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Jing He flinched. To be honest, while all his thoughts were circling around the question of how to get rid of his identity as a fallen god as fast as possible, he didn't usually think about what he was now. The abilities the fallen gods had ... he had never even thought of exploring them further. When he used them to see Qiu Ling, he hadn't consciously decided to do so but had blindly followed his strongest desire at that moment. Only now that Tian mentioned it did he remember that he now possessed skills that would have been out of reach before.

Seeing his expression, Tian naturally understood that Jing He hadn't quite accepted his new reality. He didn't insist on it either. Anyway, he only cared about Jing He's future developing in the right direction and that as soon as possible. The rest ... he wouldn't get involved in that. So if answering his questions would speed up the process, he wouldn't hesitate.

"Influencing what you will be reincarnated as is usually not possible. Even I can't control that. But the trials of the gods are somewhat special in this regard because what you experience is not a true reincarnation. Because of this, it is generally possible to reincarnate in a specific race during your trial."

Jing He's expression lit up. "Then ..." He wanted to ask whether he could do so but then trailed off when he remembered what Tian had said before. Right, he shouldn't ask him. He could get the answer in another way.

Tian didn't bother about his sudden pause. It was obvious what Jing He wanted to know, after all. "You could do it. The point is to find a body you can reincarnate into. This is usually a child that would be stillborn otherwise which has a body that can support a soul but the original soul has already left. The issue is how to find such a body since the Palace of Fate can't tell you when the body you want is that of an immortal.

"The alternative is to be faster than the soul originally set to reincarnate in the body. If you occupy it, that soul will go and find another body. This means that you can choose a body ahead of time. You just need to be quick enough. Of course, to do so is to tempt fate and the consequences could be an issue. I wouldn't necessarily suggest doing this."

Of course, this was what he had done for Xiang Yu but ... the circumstances were a bit different and he at least knew where the limit was. If Jing He rashly attempted to do something, it would likely end in disaster.

"Either way, I would not think about this yet if I were you. Currently, your state is unstable. You should recover first, get married, have your first child, and then think about the rest. If I am right and Yuan returns and Xing indeed wants to take his reincarnation to raise them himself, then I would be willing to lend you a helping hand in return. Until then, I suggest you focus on the issue at hand."

Jing He nodded, somewhat in a daze. This question had been bothering him and he wanted to use the opportunity now that he saw Tian again to ask about it. He wouldn't have thought that Tian would actually be willing to help him though. "Thank you. I will keep this in mind."

Tian inclined his head. "Now, with that question out of the way, what about the rest? Have you made any progress?" He knew he couldn't expect results too fast but he still hoped that Jing He would manage to deal with this somewhat swiftly. The sooner he did, the sooner Xing would return to him, after all.

Jing He naturally didn't mind sharing this and told Tian about his thoughts on this matter. "If I can help it, I shouldn't try to tempt fate. It is better to see one possible future and go from there. Only if I still can't make a decision after that should I give the other one a try as well."

Tian gave a hum. "That does sound reasonable. Which one are you more inclined to see?"

Jing He lowered his head, his brows furrowing. "This is what is bothering me. I would like to be with Qiu Ling but worry about how my father may react and what consequences this would bring. I'd like to see whether this worry is reasonable or not. Maybe my father will indeed come around if I make it clear to him that I have chosen Qiu Ling and can't be convinced otherwise."

His father was stubborn but was he really stubborn enough to abandon his own child just because he did not approve of his choice of a spouse? He couldn't tell. Using the Spring of Fate to make sure would indeed get rid of this anxiety.

"On the other hand, I have more trouble imagining the future that would await me if I were to choose my father. I know I would be unhappy and so would Qiu Ling but ... otherwise, the consequences might be easier to bear. At the very least, he felt that Qiu Ling wasn't the type to put his people at a disadvantage even if his choice offended him. The dragons might not be happy but if their king accepted it, then so might they."

Tian gave a hum. "If your father indeed came around after you chose the dragon king, I suppose you wouldn't have to worry about other consequences."

Jing He nodded. "Yes, I am just afraid ... what if he doesn't? What if I look at this future and lose all hope because it is the worst scenario I could imagine or even worse than what I am currently picturing? If that were the case ... then what should I do?" He sighed and closed his eyes. This whole matter ... just thinking about it was exhausting.

Oh. My. Fate?! (BL, Volume 12, Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now