238 His Advisers Should Be Satisfied

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Rong Su hadn't warmed up to Qiu Ling but the latter had become a lot more proficient in simply ignoring the other.

Right now, Qiu Ling hardly noticed the disapproving stare he got from the side any longer and simply focused on the document in front. It was the latest report from the dragon realm, telling him about the news from the capital city and also everything Fu Min had gathered from the other regions. There was nothing spectacular in there, much to his dismay.

Qiu Ling tiredly lifted his brush and dipped it in the ink, adding a few notes here and there. It had been entirely too long since he saw Jing He the last time. He knew he shouldn't think about it. He had to give him time and wait patiently. He just ... wasn't that much of a patient person. Not when it came to this.

Putting the document aside, Qiu Ling barely suppressed a sigh and picked up the next one. This one came from An Bai and detailed the information he and the group of half-bloods had unearthed from the Tower of Wisdom. He received these reports about once a week and since he had started to show more interest, An Bai had taken the liberty of making them longer. Right now, he was grateful for that. It kept him from worrying about how things were currently looking in the High Heavens for a while at least.

Qiu Ling slowly read through the report, once again marking a few spots he thought deserved further research or maybe at least a discussion among the scholars of the dragon realm. None of this was something that could be solved in a short amount of time. In fact, some of these things weren't to be solved at all but only to be considered. But this was the kind of thing that would advance the level of relationship they had with the gods and also better the life of the half-bloods so all of these considerations were worth it.

Next up was a report from another group of half-bloods who were in the dragon realm right now. Some of them were those who had at first tried to research together with An Bai and the others but had realized that they had little ability in that regard. Some were those who had later heard about the subtle changes occurring in the capital city and had relocated there to see it happen with their own eyes.

Back then, when he gathered all of them for the first time, he had promised them major changes. Changes they would be allowed to head. He hadn't forgotten about that promise even though it had been a while since it had been made. With the abrupt end of Jing Yi's trial, his own descent into madness, and then Jing He's so-called 'disappearance', things had stalled a little.

The half-bloods understood since each of them also had a part dragon blood and they had mostly grown up in the dragon realm as well so they were familiar enough with the importance of a dragon's partner. Still, he had left this matter unattended for much too long so he had finally started to get busy with this.

The exchange was a little awkward since he was currently trapped in the Nine Heavens but ... since he wanted them to head this change and only take on a guiding role, then it was alright not to be there in person as well. Anyway, he had Xiang Yong check up on them regularly and also received regular reports about their status. So overall, this could be considered a successful start even if they were still far from achieving their final goal. But then, this seemed to only be the fifth or maybe sixth report he received from them so that wasn't too odd.

This matter was important and the attitude he showed toward it was even more important. Thus, Qiu Ling didn't simply add a few notes. Instead, he picked up an empty scroll and carefully wrote a detailed response with all his thoughts. He praised where he thought they were doing well but also cautioned them where he thought more considerations were necessary. He sprinkled in some advice he believed could be helpful, and finally encouraged them to continue and get back in touch.

When the last word was written, Qiu Ling put down the brush and looked his letter over. Only after ensuring that all of it was unambiguous and showed his full appreciation for them and their work, did he roll up the scroll and put it aside.

Next ... well, next was yet another report that had been sent through Xiang Yong but this one came from him personally. It regarded the state of his endeavors toward bridging the gap between the dragons and the spirit beasts. He wasn't as detailed with it as An Bai was with his reports about his research but he did include a few of the more important points.

Anyway, he had mentioned in a previous report that Zheng Yin — who was helping with the initial stage of this matter — had taken to writing down every insight and was regularly organizing them. By the end of this, they might have several tomes of information which compared the dragons and spirit beasts which would be a good basis for further development.

Qiu Ling faintly nodded to himself as he read the latest report. He was very satisfied with this. In fact, he had nothing to add but a note that Xiang Yong should proceed as he had so far. Well, this wasn't surprising. Among all of his advisers, Xiang Yong was indeed the one who made him worry the least.

The most surprising part was probably that he found the time to take on such a project next to all the other things he had to do. But then, being able to just report and then have him make the decisions was likely much better than before. Yes, his advisers should be satisfied with his recent work. It was a pity that he himself was very dissatisfied with his life. Ah, he just wanted to see Jing He again ...

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