329 Together at the Palace of Love

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The group made their way through the streets, going to the Palace of Love. They didn't take the direct route though, worried that Rong Su might have someone keep an eye on Bai Fen's palace because he knew that his son and Qiu Ling had been there the last few days. Since they didn't want him to know about the wedding ceremony ahead of time, they naturally couldn't let him know about their visit to the Tree of Love. That would be too obvious of a clue as to what they were planning.

With Qiang Yan, Qiu Ling, Jinde, and Leng Jin Yu in their group, they weren't too worried about not noticing anyone who followed them. Still, they walked around in a big circle, making sure that there really was nobody before separating and walking into the palace in pairs.

Bai Fen sighed as soon as her brother closed the doors behind them and furrowed her brows. "I can't believe my husband is making me act this ridiculously. This is supposed to be a joyous occasion but we have to sneak around like this. It's unbelievable!"

Qiang Yan could only smile wryly. Rong Su's behavior had been unreasonable for as long as they knew him. It was just that Bai Fen had mostly turned a blind eye or just told him off so he reined himself in. It was only now that they really couldn't reconcile their stances that they had to do so much to make sure he didn't catch them red-handed while following the pre-wedding customs.

In front, Jing He turned around to look at them, his expression downcast. He knew what might happen in the future now that he had decided against his father. His parents would likely divorce sooner or later and his uncle ... it was doubtful he'd be able to keep his position for long. He felt guilty but ... he couldn't decide any other way. Not when Qiu Ling's life was at stake.

Looking up at his lover, Jing He leaned against him and closed his eyes. He ... would try to make it up to his family. Even if he couldn't help his mother save her marriage, he would at least make sure that her life afterward wasn't that bad. In fact, this should be easy, shouldn't it? He would be living in the dragon realm with Qiu Ling so maybe, if she wanted to follow them, she could also live with them and he would take care of her to make up for what she had lost.

Qiu Ling hugged Jing He, also glancing at Bai Fen and Qiang Yan. He could imagine what had his beloved so down. He hated seeing it but even though he wanted to give him the full wedding experience that he deserved, in their situation, it just wasn't possible. He sighed and quietly kissed the top of Jing He's head. "Don't think about it. Soon, we'll be married. Even if it isn't happening exactly the way we dreamed it would, at least the result is still the same: We'll be together for the rest of our lives, with nobody able to separate us any longer."

Jing He nodded and wrapped his arms around Qiu Ling's waist. Yes, this was indeed the case. Some things he just had to live with. And anyway, he was sure that Qiu Ling would help him and his family through whatever happened later so he didn't have to be afraid.

Opening his eyes again, he raised his head to look at his lover, slowly calming down. Yes, they were together. Soon, it would be official. He just had to focus on that and not think too much about everything else.

Walking over, Bai Fen patted her son's shoulder, not wanting to lose more time. "Let's go. It's not getting any earlier."

Jing He inclined his head but still looked up at Qiu Ling first.

His lover requited his gaze and leaned in, brushing his lips against Jing He's. "Yes, let's follow your mother."

Jing He's cheeks flushed red and he hurriedly looked around but nobody seemed to pay attention to them. He heaved a sigh of relief and let go of Qiu Ling's waist, turning to follow his mother.

Qiu Ling smiled, reached out, and grabbed his hand before slowly walking further into the palace with him.

At this time, the corridors and courtyards were all deserted as if everyone in the palace had suddenly turned extremely busy, unable to spare even a moment to step outside. Of course, this had been arranged by Qiang Yan beforehand so they wouldn't accidentally run into anyone who might then excitedly spread the news that the Son of Heaven and the dragon king had come to the Palace of Love together. That kind of rumor would absolutely spread like wildfire and sooner or later reach Rong Su's ears. With only a few more days left until the actual ceremony, they couldn't let that happen. Thus, this part of the ceremony would also be done with only the six of them and the God of Love himself.

A moment later, their group reached the inner courtyard. The Tree of Love with its silvery leaves stretched toward the sky, a quiet reminder of the power that had been bestowed upon them from the High Heavens.

Jing He looked at the tree and couldn't help but think of the Spring of Fate he had visited just a few days ago and the story Tian had told him about it: His people's power had been sacrificed to try and stop their demise. While ultimately, they hadn't been successful in their quest, the spring that was created had turned into that ocean he saw in that place, as well as the Da He that flowed down to the lower realms, later turning into the River of Forgetfulness and watering this Tree of Love.

Somehow, all of it was connected but the source was still Tian's people. It was just that they who had benefited from these things for all those years ... knew nothing about the truth behind them.

Oh. My. Fate?! (BL, Volume 12, Part 2)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat