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Annabelle's POV

Noah and I sit in the doctor's office for one of my last baby appointments. It feels so surreal that everything is counting down to an end, and soon I will hold a baby in my arms. Ten weeks... maybe sooner... away. I'm ready for this pregnancy to be over, it has strained my body so much. But when the doctor comes back in after all of my tests, she has both of us stay seated.

"Looking at your bloodwork, you do appear to have a higher heart rate than we would like. This is called gestational hypertension, and just by your size and everything, we are going to recommend two weeks of full bed rest, until your next appointment. Then we will reconvene and see our next steps."

Somehow I knew this was coming. I look over to Noah, who takes my hand and kisses it gently. I look back at the doctor, "Do you recommend anything else for me while I'm in bed?"

"We suggest drinking plenty of water and eating healthy, nutritious food. Don't lift anything or walk down the stairs. We will give you some papers with information regarding what you can and can't do. I'll get that printed for you," The doctor says before leaving.

I nod my head as Noah fixes the hat on his head, "You're gonna go crazy," he says.

I nod in agreement, "I just don't want to be pregnant anymore."

Noah chuckles a bit, "Well I wouldn't want to be either if I was forced to stay in bed."

The doctor comes back with some pieces of paper, as well as new sonogram pictures in hand before giving it to me. We say our goodbyes to the doctor before scheduling my next appointment with the receptionist. Noah takes my hand, helping me back to the car. He makes sure he opens my door for me and gently helping me in, before shutting the door and going over to get in the car. When he starts driving, he makes a pit stop at Dairy Queen, "I think you need a treat to get these two weeks started."

I, who has been pretty quiet, trying to wrap my brain around what I am going to do for two weeks in bed, looks at the ice cream establishment, before smiling, "Thank you," I say. Noah pulls into the drive thru before we order some ice cream together. While Noah saves his Oreo blizzard for when he gets home, I decided I need to chow down on my M&M blizzard now. Noah doesn't mind that I'm not waiting for him, he's just happy that I am enjoying every bite.

"Could I possibly be able to use your computers for streaming?" Noah asks me.


"Because I don't want to leave you alone."

"Babe, you're going to be so sick of me after these two weeks. You are gonna have to help me with everything. And cook for me."

"I don't mind."


It's day one, officially, of my bed rest. I woke up this morning, used the bathroom, and laid right back down in bed. Noah was already awake, as I felt him give me a kiss goodbye this morning as he left for the gym. I'm hungry. Noah left me a protein bar on my side table.

I instructed Noah that I wanted to leave my bedroom door open in case Alex or J wanted to stop by and say hello. He followed my directions, and now I sit up in my bed and take a sip from my water bottle. I flip on the TV, just wanting some background noise while I collect my own thoughts. I finally decide to scroll through my phone, finding the baby crib I had bookmarked to order way early on in my pregnancy, and ordered it.

J walks by my door and sees me utterly miserable in my bed. "You look like you're in prison."

"I am in prison," I responded. I'd much rather be out and about. I need things for the baby, as I'm not having a baby shower, but Noah did suggest that I put a baby registry up for people to order straight from an Amazon list. So I guess I'll spend my day today doing that. "Can you grab my laptop from the recording studio?"

"Yeah, give me a few minutes," J says, before going to his room to get something. I know he's softened up on me, usually that would be a hard no with some kind of lazy insult attached. I watch as he walks back by my room and I listen to the sound of his footsteps as he makes his way down the stairs. The front door opens, so now I know Noah is home. I hear the sound of plastic bags crinkling in his hands. I'm assuming he went grocery shopping too.

My brother comes into my room with my laptop, "I think I'm supposed to get you something for the baby or whatever," he says, placing my laptop down beside me on the bed, "So what do you want? I'll buy whatever you need me to."

"No bullshit?" I ask, because sometimes he will complain about things being too expensive. He's a cheapskate.

"No bullshit, it's for your baby. I might be an asshole but I don't want your baby to get hurt."

"Your niece, J."

He shivers, "Stop. That makes me feel old."

"You're not old but you do have a niece."

"Not yet, not until I hold her and prove she's real."

I scoff, "She's very much alive." I stay awake at night because she decides to use my bladder as a punching bag.

"Ew," I'm told by him.

"I'll send you a link of a car seat I've been looking at."

"Cool. See you later," My brother says, before turning around and leaving again. I laugh the conversation off.

"I GOT CHIPOTLE BURRITOS!" Noah exclaims, rushing into my room and setting a brown bag in front of me.


"BURRITO!" He starts to open up my little brown bag, "I got everything you like on it. Chicken, sour cream, corn, tomatoes, cheese..."

"Thank you."

"I want you to be well fed and well taken care of while you're resting."

"This is a good start."

"I know! We haven't had burritos together in forever. I knew you were probably hungry.

He then starts to open his burrito in a bag, "And I'm going to bring you all of your favorite snacks in a little bin I got at the store."

Noah takes a bite, now talking with his mouth full, "and I found some shark things for the baby that she has to have."

"You went to Target?" I asked, pouting a bit.

Noah's mouth is still full, "Yeah? Why wouldn't I?"

"I love Target."

He finally swallows his food, "But you can't go."

"I know."

"You are going to rest well these next couple of weeks," Noah tells me, "and I promise you, you will not get bored."

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