326 The Most Shameful Moment of His Life

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When Qiu Ling and Jing He arrived at the Heavenly Empress's palace, nothing could be seen of Jinde and Leng Jin Yu yet. When he realized, Jing He immediately heaved a sigh of relief. Being late certainly wouldn't have left them with a good impression.

Bai Fen looked at her son who was clearly still on edge and then raised her gaze to Qiu Ling. She had met Jinde and Leng Jin Yu before but the shock had been big enough. Thankfully, her son at least knew what was coming but ... well, obviously, that wouldn't make him feel much better.

Qiu Ling could only smile wryly and then reached out to wrap an arm around Jing He's waist. "Don't worry. They'll be here soon and you'll see that you can get along with them easily." In his perception, apart from his mother, who had Jinde not gotten along with? He had the ability to put a smile on his face for pretty much anyone which was mostly thanks to the fact he didn't take things too seriously. When it came to Jing He, he wouldn't even need to force himself. No, he was sure that Jinde would love him. Anyway, what wasn't to love about Jing He?

He rubbed his beloved's back but he also knew that Jing He would only calm down after the two of them actually met face to face and he could gauge Jinde's reaction. When he actually saw and spoke to Jinde, everything would get easier.

Qiang Yan who was sitting to the side as well raised his gaze to his nephew and smiled. "You really don't need to worry. Both of them are nice and indeed easy to get along with. There is no reason they wouldn't like you."

Jing He nodded but he still couldn't put down his heart. He just ... didn't want to disappoint Qiu Ling and his family. He wanted to leave the best possible impression he could and have them like him. If he couldn't achieve that ... He didn't even want to think about it.

It took a few more minutes but finally, one of the servants hurried in, announcing that two guests had arrived at the gate.

Bai Fen inclined her head and told him to show them in while she walked ahead to receive them, Qiang Yan and the young couple directly following behind.

Jing He couldn't help but reach to the side, tightly grabbing Qiu Ling's hand. All the doubts from before seemed to press down on his heart even more now that the meeting he had dreaded was imminent. What if they didn't like him? What if this would add another obstacle to the relationship that had just gotten back on course?

Qiu Ling quietly held his hand, rubbing its back with his thumb. He didn't say anything, knowing that it wouldn't help at all. No, now, he could only let Jinde do his part.

The group arrived at the gate, just in time to greet the two people who had come to visit.

Leng Jin Yu quietly held a wooden box while Jinde ... well, Jinde was once again wearing a veiled hat, not wanting to expose his identity in the Nine Heavens just yet. Even though the wedding was just a few days away, he'd rather not introduce any new possibilities for difficulties.

Seeing the tightly covered appearance, Jing He stiffened further. Without being able to see his face, he had no idea how to judge what the other was thinking. If Jinde was currently looking at him with distaste ...

Qiu Ling rubbed his beloved's hand again but his gaze was on Jinde, signaling him to go in fast and take off the damned hat. If he didn't, Jing He would never calm down.

Behind the veil, Jinde smiled at his urgent expression. Looking at Jing He though, he could understand. The child's poker face wasn't bad but ... he had enough experience to see just how frightened he was by the current situation. It seemed that everything Qiu Ling had said before about him was true down to the very last letter. His lover definitely needed some additional reassurance.

Jinde also knew that he couldn't do much while out here so he turned to the Heavenly Empress and inclined his head. "We had to organize someone to look after the child at home so we're running a little late. I'm sorry about that."

Bai Fen simply shook her head and motioned inside. "Don't mention it. We're all going to be a family soon. Why be so unfamiliar? Let's go in first."

Jinde hummed and stepped forward, his husband trailing behind.

As he stepped over the threshold, Qiang Yan closed the door behind everyone, cutting off any curious eyes.

Jinde directly reached up and took off the hat, handing it to Leng Jin Yu as usual. Then, he directly turned to look at Jing He who seemed anxious enough to faint any moment. "I'm glad that we finally get to meet. When I ... reconnected with Qiu Ling, it was early in your trial. He brought me to see you once but just seeing can't compare to actually meeting."

Jing He looked up, his eyes wide. Jinde's attitude toward him was kind but hearing that Jinde had seen him before actually made the thoughts he had just carefully tried to sort out tumble all over the place again. Just looking at him quietly, he felt even more afraid.

Jinde looked back and finally smiled more brightly. Reaching over and tapping his forehead, his eyes curved into crescents. "Child, I don't bite. Even if I wanted to, I'd bite my husband."

Next to them, Qiu Ling wanted to facepalm. Was that the kind of thing to say to his beloved who clung to the rules of propriety any waking moment?

Surprisingly enough, this comment of Jinde's finally jolted Jing He awake. The anxiety still couldn't be put down completely though. Instead, he lowered his head in shame. "I'm sorry." Yes, mentioning Leng Jin Yu, he couldn't help but once again think of the time he had kissed the other person in front of both Qiu Ling and Jinde. That ... might be the most shameful moment of his life.

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