226 He Couldn't Understand

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Jing He hated imagining either of these scenarios. The worst thing about it was that even though he forced himself to try and think it through, this hadn't brought him any closer to a resolution. He still didn't know which one the right choice was and couldn't even tell which of the two might constitute the lesser evil. He knew nothing. He had no way forward. Both choices seemed as if they would end in heartache not just for him but for everyone else and could have dire consequences.

He furrowed his brows and went back inside, sitting down at the table. He knew he couldn't push it off forever. He had to come up with a solution. But while Tian had promised to help him, he seemed to have only given him very general advice which didn't help him at all. Did the Supreme Sovereign not have any insight that could shed some light on this situation?

He felt that Tian should have some way. With his experience and his power, could there truly be something he knew so little about that he couldn't at least give advice? But for one reason or another, he refused to tell him. Instead, he forced him to think about such a situation which clearly had no way out for him. All of it was horrible and that was only based on the few consequences he could think of at the moment. There were certainly many more things he hadn't even taken into consideration yet.

For example, what about his family's bloodline? If his father refused to accept his relationship and cut off any contact they had, then ... would he not want somebody else to inherit the throne? Then what would happen? Of course, Tian himself had a vested interest in keeping him alive so maybe he would help out in this regard, preserving his life and not letting his father sire another child that could condemn him to die.

But then what? His father was unlikely to accept the child he had had with Qiu Ling so he might not want to pass the throne onto them either. Would the Nine Heavens be without a ruler then? Or would his father continue in that position for all eternity, unless something happened to him? And if that were the case ... would the gods truly accept someone the previous generation had rejected?

Maybe he was worrying too much though. With Tian present, all obstacles to his son's reincarnation would likely be eliminated before they could ever become a big problem. He should simply trust in that.

Yes, if this child was announced as the true Son of Heaven, as the reincarnation of his child, and if maybe even Tian himself made an appearance ... wouldn't the gods be willing to accept this child, no matter what the previous Heavenly Emperor had said and done? So it seemed that at least this was one worry he didn't need to have.

Of course, one thing less to worry about didn't make his situation any better. This couldn't change all the other issues they would face, after all. There was nothing that could. Well, apart from his father's attitude toward Qiu Ling changing but he had little hope of that.

Jing He took out the letters Qiu Ling had handed him. Quite a few had accumulated by now, showing vividly how many days had gone by since he woke up. Before that, there had been even more time passing while he was not yet awake again after his fall. It was ... a sobering thought.

How long would it take to find the answer to all his questions? How much longer until he could leave behind the days of being a fallen god and become a trueborn god again? He wanted to change back as soon as he could but ... he simply didn't know how to do it.

Even if he found which of his two choices would have the better results, would that really make a difference? His issue had never only been that he couldn't grasp the possible futures that lay ahead of him. No, he hated the thought of either Qiu Ling or his father hating him or feeling disappointed in him. He didn't want to make a choice that would make him lose either of them. And this was the whole reason he now was in this dilemma, wasn't it?

He had pushed it off for so long that the situation became more and more dire. His life was already entwined with Qiu Ling and nothing could change that. Meanwhile, he had made promises to his father he now couldn't keep. There simply was no option to get out of this without hurting either of them.

Jing He quietly pulled the letters out of their envelopes one by one and glanced over the densely written lines, hoping to find some sign of hope that his father may come around after all and that he wouldn't have to continue to worry about all of this.

Unfortunately, no matter how he looked, he found nothing that suggested any type of progress. His father was still just as unhappy with Qiu Ling. In fact, from the bits and pieces that Qiu Ling mentioned in his letters, things might have even gotten worse. It sure sounded like his father felt even more resentful of his fiance now that he had to live in the same place every day.

Jing He lowered the paper and his brows furrowed. Just why was his father like this? Qiu Ling hadn't done anything to displease him, had he? Maybe he hadn't been as thoughtful in the past but at that time, the relationship between their races hadn't been as close. The alliance was a mutual decision to benefit both sides but not a sign of friendship. Now though, there was a chance to pull closer together, wasn't that a good thing? He just couldn't understand why his father didn't want to even try. Wouldn't that be the best for everyone?

Oh. My. Fate?! (BL, Volume 12, Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now