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Annabelle's POV

I woke up this morning to an empty bed, as Noah, Tina and Alex had all left for Miami today. I don't know if my brother is home or not, but that doesn't matter as I immediately feel uneasy, grabbing my phone and going to the bathroom to deal with my morning sickness. I check my phone to a good morning text from Noah, telling me to drink water. After everything is over, I get off of the floor and travel downstairs to get something to eat and some water to drink. I text Noah back, telling him to call me when he lands. I'm already feeling the separation anxiety.

My brother comes down the stairs, and I wave to him as he comes over to make a pot of coffee.

"I'll be honest, Belle, I haven't fully wrapped my head around the fact that you're pregnant," he tells me.

I set my glass of water down on the counter, "What do you mean?"

"Like you're actually pregnant, it's hard for me to fathom that my little sister is pregnant."

"Are you happy about it?" I ask him.

"Are you?" he rebuttals. I smile widely and nod. "Then I'm happy too. Can't help but to worry about you though."

My smile quickly diminishes, "Yeah, don't want to end up like Mom."

"If you die I have no fucking clue what I'll do with myself," J says, sipping his now freshly brewed coffee. "I've spent my whole life keeping you alive."

"I'm not going to die," I say to him.

"Well, I bet you Mom said that too, then look at what happened," J says, looking away from me, taking another sip of coffee.

"J..." I say, unsure of what to say. I am the reason our Mom died anyway.

"Just be careful, is all, keep yourself healthy."

"You know I will."

"I do like the way Uncle J sounds, by the way, just stop calling me that until you actually have the baby."

I chuckle, "Of course."

"And that baby better be a boy."


The next day I am sitting on the couch, watching Name Your Price on the TV. I am feeling very deprived of my boyfriend, so I am cuddled up in one of his sweatshirts that has been sprayed with his cologne. We had an hour chat over FaceTime as they were doing some rehearsals for Name Your Price. I got to tell Austin, Karl and Ranboo the good news. They were all super happy for Noah and I. Karl's laugh in reaction to the news was infectious, but I think he's going to miss his partner in crime.

When Karl and I are together, we are really bad influences on each other. Everytime we've been together, we've tried to out drink each other. I guess he just has to drink with Noah now. That's no fun.

"We're recording the video after all this," J says as he appears out of nowhere, startling me.

"Jesus, J, a warning of your presence would be nice."

"Whatever," J says, now stomping back up the stairs, "I'll be in my room, just grab a headset. We are streaming this, by the way."

I roll my eyes and go back to watching Noah on the TV as he's introduced for the first time, rolling out an old condom machine.

"Do you know what these are, Foolish?" Austin asks, putting a hand on the old dispenser. I swore all of them to secrecy...

"Oh I don't use these, Austin," Noah says, tossing his hair back. I'm not even in Miami and I feel embarrassed. Alex cheers really loudly, wanting Noah to try one on.

I continue watching, wondering why this fucker is keeping his sunglasses on. He's a little bizarre, but it's fun watching him in his element.

After it is all said and done, I make sure to text Tina to congratulate her on winning before I go upstairs to my brother. I make a pitstop in my room to grab my headphones before going into his room. I hand him my headphones, which he plugs in, then I leave again to grab my chair. I wheel it into his room, sitting down next to him, "What are we doing?" I ask.

"Halloween candy tier list."

"You're trying to make me fat," I say to him.

"You'll be fine," he responds, soon booting up his stream. We both put our headphones on, but as a general rule we only keep one side over an ear to be able to hear each other. We just both want to be able to hear donos without any feedback.

"Hello everyone," he addresses chat. "Today we are going to do a Halloween candy tier list, feel free to follow along. This is my sister, for people who live under a rock."

"Long time no see," I say to chat.

"We were not big Halloween people in our house, but I figured, in the spirit of this weird fucking holiday, we would try some candy and rank it. We have two individual tier lists for ourselves, and we will show each at the end, but mine will be on screen all the time."

"Because you're a selfish brat," I say to him.

"I'm not selfish!"

"Yeah, you are."

We get through our tier list, and chat thinks my candy opinions are better than J's, as they should. It was fun to be able to do something with my brother, even if it is for his monetary gain. I know he appreciates me.

Once his stream is shut down, I throw my arms around him. Still not a hugger, my brother simply smiles.

"This was fun, we should do shit together more often," I say.

"Yeah, we should," he agrees, before getting out of his chair. I get up with him, letting go of him.

"Remember when you used to sneak into my room and we'd eat KitKats together?"

"How do you remember that those were KitKats, you were like 5."

"Because you ate them wrong, you always bit into them without breaking it."

"I never did that!"

"You did then, thankfully you grew out of that."

We start jokingly arguing about how to eat KitKats. This is the first time in a long time I have felt so connected to my brother. Do I really want to leave him?

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