Part 88

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Lisa's POV

Freen is sleeping after all the revelation and am here sitting with Kirk. I saw the severity of Kirk's wound so I took the med kit and started curing it.

Kirk: (in pain) It hurts Liz.

Liza: (smiling) Of course it is. She beat your ass.

Kirk laughed as a response and so did I but it only lasted for a good 3 seconds.

Kirk: (serious) For some reason her hits are way more painful than I can remember.

Liza: (release a sigh) That's because she didn't just hit you with her strength but you're gonna be alright.

Kirk nodded in agreement and the room became silent.

Kirk: (serious) Grandma already knew that I sent you to the hospital and she's coming home in two days Liza. We need to hurry if we want to succeed.

I nod in agreement and looked at him with a smile.

Liza: Contact your sister Rose and tell her we're ready.

Kirk immediately contacted Rose and we had a serious conversation which turned into an emotional one. We know what we're risking and knowing that Kirk betrayed Grandma for sending me to the hospital it's sure that Grandma knew our every move and as soon as we're going to meet Rebecca we know death is upon us. Kirk and Rose are excited to see each other for it might be their last chance to be together as a family. This very thought made me sadder than I already am.

Kirk and I prepared all the things we need especially some evidence to show Rebecca. I know that everything is planned but I'm not doing any of that so I called someone to help me out. I explained everything to that person. That person owes me so that person has no choice but to agree. Now that everything is set I'm ready.

Kirk's POV
I've been taking this as an opportunity to talk to my sister Rose. We're going to go against Grandma and we know the consequences of our action so before we face hell. She and I are going out to have quality time. I looked for Liza to tell her that Rose and I were just gonna grab a meal. I found here outside and she just finished talking to someone over her phone.

She saw me and gave me the brightest smile which I reciprocated.

Kirk: is it good news? Your smile is good.

Liza: (smiling) It was. Why are you here?

Kirk: (smiling) Just wanted to tell you that Rose and I are going out.

Liza: (thinking) I would love that too but Kirk. I'm sorry but this is not the right time.

Her response was dissapointing and very saddening. "I mean this might be our last chance "

Kirk: (sad) But there might be no next time.

I said in a pleading tone.

Liza gave me a sad smile as he held my hand in comfort.

Liza: hey, it's gonna be alright.

Kirk: Rose and I have been separated for 10 years Liza.

Liza: (serious) I know but Freen will wake up soon. We need someone here to comtrol her. She might cause havoc. I'll go first to meet Rebecca.

We had a plan and Liza's suggestion doesn't make sense to me so I gave her a questioning look.

Liza: (smiling) Rebecca trusts me Kirk. If I show myself first at least we can do damage control. Besides Freen needs someone now more than ever.

Kirk: (confused) What about the plan?

Liza: we will still go through it, I'll just have to go first and you'll come after.

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