Part 93

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Freen's POV

After the amazing night with Becky, I can finally have a shower. I was relaxing when suddenly, I heard Rebecca's shout. I immediately got out without a care of my situation. I am wet and I can feel the water dripping through my hair. I saw her standing near the door. I immediately asked what was wrong and she scanned me first from head to foot before answering.

I was relieved to see that she's fine that she was just startled and that's when I realized that the air is fucking cold. I came back running to the shower and let my body sink in the tub removing the coldness. I finished my shower and wrapped a towel on my body. I immediately walked to the bed and that's when I realized, I have no clean clothes to wear. I looked around and Becky's not here. Probably downstairs addressing the visitor who rang the doorbell.

A few minutes after she opened the door and gave me a knowing smirk.

Becky: (teasing) I didn't know Sam that you're willing to walk around naked to seduce me.

I raised my left eyebrow as a response.

Freen: (rolling her eyes) Excuse me love, I only did that cause I thought you're in trouble.

Becky came and caressed my neck in a very sensual and sexy way giving me heat all over my body.

Becky: (smirk) I'm in trouble alright. I'm in trouble since I want to fuck you here right here, right now.

Becky leaned in to kiss me crushing her nose into mine. I responded and cut it immediately.

Freen: (sexy voice) Hmmm. Delicious but I have no clothes.

Becky: (confused) Do you need one? This is good easy access and less stripping.

She removed the towel and dropped it into the floor.

Freen: (giggling) C'mon love. I'm sore.

Becky: (smiling) Really?! Didn't know you're gonna complain about that.

Despite her teasing and seduces she gave me clothes to wear. Since last night's conversation, I felt somewhat lighter.  We're able to talk more about our feelings and even our darkest secrets and desires.

Becky: (sad) I can't imagine your life growing up exposed to that kind of violence.

Freen: It wasn't by choice at first love but hatred and anger was so strong that I chose to stay in that kind of environment.

Becky: You know Teerak, I always have this kind of anger growing inside me. I often fantasize about hurting other people but seeing my Dad and losing my Mom made me choose to be good. But when I'm angry I just have these dark thoughts of hurting people and that I actually liked the idea.

I kissed her temple in comfort.

Freen: I know why you have those thoughts Becky but thinking is different from acting on those thoughts.

We talked more when suddenly we heard a voice calling out her name. She gave me a small smile and went out of the room. I can hear them talking outside but I just don't understand the words. I just let them be and turned the TV on to entertain myself. Becky suddenly opened the door for me.

Becky: Sam what do you want for dinner.

Hearing dinner made my stomach grumble so I excitedly went to the door and opened it ajar exposing my half body.

Freen: (teasing) I crave you for dinner but to answer your question I want pasta and I'll just have you for dessert.

Becky giggled and I giggled with her but then I heard a cough at my side. I saw a Lady 1 feet away from us. We met eye to eye and she was surprised. "She's familiar. I saw her somewhere" I just gave her a poker face and looked at Rebecca. She seemed to know what was running through my mind so she answered.

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