Part 22

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Kirk's POV

After last night's meeting. Freen seems to be more focused this time. She does her routine as usual and I'm here waiting for her as usual. I greeted her and she faked a smile back at me. "She's been sad for the past 2 days. She should be excited."

Kirk: (smiling) Partner, I'm bringing good news. I have the address where Richie is gonna host the kickboxing fight.

She got excited and finally I can see her smiling.

Freen: (smiling) Where?

Kirk: Outside town. I did research on the building, it was owned by a businessman but he got bankrupt so he sold the building to the Armstrong. He renovated the inside of the building. The fight always happens in that building but he claims that it happens in different location for security purposes.

Freen: When will the event happen?

Kirk: This Friday at exactly 19:00 hours.

Freen: (smiling) Nice job Kirk. We will discuss the preparation later after my class. Inform grandma about this.

Kirk: Will do partner.

Freen: I forgot. Order the call girl to come and bring some clothes that will attract Richie.

Kirk: You mean Lax?

Freen: Is there another call girl?

Kirk sighed at me and just nodded so I went to school with a lighter mood.

Becky's POV
After what happened with Freen and Kirk I went home because the pain is unbearable for me.  My tears keep on flowing like a river. I heard my phones notification but I didn't look at it. My body feels weak and my head is hurting. I fell asleep from all the crying.

I woke up and I saw dad beside me wiping me with a cold cloth.

Mr. Armstrong: (worried) Are you ok princess?

I rolled my eyes at him

Mr. Armstrong: What happened?

Becky: (cold voice) Why do you care?

I can see the worry, care and love in his eyes. But i hate him so much that I don't care.

Mr. Armstrong: You need to be more careful. You cannot expose yourself to stress Princess. Your Psychogenic Fever will be triggered if you continue to do so.

Becky: Yeah. I have you to thank for that.

Mr. Armstrong: (raising his voice) Rebecca!

Becky: It's all your fault, right? If you have nothing more to say. Leave

I turned my back on him and didn't wait for any response. I felt him release a deep sigh as he stood on his seat, leaving my room.


6 years ago when the problem started with mom and dad. She suspected Dad of something and a few years later Mom found that something and it destroyed her. I remembered mom withering because of guilt, pain, regret and anger.

I was young back then. I even remember mom crying and wanting to go to the police station but dad always stopped her which resulted in more fighting. Dad even told us that Mom is sick, that she's crazy.

I was young to understand everything around me. They always yell and shout at each other. I don't know what's happening but all I know is that I'm hurting. All I know is that our house will never be the same.

Mom always gets me to go to the Villa whenever their fights are too much to bear. She and I hide there.  She said that when I'm grown up enough she will tell me everything. She even apologized to me for not doing the right thing. That she can't do the right thing because it would ruin me. That her heart is bigger than her conscience. That she's choosing me.

I miss my Dad from time to time so I sometimes meet him without Mom's knowledge. One day Dad visited me at school. I told Dad what mom told me that if I'm grown up enough she will tell me everything. Dad was shocked by what I said. He told me that he's sorry. That he will make everything right and he wants to apologize to mom. He promised that everything will go back to normal and he will fix our family So he came with me to the Villa.

Dad lied to me. As soon as he saw mom. They fought I heard mom say 'What you did is unforgivable. I will never forgive you'  to Dad.

Dad started hurting mom physically. I want to stop it so I went in between them. Looking at him, he is not my Dad. He is mad and he's like a different person. He pushed me so hard that I bang my head at the edge of the table.

The last thing I remember was my hand holding my head where it hurts and when I saw may hand it's bleeding. Dad and mom are still fighting and everything went black.

When I woke up I found out that mom is already dead. They told me she fell on the stairs. That it was an accident. Losing mom was the most painful thing that happened to me so I blamed Dad for everything. That's when I developed my Psychogenic Fever.

[End of flashback]

I feel so much better when I wake up. No headache and no fever. I began the day with a smile forgetting what happened last night. I grabbed my phone and saw messages from Freen and missed calls. "Shoot. I didn't messaged her back. I'll just see her later and explain."

I saw his messages and she's so sweet. She even waited for me outside for how many hours. I was sure she has no patience and yet she was able to wait for me that long. I was amazed and touch by her actions.

I prepared myself and went to class. I want to see Freen because I miss her but of course I did not forget about Kirk. I went inside the classroom and I saw Freen sleeping again in her chair.

The gang saw me and they happily approached me. They all hugged me and I hugged them back.

Jim: (happy) Becky, It's nice to see you. Finally your here. The ice queen is colder than usual these past few days.

Kade: (worried) Are you ok? Were you sick? Why did you just show now?

Becky: (apologetic) I'm sorry I had a fever so I wasn't able to message you all. I spend my time mostly resting and getting better.

Yuki: (sad) I warned you. But your fine now. That's all it matters. (hugging becky)

Tim: (relieved) Finally, the only person who can control Freen is here. She's been hard and scary to deal with lately.

I laughed at them and went beside her. I saw dark circles under her eyes so I knew she did not sleep well. I waited for a few minutes before waking her up.

10 minutes and the class will start so I woke her up. I rubbed her back gently and she opened her eyes. She blinked thrice and even robbed her eyes. I saw longingness in her eyes before she said my name and hugged me.

She hugged me tightly while rubbing my back. "Gash. i missed her". She released her hug and she smiled at me genuinely. After a second her smile was gone and her left eyebrow was raised and I saw annoyance written all over her face. "Wow her happiness can just vanish just like that"

Freen: (annoyed) Why didn't you message me back? you didn't answer my call either. You even made me wait for you for how many hours (rolling her eyes and crossing her arms)

Becky: (Frown) No. No. Nope. (shaking her finger at Freen) Not gonna turn this on me Freen. You're the one at fault here. You shouldn't be the one getting annoyed or mad at me right now.

I saw her inhaled deeply and guilt is evident in her eyes. She bowed her head and held my right hand.

Freen: I'm sorry Becky, I was just annoyed. Nobody dared to not answer my calls or messages. I also hate waiting but I stayed. (while playing Becky's fingers)

Jim: (amazed) Wow, Becky (clapping her hands) Your the only person who did that who is still alive and untouched. Amazing!

Tim: (shocked) Really?! The ice queen knows how to apologize. How come she never did that to us.

I forgot that the gang is with us.

Becky: (Gently rubbing Freens hand) It's okay. I will explain everything later during lunch.

I saw her nod at me as she kissed both my hands and said 'I'm sorry' one more time. The teacher came in so we started the class while holding each other's hand.

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