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Noah's POV

Today is Alex's birthday. He wanted no gifts for his birthday. Instead, he wanted volleyball at the beach, a nice dinner, a cake, an arcade and more alcohol. That's fine by us.

Those of us who are awake are already making their way to the beach. It's me along with Alex, Cellbit, Jaiden and Fit.

"It's the boss' birthday, he gets to pick where we set up," Fit says, as the two of us are carrying the volleyball net we had rented out. Alex finds a spot and the two of us struggle to set the net up as Tubbo, Tina and Bagi are the next to join us on the sand. It's around 1 pm, so it's the perfect time to play volleyball.

I decide to be on Tina, Cellbit and Bagi's team, while Tubbo, Alex, Jaiden and Fit all play on another team. Some casual 4 on 4 for the time being. I'm screaming, slamming my body into the sand trying to save the ball, anything I can do to win. Except, I'm not that good at volleyball, but we somehow are up on the other team as time progresses. Soon, the rest of the gang is coming out to the beach, including my beautiful girlfriend, who has interlocked arms with Baghera. Charlie is in front of them, tripping over the sand to get to us.

"I want to get a team bolas picture," Belle says to us, "Before you all get all tryhard and shit."

So, Phil, Jaiden, Cellbit, Baghera and Charlie all go over to Belle so we can get a picture. Once it's over, I decide to sit out on the volleyball for now as Belle wants me for another picture with Jaiden.

Jaiden is wearing her famous balls?!?! t-shirt, and Belle has a piece of paper in her hands. I'm handed my girlfriend's phone as Belle then opens up the piece of paper. The paper simply says 'NO' on it.

"Wait..." I say, before putting my two braincells together. No balls. We're having a girl. I laugh, "That's funny." I guess Annabelle told Jaiden her idea, but I know Jaiden wouldn't react to it as much as say... Tina... would.

Belle and Jaiden stand there with blank faces as Belle holds the 'NO' sign in front of her. I snap the picture, laughing at their emotionless faces with the goofy ass t-shirt. I hand Belle's phone back to her, before Jaiden goes back to play volleyball and Belle stays with me.

"Maybe tomorrow morning, we can come down here and watch the sunrise?" She suggests.

"So, essentially, pull an all-nighter?" I ask.

"You can pull an all-nighter. I need sleep."

I chuckle, "Okay. That's fine."

The two of us head back towards the group. Annabelle rests on a towel in the sand while the rest of us get overly competitive playing volleyball. We don't keep score, we just keep playing one another. There are periods where some of us sit out, but I don't sit out. I want to absolutely smoke these guys. The crowd starts vanishing as the hours roll on, but as long as Alex is still on the beach I will stay here. When we finally run out of energy, Fit and I collect the net yet again and haul it all the way back up to the house. Belle had left an hour or two prior with Jaiden and Baghera, so I'm sure the bathroom is completely free for me.

I wash off all the sand before getting into the house with Fit, Charlie and Alex. I want a snack, so I decide to steal some pretzels from whoever decided to buy pretzels.

"It's really crazy to me that you of all people are going to be a father," Charlie says to me. I crack a smile.

"Oh, yeah," I pop another pretzel, "I can't believe it either."

"This wasn't planned, was it?"

"Oh absolutely not. But honestly we couldn't be happier."

"You're gonna have to mellow out, man."

"Me? Mellow out? That's crazy."

We part ways to get ready for dinner, where I find Annabelle asleep in our bed. She must be knocked out, because nobody in this house is being anything close to quiet. I decide to take my shower and change for dinner, before walking out, fully ready to go, with no sight of Belle in bed. I guess she's awake. I decide to go downstairs, seeing everyone gathered. We are waiting on a few stragglers, but Belle is standing by Fit and Tina.

"All I want for my birthday is to get wasted," Alex yells, then taking a shot of vodka in the kitchen.

"I'm not taking care of him," I say, before walking over to Belle. Everyone looks over at Belle, who will obviously be the only one not drinking.

"Don't look at me either," she says to the group, "He's a dangerous drunk."

Once the final group of people came downstairs, we rolled out to the bar we would be spending time at before hitting the arcade. Everyone spends time eating, drinking and enjoying conversation. After our meals, we drink more before we are all running down the street to the arcade. Belle, who's obviously sober, is walking far behind us with Kristin, who is also sober. I know she will be okay.

We all roll into the arcade like raccoons with rabies and immediately find the punching machine. You know, the one that tests your strength. Immediately, all of us are punching the shit out of this thing, egging each other on, telling one another that it's someone we don't like. We stand at this thing for at least an hour as we all scream at each other. I look to find Belle, and unsurprisingly to me, she's playing skeeball with Kristin.

The hoard moves on to the next activities which includes claw machines, racing games and even the arcade version of fruit ninja, which no drunk person can be good at.

The arcade closes at 1 am, and we are all having the time of our lives. Bagi had more alcohol in her backpack in case we started sobering up, so this was a fun night. Once we all pack our drunken selves back into the party bus, we go home singing whatever comes to mind. Belle and Kristin seemed to have had a good time together, which is important to me. Belle let me have my fun. We, of course, checked in on Belle often, making sure she wasn't left out of group pictures or funny moments she needed to see.

We get back to the house and Belle pulls out the cake we had bought for Alex. The mostly drunken posse sings happy birthday to Alex, before Belle takes the sober duty of cutting and putting the cake on plates. We spend the rest of our night with karaoke and cake. My arm was wrapped around Belle for the rest of the night, cuddling on the couch together, watching our friends embarrassingly sing songs everyone knows at the top of their lungs.

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