I fidgeted not knowing what was about to be said. Then remembered my appearance.

"Oh well let me go change, real quick, I said feeling embarrassed. "

"I don't have time for your costume changes Mrs. Wallace. You decided to answer the door like that so you can remain that way while I say what I need to say," she told me. 

"I didn't know I was answering the door to my Boss," I replied.

"And answering that way to some complete stranger is better?" she asked accusingly.

 "No. I forgot how I was dressed until I was just trying to get my food, I replied feeling more embarrassed as I stood here defending myself.

"I don't know how one forgets their naked but nonetheless. You will remain like that now have a seat, Mrs. Wallace," she ordered.

I start to sit reflexively used to taking orders from her at work but then I remember.

"No. I am not at work I do not have to take orders from you. I am at my house and I don't feel comfortable with you looking at me in my towel while we talk, I said standing up for myself. 

"Don't worry I have no interest in looking at your body Mrs. Wallace, she replied.

That kind of made me feel some type of way. Why didn't she have any interest in me? I mean I don't want her to but hearing that she doesn't makes me feel a way. I feel like she means it too it's just like that day she saw me topless at the spa. It was like she looked right thru me she didn't acknowledge my naked breast then and now she's barely acknowledging the fact that I'm naked aside from a small towel barely covering my curvy body. 

"Ok first off stop Mrs. Wallacing me we are not at work. and 2ndly I don't care what your intentions are or aren't I'm getting dressed," I say crossing my arms over my chest defiantly.

"Let me make one thing clear Mrs. Wallace. I am at your place right now because You were not at work today. Because You decided to get drunk drag my girlfriend to the casino and leave me to bail you out of your situation, again. So I'm here making an after-hours visit to my employee to see if I need to enforce the No-call No-show rule or if I want to give her a second chance. Now I'm going to tell you one more time Take a seat, Mrs. Wallace, she said sternly. 

I found myself slowly lowering myself onto the couch though my arms stayed crossed and my mind still protested my body moved automatically. I was mindful of my current situation and realized it might be better to cooperate to keep my job. 

"Good. Now I'm going to speak and you're going to listen. I will ask you questions and you will answer them respectfully. Depending on these answers will determine whether you have a job at the end of this conversation or not. Do you understand," she said. 

I nodded my head and my heart raced and I prayed that I said whatever words needed to be said to keep my job. 

"Use your words," she told me.

"Ya Yes, Mrs. Dynasty, I said addressing her politely uncrossing my arms and placing my hand into my lap.

I squirmed in my seat her tall frame lingered over me looking down at me with those glaring eyes of dominance. I knew that from her view she had a great bit of cleavage to look at. I felt chills as water dripped down onto my shoulder from my still-wet hair.

"Now Mrs. Wallace let's double check if my memory serves me correctly. Yesterday I ended your probation and had you sign a contract to become a full-time employee with full-time benefits isn't that correct?" she asked.

I looked up at her feeling small like a child that was about to be chastised. 

 "Yes, Ma'am."

"I then allowed you and Trinity to go out and celebrate with promises from the two of you that you would be responsible even acknowledging you had work the next morning. Correct?" she asked.

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