Part 42

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Becky's POV
After class, Freen and the gang came with me to visit Richie in the hospital since I badly wanted to see him. The gang are worried that they insisted to come with me. I cried as soon as I saw my brother. Asking him if he did those horrible things. Praying that he'll wake up and tell me it isn't true.

After an hour when I finally calmed down and started gathering my thoughts. Questions began to flood my mind that needed answers. I might not get an answer from my brother but I can from my Dad. I asked the gang for privacy since I decided to call my Father. They didn't complain and just left the room as they waited outside.

Dad: Princess, how are you.

Becky: I saw the news. Is it true?

Dad: (sigh) I'm sorry princess, you had to find it that way.

Becky: (serious) No, you're not sorry, if you do I should know it from you and not from the media. I never trusted you in the first place. I want to add another condition.

Dad: You're that mad? I'm sorry princess. I thought I could stop it. How about this, to show how apologetic I am I will listen to your condition and I won't object or negotiate. Tell me.

Becky: You told me that it's up to you when and where you're gonna tell me everything or answer my question, right? Basically telling me that you can withhold information from me.

Dad: Yes,What about it?

Becky: That's my condition, I demand to know first the answers or information I needed before it comes out from the media or someone else.  Don't leave me clueless and Keep me updated no matter what.

Dad: Okay. I'm a man of my word. Would you like to further discuss this through dinner?

Becky: No. That's all I need. Bye.

I opened the door for the gang and Freen to come in. The last time the gang came for a visit, they weren't able to look at Richie's face since it was covered with a curtain, I don't want them to see since Richie's condition is horrible. This time would be their first time seeing Richie.

Kate, Yuki and Jim wouldn't dare to look at my brother again out of fear. They even gasped and shouted after their first glance. Tim tried her best but you can see horror and pity all over her face. They are all looking down at the floor or each other avoiding my brothers face.  Freen on the other hand is different. She looked at Richie without fear, disgust or even pity. She looked relaxed and didn't even flinch a little. She just stared at my brother and didn't even look away. "Maybe she's just great at hiding her emotions"

Kate: (shaky voice) I'm sorry Becky. I didn't know it would be this extreme.

Jim: (nervous) We don't want to be rude. It's just that it's terrifying.

Becky: It's okay. I understand all your reactions and I don't blame you.

Yuki: I'm sorry that this is happening, first your brother was sent to the hospital and now he's being accused. I hope you'll get past this Becky.

Tim: I really hope you find the person responsible for doing this to your brother.

Becky: Whoever did this to my brother is a monster. My brother is a victim here. I hope everybody can see that.

Freen: (annoyed) So you're telling me that your brother is a monster too?

I felt my anger is starting to rise as I heard those words from Freen. She's calling my brother a monster.

Becky: (angry) What?!

Freen: (serious voice) You said whoever did that to your brother is a monster, your brother beat 62 women Armstrong. That means he's a monster too, but predator would be the right term. Right, Armstrong?

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