Chapter-(562) How to accept what we see is untruth and what is invisible ..?

Start from the beginning

Generally speaking, a Sadhak has to pass through seven stages in the process of learning. When a desire to acquire knowledge awakens-शुभेच्छा , it is considered as the first step. When he starts thinking about why do I remain ignorant about my origin and source of my birth and destination-death, about my growth and development of physical, mental and spiritual consciousness till today; is considered as the second stage of learning-विचारणा .He prays God to show him the path of truth from untruth and darkness of ignorance of his intellect transforming into bright-lit awakening ,fear of death into fearlessness-immortality of a soul and bless him heavenly peace .

असतो मा सद्गमय । तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।

मृत्योर्माङमृतम् गमय । माविद्विषा वहै।। ओम् शान्तिः शान्तिःशान्तिः।।

Third standard's syllabus includes the knowledge of KSHAR-क्षर and AKSHAR-अक्षर with Para and Apara Vidhya अपरा विद्या so his attachment to Sansar becomes weak in bonding day by day. This situation is known as TANUMANSI- तनुमानसी. When his mind feels total detachment from all the worldly matters and he could control his Rajas and Tamas virtues by practicing Yoga, only Satva virtue remains enveloping his mind, and this state of mind is considered as SATVAPATTI -सत्त्वापत्ति-means detachment from everything and everybody. When a Sadhak practices more and more practice to encourage his Satva virtues and win over Rajas and Tamas completely, Satva virtue could yield him miraculous results. This stage is known as SAMSAKTI- संसक्ति. The next standard is known as PADARTHA BHAVNA पदार्था भावना in which a Sadhak involved deeply in his Sadhana and meditates regularly. He would be totally detached from inner and outer both the worlds. Only when someone tries to wake him up, he would be conscious about his position as where he is sitting and what he is doing. When this kind of practice is done for a long time, a Sadhak can sit in meditation for hours, days, months and years without food or other basic amenities in home or in the jungle wherever he is and he forgets his position of his mind and body and dwells as if he is a soul only and this state of meditation is known as TURYAGAVASTHA तुर्यगावस्धा. The seventh standard make him eligible for the entry on the state of liberation whether he is a family man or a Sadhu, Yogi or Muni. He would feel unification with Paramatma with his trio body, in trio position of his body as JAGRUTI-जागृति, SUSHUPTI-सुषुप्ति and dreaming- स्वप्न. In this Turiya- तुरीय state of mind a Sadhak would not see this universe as Padarth- पदार्थ and all the visible things as separated from him, he become free from the confusion of truth and untruth.

इदं जगदयं सोङयं दृश्यजातमवास्तवम् ।

यस्य चित्ते न स्फुरति स जीवन्मुक्त उच्यते।।

Now, a Sadhak sees entire universe within him and himself as a part of Paramatma 24*7*365 days and nights and he could attain happiness in all kinds of Situations, anywhere and in any kind of company of people, So, it is said in SHETASWETARUPANISHAD

नित्यो नित्यानां चेतनश्र्चेतनानामेको बहुनां यो विदधाति कामान्।

तमात्मस्थं येङनुपश्यन्ति धीरांस्तेषां शान्तिं शाश्र्वती नेतरेषाम्।।

A Sadhak remains in eternal ecstasy as he feels company of Paramatma who is omnipresent, omniscient one and only in multiple forms, who is the ultimate source of fulfillment of desires and who develops in his body whichever kind of body he has ; so, he is free from the fear of death and rebirth and he will feel peace of mind and coolness of a mother's lap and fearlessness as if he were close to the heart of Paramatma.

But for the attainment of this stage of knowledge and liberations, A Sadhak should purify his body, mind and speech, purity of heart and love for everybody as an essential condition to live happily forever.

To live in various bodies, to enter in another body and to enjoy various Padarth are three different function of trio bodies but soul is one and the same. It is a matter of our daily experience that nothing is permanent and no living ,non-living, events and situations remain the same for all the time. Everything changes with time and the process of growth and development goes on every minutes and death is the end of all the physical and Visible actions of STHULA SHARIR with our five senses KARMENDRIYA we see, touch, taste ,smell and listen to words along with above three actions of abandoning body, entering in to another new body and entertaining senses through bodies as a witness of all the actions for all the eight kinds of kriya-actions; but soul remains detached from everything because gain and loss, getting the desired and missing them is the only truth of Sansar. When a Sadhak tries to acquire knowledge through above discussed seven stages of learning Yoga, with his pure heart, he would be free from all the negative Vikars and authority of Vikari elements. When we think our body as my body ,it is a sign of pride and ego and when we love our body and remain attached to it ,takes care and decorate it ,try to entertain our mind through various organs of Gyanendriyas it is MAMTA -attachment -MOHA .so, we cannot differentiate what is truth and what is untruth only who has faith in his own self -soul Swaroop; can attain happiness forever. But one has to attain Paramatma with faith as he really exists and secondly, he has to accept him as an eternal element with faith and then the eternity would bless him and he could see him everywhere.

अस्तीत्येवोपलब्धव्यस्तत्त्वभावेन चोभयोः।

अस्तीत्येवोपलब्धस्य ततत्वभावः प्रसीदति।।

Sthula bodies do kriya, Sukshma body does CHINTAN-pondering over thoughts and Karan Sharir practices SAMADHI. Then how does a Sadhak sees Paramatma in all the living and non-living?

Let us surrender to our great God and Jagat Guru Lord Shri Krishna to be accepted by him as his pupil शिष्यस्तेङहम् शाधिमाम् प्रपन्ने ...Om Tat Sat ...Shri Krishnarpanmastu..

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