319 Important News to Report

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While Qiu Ling finally managed to calm down Jing He, a certain demon king finally managed to find the dragon king's adviser he had been looking for.

He had gone to the Tower of Wisdom at first, remembering that An Bai was supposed to work on a project over there and would hardly step outside. When he went there and asked for him, he was told by a rather unfriendly senior official from the Court of Justice that the person wasn't in though. When asking where he could find him ... he was only subjected to additional scrutiny.

The person he had met was none other than Yi Yun. As for why he reacted the way he did, well, it was all because he remembered that previously, An Bai had been bothered by a demon and the one in front fit the description perfectly. Of course, he wouldn't simply tell him where to find the dragon king's adviser.

Even just taking their professional relationship into consideration, this was a must. But in addition, he had proposed marriage to the other just a short time ago. He certainly didn't want An Bai to think that his rejection had changed anything about their work relationship so he ought to be even more prudent. Making sure that he wasn't harassed by some demon was certainly part of that.

Ye Yang wasn't all that surprised by the reaction he received. The Heavenly Emperor's refusal to see Lin Shi when she came to the gate and politely asked to be seen was a good reminder of their race's current standing. They weren't trusted and wouldn't be for a long time. Naturally, the same went for him.

He sighed inwardly but just put on a polite smile in front of Yi Yun. The more he was treated like this, the more he had to show himself from his best side. "It is understandable not to want me to know his current whereabouts. This is about his king though."

"Then why is a demon bringing the news?" Yi Yun naturally wouldn't simply fall for such a vague explanation. This had to be a ploy.

Ye Yang continued to smile. "There are certainly reasons but I'd like to speak to him myself. If you don't want to tell me where he is, why not have someone inform him that I am waiting for him here? If he wants to see me to hear what I have to say, he can come over. If not, then at least I tried."

Of course, if An Bai wasn't in the Tower of Wisdom, then he had a good guess where he actually was. After all, An Bai didn't seem to be the type to run around unnecessarily so he ought to be in the palace the gods had allocated to them. But he didn't want to go over there. Showing that he knew anything more than necessary about An Bai wasn't a good idea. No, he had to pretend that there was no interest at all and that he was merely here to inform him about the Son of Heaven being found.

Yi Yun didn't want to do this but the other person was the king of the demon race by now so ... even if he felt it to be distasteful, he still had to nod and send somebody over to inform An Bai. He stayed exactly where he was though, keeping an eye on Ye Yang. He certainly wouldn't let this person run around. As soon as they received the response, he'd escort this person out of the city.

It only took a few minutes until the official who had been sent out returned. Behind him, An Bai quietly followed.

Yi Yun faintly raised his brows but then simply inclined his head in greeting. "Adviser An Bai, I figured you might want to know this matter. I am sorry if it bothered you. Should I stay?"

An Bai glanced at the demon who had been absent for a long time and shook his head. "Thank you for the offer but I hope that won't be necessary." He turned to Ye Yang and inclined his head, his expression neutral. "Mojun."

Ye Yang looked at him, keeping back all of the words he wanted to say like asking him to just call him by his name or asking how he had been. He ignored everything that didn't need to be shared or that he wanted to know and simply got straight to the point. "The Son of Heaven was found in the demon realm."

An Bai's expression finally changed. "He was found?"

Ye Yang inclined his head. "He has already been returned to your king but I figured you might want to hear the details. Longjun should be occupied with other things now so I came to you. Maybe you could take a few minutes?"

"Of course." An Bai hadn't known what Ye Yang wanted but seeing as this person had helped them before and hadn't harassed him recently, he had come to see what he wanted. Now, it seemed that he had made the right choice. "Let's go and talk slowly." He hesitated for a moment but finally motioned outside. Maybe this was something the gods should also know but ... this concerned their king directly. He wanted to hear it in full detail and something told him Ye Yang might be more open if Yi Yun wasn't with them.

Yi Yun indeed would have liked to hear further information but simply knowing this, he also bid his farewell and returned to the Court of Justice, informing the God of Justice. If the Son of Heaven was truly back, then the search everywhere did not need to continue. This meant that quite a few things would need to be done.

When he walked into Li Yin's study and told him the news, the other person was strangely calm though.

"I know. I was at the Palace of War when the God of War was informed. We should indeed let everyone know that the search doesn't need to be continued. After that ..." He looked out the door to the garden that stood open and sighed faintly. "I suppose we ought to prepare for an imperial wedding."

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