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Annabelle's POV

I wake up in a panic at 4 am. My heart rate is elevated, my breathing quick. I thought yesterday didn't effect me as badly. I get up, going over to my window and looking out of it. As an artist, I pride myself in having a great, vivid imagination. Sitting in front of the window, I sigh and calm myself, filling my head with fantasies of the future. After a few minutes, I hear someone step in front of my door frame, having left my door open on accident last night. I turn and see Noah, giving him a slight smile.

He seems like he's lost sleep too. He comes over to me, sitting in front of the window with me.

"Can't sleep?" He asks. I shake my head no. "Me either."

"I'm trying to calm down," I tell him. He rubs my back gently. I let my mind wander as we sit in silence. I think about the two of us, what our future might hold. The good and the bad. Noah wraps his arms around me.

"What's going on in that mind of yours?" Noah asks me.

"I'm just thinking... it helps me calm down," I say to him.

"Are you thinking about us?" he asks curiously.

"Yeah... you keep me on the ground," I say to him. He kisses my cheek.

"Yeah I don't want you to fly away," Noah tells me, "Not again at least."

"You're just... not going to let that down, are you?"

"No. But I am happy that you're mine, once and for all." He says, giving me a gentle, quick kiss on the lips.

"I'm not going to make the same mistake twice," I say to him.

"Good. Because when I imagine my future, it's you."

I smile, letting his embrace soothe me.

"I always imagine us getting married..." I say to him.

"Married? I like that idea..." Noah tells me, squeezing me tight. I let out a light laugh. We then get up from the floor in front of the window, running my hand on the scar on his cheek once again as we both yawn.

"It's always been you, Noah. I don't know why I stopped believing in us," I tell him. He kisses my cheek gently, before I lean against his chest.

"Stop dwelling on the past, let's go to bed," Noah said, leading me to my bed before laying in my bed next to me. As I cuddle up against him, it doesn't take long for us to fall back asleep in each other's arms.


Noah's POV

"Hello chat, welcome to the new day," I say, taking a sip of my coffee that I desperately need.

"We are going to keep working on the capybara land today," I inform chat. "But first we are going to watch dumbasses on the road."

I pull up the YouTube video I want to watch as Annabelle walks into my room. I turn to see her, her face all tired, her hair a mess. She definitely just woke up, while I'm already three cups of coffee in. I mute my microphone.

"Good morning," I say with a smile.

"Shut up," she tells me, before she walks out of the room. Hopefully she will come back up with a good morning to say back to me. I read chat, unmuting my mic.

"Who was that? It was Annabelle. Good ol' Belle... Bee... Belle Bee... Bee..." I say, before turning my words into complete nonsense and clicking play on the keyboard. I watch drivers who should not be on the road with my chat. Whenever I mention Annabelle, the text-to-speech donations come flying in, so I shot myself in the foot by saying anything.

"Annabelle and Foosh yippee"

"Annabelle is so cute"

"I hope Annabelle feels loved today"

I pause my video as the donations turn into questions and chat begging for their 'mommy' to come back. "You guys are so needy," I tell chat.

"Annabelle got no sleep last night, so don't expect her to come back," I tell them. Like magic, Annabelle comes back in, with brushed hair this time, sporting grey sweatpants and a blush colored hoodie. She walks in frame of the camera, taking my coffee cup and walking away again. I turn my interface from my camera being in the corner to my camera being full screen.


"No!" she responds. I turn back to chat as they are clowning me for having my coffee taken.

"I don't like her," I mumble, which I said loud enough for Annabelle to hear from the hallway... on purpose. She rushes back in without my coffee cup, now walking over to me and aggressively shaking my chair. I hold on for dear life.

"AH! STOP!" I yell. "STOP IT!"

"Don't tell lies to chat!" she responds, taking my headset off, putting my headset on, then flipping the hat I was wearing off of my head. Then, she starts pulling my hair aggressively, not in a way I like. It hurts so bad.

"CHAT HELP!" I yell.

Annabelle roughly forces my hair into a ponytail on the top of my head. I try to fight back without leaving my chair. Once she's done, after about five minutes of fighting, she adjusts my headset on her head.

"Chat likes me more than you," she says, as chat starts pouring in calling Annabelle their mommy.

"Be nice to Foolish, chat," Annabelle says in a motherly tone, which makes me smile, before putting the headset back on my head. She pats my forehead, which makes me giggle, before she leaves the room.

"Can I have my coffee back?" I ask.

"No!" she responds. We do like our coffee done the same way. In fact, I was the one to get her to try coffee for the first time.

I sigh, turning back to chat, chuckling again. I really do love this girl.

"She just ruined my whole vibe," I say. I go back to watching the idiots in cars, the thoughts of forever with Annabelle stuck in the forefront of my mind.

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