Part 38

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Becky's POV
Today Freen is fetching me to school. I am excited to be with her. We've never done this for a long time. She came and open the door for me. I was about to kiss her but my phone rang. I looked and it was the phone given by Rose. I answered the phone annoyingly.

Becky: (annoyed) What?!

Rose: First of all a nice greeting would be nice. Don't ever use that tone to me kid. This will serve as your first warning. I sent all the necessary information about Richie's case and I will see you at your home at exactly 8pm for your training.

I was about to give her a piece of my mind but she ended the call right away. "she's getting on my nerves" I groan in annoyance. I was about to face Freen to brighten my mood but she looks confused.

Freen: (cold voice) Who called you?

Becky: It was Rose.

Freen: (forrowed eyebrows) Whose Rose?

Becky: (sigh in frustration) It's a long story.

Freen: (annoyed) You don't want to tell me?

Becky: Teerak, can we please not talk about it. I'll tell you ok. I just don't want to ruin my morning.

She didn't respond at me and her expression is back to her poker face. I kissed her a little and I saw her eyes twinkle that made me smile. She kissed me again and she started the car.

We went inside the classroom happily our hands intertwined with each other. We saw the gang and they are happy that we are now complete and I'm back to school. The class started and I was stressed. I was absent for too long that I don't understand the lecture. Luckily my love is here to rescue me.

Freen: It's okay honey. I will tutor you if necessary. Me and the gang has your back.

I was relieved and just nod at her as I pout my lips. It's been like that for a half day. I'm not happy. I have a lot of things to do. I will start my training and with Rose attitude and the way she treats me I'm pretty much sure my training would be hell. I massage the temple of my head when someone hugged me.

Freen: (hugging Becky) Please don't ignore me.

I looked at her and she looks sad.

Becky: (confused) Huh?

Freen: I've been asking for 5 minutes what food you want to eat and you didn't even bother to look at me.

I was surprised and I didn't notice that we are at the cafeteria. "Since when did we got here?"

Becky: Sorry Teerak. It's just that the class is overwhelming and I'm just trying to cope up.

She nodded at me with understanding and kiss my forehead. We ordered our food and went to our usual sit. The gang began talking to each other and I just remembered that rose sent me the file containing about Richie's case. I open the phone and looked at the file.

No fingerprints. No witnesses. No crime scene. "Dad is not kidding. Whoever did this has a skill and resources." Richie's credit card was last used at a bar. It's the most popular bar in town. The owner of the bar is named Lax. She submitted a video where Richie is leaving the bar. The last person who saw Richie alive is named Riza. Riza is being track and detectives are trying to talk to her.  "Damnit, is this the only information they retrieve? It's been already weeks." I closed my phone in disappointment.

Freen held my hand and kissed it. I smile at her. Lunch has been my favorite time of the day. I can be with her, when I'm with her life seems to be better, calmer. Like I can do anything.

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