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The class is already over. I was fixing my stuff when Richie came near me.

Richie: Freen.

I stopped what I'm doing but did not respond to him and tried  to calm myself down without letting him notice. I got my things and started walking at the door. I am so close to getting out of the room when I heard him speak.

Richie: A simple thank you would suffice.

Freen: I never asked for your help.

Richie: But i did, cause you needed it.

Freen: (annoyed) I do not need your help. You did that on your own. It was your choice to help me without me asking for it, so why  are you expecting me to say thank you?

He's clearly shocked with the way I respond but I just smirked and went to my next class. During the remaining classes I can feel his gaze from time to time but I chose to ignore it. I know that I need to build a relationship with him but I just can't contain my anger. His presence alone pisses me of. He looks like just his Father. Temperance is not my strong suit so I need to look for a solution for this.

The class is over and it's time to go home. I messaged Kirk to fetch me at school and I needed his help about this problem.

Kirk came and he waved his hand at me, I waved back going to where he parked his car. He then open the door at the passenger seat. I went inside and quickly asked for his help.

Freen: Kirk, I need your help.

Kirk: (happy) Sure! What do you need?

Freen: Richie's presence alone pisses me of. My anger and annoyance is too much that I can't stand to be in the same room with him.

Kirk: Calm down, Partner. Is it because he looks like his father?

The idea of Richie's father came to mind again and knowing that I can be who I am with Kirk I let all the emotions take over.

Freen: (shouting in anger) Yes! He looks like the person who raped my mom Kirk. How do you expect me to stay calm?!! Their face and body feature is the same I just can't help but compare! I wanted to hurt him so badly. I want to kill...

I was shocked to feel Kirks hands around me and calming me down.

Kirk: Shhhh... Calm down, Sam. I can feel your heartbeating faster and if you continue you might hyperventilate.

I can feel my heart throbbing in my head. I heard Kirks voice and followed what he told me to do.

Kirk: inhale.... exhale..... inhale.... exhale...

As soon as I calmed down I closed my eyes and tears began to drop. Kirk stayed silent and waited for me to finish crying. When he notice that I am feeling better he broke the silence.

Kirk: I have an idea.

Freen: (weak voice) huh?

Kirk: Let's exchange our assignment. I will get close to Richie and you will get close to Rebecca. You just need to transfer to Rebecca's university and I will transfer to where Richie is.

Freen: Do you think we can convince Grandma with this?

Kirk: Yes, it has 80% probability. We just need to tell grandma the benefits this can give us. If I were to get close to Richie, it would be easier since I am a male. I just need to know his hobbies and likes and I will start from there and the same goes with you.

I looked at him with a  smile of gratitude.

Kirk: Your welcome, partner.

He really knows me. He knows when I'm mad, sad, upset or thankful. He can read my gestures. He knows my emotions even if I hide it.

I doze off and he woke me up. Partner we're home. I slowly open my eyes and looked outside. I looked at the mansion infront of us and smile sweetly at him as he open my door and he smiled back at me.

Kirk: let's go talk to Grandma before eating.

I agreed and we went to Grandma's office. We explained the pros and cons of switching the assignment to convince grandma. She agreed with our proposal but demanded a quick progress.

Grandma: I understand that it would be easier if you switch assignments but I need 2-3 days. I need time to explain and convince both university to exchange your  credentials. Might be hard but I can make it happen.

Freen: Thank you Grandma

Grandma: I hope that a sudden change of plans will be avoided in the future. This will delay our progress and like I said there's no room for mistakes. If there's nothing else you can go.

As soon as were outside grandma's office. We clap and jump in celebration without a sound.

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