free from desires of gain and pain. Just act your director tell you on the stage of Sansar. If you think that you have killed all the relatives, you will be upset and full of sorrow and if you think that you win because of your power and strength, the bravery you have shown in the war of Mahabharat on the war field of Kurukshetra you will be full of pride and ego. In both ways, you will bind yourself with the fruit of your karma.

FALESAKTO NIBVYATE फले सक्तो निबध्यते (5-11) but if you accept your karma as your destined karma and do not expect any gain or profit from your karma you will be free from your bondage of karma winning and defeating both are in the hands of Paramatma. You just have to do your karma. As it is said that when you do your karma as

चिदात्माहं परात्माहं निर्गुणोङहं परात्परः।

आत्ममात्रेण यस्तिष्ठेत्स जीवन्मुक्त उच्यते ।।

I AM THE SOUL of Chaitanya Swaroop of Paramatma I am beyond all the trio-virtues as SATVA, RAJAS and TAMAS hence I feel no happiness or feeling of revenge in killing all the enemies in the war, nor I feel unhappiness seeing dead bodies of my relatives but I would remain happy internally in whatever situation Paramatma puts me I would be free from the fear of life and death and I would be eligible for liberation Even though a person seems to act inspired by attachment, envy, jealousy or fear if his heart is pure and clear like cloudless sky he is considered as an eligible Sadhak for liberation.

यद्यत्स्वाभिमतं वस्तु तत्तयजन्मोक्षमश्नुते।

असंकल्पेन शस्त्रेण छिन्न् चपत्तमिदं यदा ।।

A person who can abandon his favorite things his beloved persons, is considered a knowledgeable person. He could be eligible for liberation when he abandons the pride and ego as a doer and becomes humble surrenders to the desires of Paramatma he could be free from the bondage of his karma Arjun is addressed here as SAVYASACHIN सव्यसाचिन्who can throw arrows with both the hands

उभौ मे दक्षिणौ पाणी गाण्डीवस्य विकर्षणे।

तेन देवमनुष्येषु सव्यसाचीति मां विदुः ।।(महाभारत –विराट-44-11)

Here Paramatma meant to say that I have already decided to end this Kaurav dynasty and destruction of all evil elements through this war of Mahabharat but you do your karma with your total might as you are SAYASACHIN because by being m instrument you could be blessed by me and would name and fame because of war skill, power, strength, and bravery without any feeling of guilt or revenge NIMITTMATREN निमित्त मात्रेण When Paramatma is with Arjun, Arjun has to win

अहम् ब्रह्मास्म्यहं ब्रह्मास्म्यहं ब्रह्मेति निश्र्चयः।

चिदहं चिदहं चेति स जीवनमुक्त उच्यते ।।

Then how to be only NIMITTMATEN?

Let us understand from our great God and Jagat Guru Shri Krishna...

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