Part 6

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Becky's POV

After the class is over, the gang sorrounded freen with a hug. I noticed that she froze in place. I saw her eyes closing and looking at the ceiling and I feel like she's uncomfortable. I looked at her but I saw no emotions. "Doesn't she wanted to be hug?". I then saw a tall good looking man coming with anger and worry in his face. He pushed everyone who's hugging freen and everybody is shocked. I saw him holding freens arm almost like hugging her. My left eyebrow raised as I saw them. I was about to come near Freen to check on her but he again told us in a serious and angry tone 'Never do that again'.

I'm curios and got mad  about his reaction like it's a big deal but I kept it inside. I felt sad and a little bit annoyed when I saw him carrying the beautiful lady until I can no longer see them. Jim broke our silence

Jim: (sad) I forgot Freen is a germaphobe. She doesn't want to be touched by 4 people at the same time.

Tim: Yeah, I feel guilty we might gave her a disease.

Becky: (annoyed) Are you crazy? Freen is fine. You guys are just hugging her and suddenly that man appeared like a jealous boyfriend.

"That went out more bitter than I expected it to bep"

Everybody looked at me teasingly so I just explained further.

Becky: (being defensive) I was just shocked ok? It's not like we're putting her in danger. As a fellow woman, I am just concern. She might not want to be touched as you said but she carried her out of here. (I said in a sad voice)

Kate: Don't worry Becky. Kirk is like a brother to Freen. Looking back they are always together like brother and sister.

I rolled my eyes upon hearing this and I can't forget how Kirk carried Freen. "What's wrong with me. Why am I thinking about that?"

Freen's POV

I am getting dizzy and can feel a burn in my heart. I breath heavily as Kirk tried to calm me down. He stayed beside me until I felt so much better. He put me inside the basketball court which is wide and bright that helped me relax.

Kirk: (worried) Why didn't you tell your friends that your claustrophobic?

Freen: The rules remember? Never show your weakness, Never ask for help.

Kirk agreed by nodding.

Kirk: You should be more careful partner. What if I wasn't there? Here, water. Drink some. It'll help.

Freen: Thank you. Don't worry they think that I'm germaphobic. Maybe they missed me so much. I will prevent this kind of incident in the future. Anyway, why are you here?

Kirk: Grandma told me about your hand and I just want to give this medicine to you. It will help your hand heal faster.

Freen: Thank you partner. You can go now (as freen stand up). You might get late.

Kirk smiled and waved at me before leaving. I checked my watch and notice that my next subject is about to began so I hurriedly went to class. I saw the gang and they gave me a worried look.

Jim: Freen. Did we give you a disease? Sorry. We just missed you so much that's why.

Freen: That's ok. It's just that my hand hurts so much and Kirk gave me the medicine

Tim: (shocked) What happened? Are you ok? We're sorry we didn't notice earlier.

Freen: It's fine.

Becky: (confused tone) You hurt your hand and not your feet. Why does he have to carry you?

I was silent for a moment and just look at her. "She's an assignment. I need to be careful around her" She looked back at me, never breaking the eye contact. "She indeed looks like an angel"

Yuki: (clears throat) I'm sorry Freen for my friends bluntness. How is your hand?

We might have been staring for so long that this Yolk girl needed to make her presence known.

Freen: (looked at Yuki with a blank face) It's fine. Thank you for your concern.

A few seconds  later the teacher came in so we diverted our attention in front.

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