306 At the Gates of the Capital City

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With Jing He's speed, they needed a lot more time than Ye Yang normally would but he didn't push the Son of Heaven too much. If he felt that he could indeed fly a little faster, he would speed up just the slightest bit and check whether Jing He could still keep up. This way, they finally saw the walls surrounding the capital city in the far distance.

Ye Yang imperceptibly heaved a sigh of relief. Jing He hadn't complained a single time and nothing had really happened while flying over but he had to admit that his nerves were tense the whole time. This person had been found in his realm by his own people and finally been escorted by himself. If anything were to happen to him, he'd have hell to pay. He really wanted nothing more than to hand him over to someone trustworthy, preferably either the dragon king or maybe a family member. In fact, he still preferred the dragon king.

This might be his own biased view but he had interacted with that person before and while they couldn't be considered friends and he didn't think that the dragon king necessarily had a good opinion of him either, they could at least be counted as acquaintances who had some common ground. Based on that, if they saw each other, the dragon king should at least listen to him. He wasn't sure if the same was true for the Heavenly Emperor. Not to mention that he had heard that the latter was a rather unreasonable person ...

The two people continued flying toward the walled city and finally, they also saw the reason why they hadn't seen anybody on the way: Lin Shi was still standing in front of the gate, apparently not having been able to see either the Heavenly Emperor or the dragon king.

Ye Yang clicked his tongue and turned to Jing He. "I'm afraid my subordinate was indeed not able to tell your people that you have returned. My apologies for that. Our reputation is ... not good. That sometimes makes matters a little difficult. I should have considered that and found somebody else to deliver the message."

Jing He looked at him in confusion, silently wondering who else he wanted to find in the demon realm. But no matter what, the demon king had helped him this time so it didn't seem appropriate to make any demands. "Thank you for your concern, Mojun, but it is alright. Even if the message couldn't be delivered, you personally escorted me back. If anything, I should be the one to apologize for causing so much trouble."

Ye Yang requited his gaze and sighed inwardly. No wonder the dragon king was smitten with the Son of Heaven. This type of gentle beauty could easily make hearts flutter. "Well, as long as you don't mind. I'll bring you to the gate and then we can see where to go from there." He didn't necessarily want to accompany him any further than that but ... he couldn't help but remember that right now, An Bai should still be in the city as well.

Ye Yang glanced at the sky, feeling the need to sigh again but this time at his own behavior. An Bai likely didn't want to see him and it wasn't smart to do so either. Yes, it was unlikely to cause any issues this time since seeing one of the dragon king's advisers while delivering the dragon king's lover back home was a pretty normal thing to do. But what about his heart?

He had caught himself thinking of that little white-haired beauty quite often in the past months. Surely, that wouldn't become better if he went to see him. On the contrary, he was afraid that the longing would only intensify. He really shouldn't do that to himself. He was well aware of that. And yet ... he really wanted to.

Come to think of it, if he didn't go now, when would he have the chance again? An Bai was staying in the Nine Heavens for the time being and Lin Shi's fate today was proof that getting inside without breaking in was rather difficult for a demon. Things might be easier after he returned to the dragon realm but Ye Yang had no idea when that would be and he wouldn't have a ready-made excuse to do so either. Today was different.

As the two of them got closer, the guards at the gate naturally noticed them and looked up. At first, seeing Ye Yang and noticing how Lin Shi straightened up when she saw him, they felt disdainful. Then, they looked at the person next to him.

That ... Wasn't that their crown prince?

Jing He landed next to Ye Yang as soon as they arrived at the gate but he felt awkward. He had been gone for so long and part of what had happened couldn't be mentioned in front of others. Suddenly being brought back by the demon king ... it seemed to tell a story that should be terrifying to their people but was actually completely wrong. He had no idea how to explain though or if he should at all.

Ye Yang glanced at him and then directly turned back to the two guards. "Well, as you can see, I brought back your crown prince. Lin Shi should have told you. Have the Heavenly Emperor and the dragon king been informed yet?" It sure didn't look that way but ... he wasn't here to embarrass the guards. He just wanted to hand the person over.

The two guards exchanged a glance. In fact, they hadn't believed the demon woman at first and had argued with her but considering what this was about, they had naturally sent someone to inform the Heavenly Emperor in the end. It was just that they still hadn't heard back even after so long. Maybe her not leaving yet should have told them something but they were still shocked to suddenly see the Son of Heaven.

One of the guards finally got back his bearings after a moment and hastily bowed his head. "I am sorry. We sent word but didn't receive a reply. We should have checked in again. Let us send somebody and accompany Your Highness inside."

Jing He nodded but turned to Ye Yang. This person had brought him back. Politeness demanded that he invite him along. "Mojun ..."

Ye Yang inclined his head. "Well, I'll come with you." In the end, he just couldn't resist the chance of seeing An Bai. Even if it was idiotic to do, he still wanted to and he couldn't help but indulge now that the opportunity had presented itself.

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