298 What They Remembered Him For

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If Ye Yang had known what the people around him were thinking, he probably would have sighed and looked up at the sky in the hope that this way, nobody could interpret anything odd into his behavior. At the same time, he'd also have to admit that this was to be expected. The demons simply were like that.

Of course, they were still wrong. He had no interest in opening up a harem like Jin Ling or those other kings before him. Even though the chance was small, he still hoped for true ... well, not love since that was impossible but at least a true companion whom he could trust and share whatever feelings were left with. He wouldn't casually pick someone just because they were pretty and could paint well. Not that being pretty wouldn't factor into his decision but it was only a small part of what he'd look for in a spouse.

Ah, well, it didn't matter. It'd likely be years before he should even start to think about this. Right now, he needed to keep away from other people, both to protect the one he cared about and also to change the impression the demons had of what their king should look like. Just let him be alone for a few years or decades and the first idea the demons came up with the next time they saw him talking to a pretty person wouldn't be that he was definitely into them but that he was once again planning something ingenuous. Anyway, for the time being, all of Ye Yang's thoughts were on the current painting competition.

He helplessly watched as the depiction of the capital city's street was switched to that of his heroic victory over Yong Hai or whatever that painting was supposed to express. Then, the next painting was carried outside and the guards started to count anew.

The whole process took several hours but finally, the last painting was carried back inside, leaving the one that had won the most votes from the audience standing alone on a small pedestal in front of the pagoda. Looking at it, Ye Yang only felt numb. Almost as expected — or maybe rather feared —, the only painting that could win over win trying to suck up to his pride as a warrior was the one appealing to his passion as a man.

Yes, it was precisely that amorous painting of Jin Ling that he had seen before. Admittedly, it was very well done, very life-like. Jin Ling's eyes on the scroll seemed to glitter in faint sunlight and his copper-colored hair was softly draped over his shoulder, showcasing the faint curves of his slender body.

To be honest, if it had been in the past, Ye Yang would have admired this painting very much. Looking at it now though ... his heart simply felt empty. The person depicted was already gone, never to open those eyes again in real life. It didn't help that what this painting showed was only the beautiful and alluring side of Jin Ling as if he had been nothing more than that. Seeing this, Ye Yang felt uncomfortable all over.

His feelings for Jin Ling were complicated. Had he been bewitched by his beauty and craved to sleep with him because it placated his ego? Definitely. Did he think that Jin Ling had been great as the king of the demon race? Not really. Frankly, this person had wanted to be king as little as he himself did and it showed in the way he went about things. But maybe that was precisely why he felt so uncomfortable seeing Jin Ling depicted like this.

This was how people were remembered in the demon realm: superficial and without any kind of substance. One day, someone might paint a scroll like this of him. At that time, what would they choose to portray? His handsome face? The bit of valiance he had shown in battle? A man bogged down by constant worry? He had no idea and that was the issue that made him feel reluctant to look at that painting displayed up there.

Who was he? What did he want to achieve? And what would he ultimately be remembered for?

Jin Ling had been more than a pretty facade but he hadn't had any bigger ambition. He simply seemed to be biding his time for something, even if nobody ever knew what exactly that was. Even after finding out a little more, Ye Yang still couldn't say for sure what had gone through Jin Ling's mind and thus, there might not be a single person who could remember him for who he had truly been. One day, he would be forgotten, turning into a nameless beauty on a scroll.

That wasn't the ending he deserved. Even though he hadn't been great as king, he had at least brought them some stability and he had done his best with what he was given. He ought to be remembered for something more than just having a pretty face.

Ye Yang felt complicated seeing this painting win and almost wished that the ludicrous battle scene managed to snatch the title after all. But no matter what he privately thought, this was the painting that had garnered the most votes. Even though he was aware that this wasn't necessarily because people thought that this was actually good as a painting and many had likely just speculated on his feelings for Jin Ling, it was still the outcome of the competition. Since he wanted fairness, he had to honor this result even if it pained him.

Restoring his calm, Ye Yang finally got to his feet and walked up to the front of the pagoda, taking the steps of the pedestal to stand next to the painting. Now was the moment for the grand speech he had prepared, the first cornerstone of his future reign. He couldn't be distracted now. No, now was the moment to give his all so that he could lead the demons to a better future ... and give himself something worth being remembered for.

Oh. My. Fate?! (BL, Volume 12, Part 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang