293 He Needed to See Him

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An Xin who had been sitting next to Jing He's feet, slowly getting bored again, was startled by Jing He's sobs. It leaped up and then inched closer, carefully patting his leg. But this time, it didn't get any attention for acting cute.

Jing He sunk to his knees, his whole body shaking like a leaf. In his first vision, he had wanted to do everything to still preserve Qiu Ling's happiness. Even though he hadn't chosen him, he had made a deal with Tian and also spoke about possibilities with Qiu Ling. So why ... why had it still turned out like this?

Jing He tried to think logically but his mind only continuously flashed the images he had just seen: Qiu Ling weakly lying in that bed, barely strong enough to crack his eyes open and say a few words, the form of the giant dragon which could only support a short flight and almost crashed into the ground, the mournful cries when his life ended amid the remnants of his ancestors ...

No matter which of these things it was, he felt as if his heart was breaking when he remembered them. How could he have the mind to think through whatever had happened and figure out the circumstances? No, he only wanted one thing and that was to make sure that Qiu Ling was safe and sound.

Jing He took the transmission stone from his spatial bracelet with trembling fingers. Yes, he had to contact Qiu Ling. If he saw his projection, if he heard his voice, if he could exchange just a few words with him, he'd feel better at once. Surely, he was alright. All of this was just a vision, not real life.

It is still the future though.

The thought flashed through his mind without mercy. Jing He shook and the stone that he hadn't yet imbued any energy into slipped through his fingers. "No!" He leaned forward to catch it but it fell into the Spring of Fate with a plop, sinking to the ground. Jing He reached out, wanting to grab it back, but hesitated right before his fingertips touched the golden surface.

This was the Spring of Fate, not just a regular body of water. If he touched it without saying anything, what would happen? He didn't know and wasn't sure if he should risk it. He wanted to see Qiu Ling though ...

He stared at the transmission stone with longing, feeling that he probably should risk it. Anyway, what was the worst that could happen? At most, wouldn't he lose a little more of his magic or something? That seemed to be the most likely outcome.

Just when he wanted to reach in and pick up the stone, he noticed a few bubbles floating up though, giving him pause again. He furrowed his brows and watched with worry, only to find that the transmission stone he had dropped ... was slowly dissolving at the bottom of the spring.

Seeing this, Jing He didn't dare to hesitate any longer. He reached in and grabbed the stone but as soon as he touched it, the originally firm stone crumbled and turned into powder that finally completely dissolved in the water.

"No ..." Jing He took back his hand and stared at the spring in a daze. How could this be? How could ... how could this happen? Now, how would he reach Qiu Ling and make sure that he was alright? "This can't be real." Jing He covered his face, curling up on the spot.

Everything was going wrong. He didn't know since when everything had derailed to such a point but ... nothing was as it should be. He was a fallen god and Qiu Ling had been dealt such a harsh hand. It wasn't right. None of this was right ...

The panic that had grabbed his heart the moment he saw Qiu Ling like that only got worse when Jing He thought of how everything else had gone wrong as well. His heartbeat couldn't calm down and his breathing only turned more disordered the more time passed. His eyes filled with tears that streamed down his cheeks without pause. He tried to wipe them away and regain his bearing for a few moments at least so that he could come up with what to do but he had no luck. He only remembered Qiu Ling's defeated look and how he weakly asked for the others to not tell him anything.

Qiu Ling ... if he was doing so badly, he wouldn't let him know.

The thought hit him with frightening clarity, making his state even worse. He had to see him. He had to make sure he was alright. He had to go and find him ...

Jing He forced himself to get to his feet, his hands shaking and his legs trembling. He stumbled and only barely caught himself but he didn't even think of stopping. He had to see him ...

He turned around, walking toward the top of the stairs in a daze. He couldn't waste any time. He had to go to him directly so he could make sure. Only if he saw him and heard his voice, only if he took his hands and held them for a moment could he be sure. He had to go and meet him.

An Xin who was still squatting at the side of the Spring of Fate looked at his leaving figure in confusion and then hurriedly rushed after him, making a faint sound to remind the person of his presence. Unfortunately, Jing He's thoughts were far away and he didn't notice at all.

An Xin continued to rush after him, stretching out its paw to grab the hem of his robe so he'd wait and pick it up. As a result ... the person in front stumbled and one god and one spiritual beast tumbled down the staircase, all the way to the edge of the Ocean of Dreams at its end.

Oh. My. Fate?! (BL, Volume 12, Part 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя