Part 20

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Becky's POV
My curiosity got into me so after a few minutes I followed them to the Parking lot. The gang noticed that my mood changed so they followed me.

I froze when I saw Freen looking at the long faced Giraffe man while gently holding his arms which made me angry. I can see that she is worried about him and I got furious when they hugged. I was about to come near them when Jim held my arm.

Becky: (furious) What?!

Jim: (gulped at Becky's reaction) Becky, Kirk is like a brother to Freen. Don't get jealous. You look like you're gonna eat them alive.

I slapped Jim's hand and then Tim stopped me.

Tim:Calm down, Becky. Just don't jump to conclusions yet. Ok?

Kate: (patting Becky's back) Tim is right Becky we've known Freen the longest. They are just brothers and sisters.

Becky: (serious) How sure are you that they only treat each other as siblings? The way Freen touches and holds Kirk with worry. The way Kirk looked at Freen the way she treats her. I know that Kirk adore my Freen! so how sure are you that they are just siblings?!

Everybody can feel the tension in the air. My eyes are about to cry but I held it in.

Jim: Hey, Yuki you're her best friend tell her something that can calm her down. ASAP

Yuki: (scared) I don't know. I've never seen Becky to get angry like this. Hmmm.. Becky, relax. You know what happens when you're overly emotional right?

I looked at them with death glares and they stepped backward as they kept quiet. I raised my left eye, put my hands on my waist and began tapping my fingers. Waiting for Freen to notice me. "Do you really have to make sure that he will leave the building safely? Who is Kirk in your life Freen?"

Freen turned her back as soon as Kirk's car couldn't be seen and she was surprised to see me. Her eyes widened and she flashed me a weird smile but I stared at her angrily. I commanded her to come infront using my fingers and she obliged.

She's in front of me avoiding my eyes while biting her lower lip and tapping her feet. I can sense that she's nervous.

Becky: (angry) Whose Kirk?

Freen: (low voice) Brother. he's a brother to me.

Becky: (serious voice) What's his last name?

Freen: (confused) huh?

Becky: (furious) What's his last name?! That long faced Giraffe. What's his last name!!

Freen: (stuttering) It's As..av..arid

Becky: Your last name is Chankimha right?  so it's only fair to conclude that he  is not your brother right?!! Am I right?!!

She looked at me with apologetic eyes and tears began to flow in my eyes.

Becky: I'm hurt Freen. You didn't even inform me about meeting him despite me asking! I don't like what I saw! It's hurting me! You said you liked me and I found you here hugging and worrying about another man!! Fuck you!!

I left her and the gang startled. Yuki came after me. I'm not feeling good so I decided to go home and not attend the afternoon class.

Freen's POV
My heart aches when I hear her voice in pain and it hurts more when I  saw her tear fall from her eyes. The pain is like being shot or being tazed but the pain lasts longer on your chest and it actually has no cure so I'd prefer to experience those than this.

Jim:(sad) She's really mad Freen. Let her calm down first.

I immediately put the files Kirk gave me inside my car and followed after her. I went inside the classroom but her things is not there. I searched for her but she's already gone.

Yuki: (sad) She went home Freen.

Freen: Did someone fetch her? Is she with someone?

Yuki: (low voice) I don't know. She just left.

I feel sad, guilty and worried so I dialed her phone twice. She did not respond and I can feel my anger rising. I messaged her to ask where she is.

Freen: Where are you?
           :Why did you leave like that?
           :Did you get home safely?
           :Please. Just tell me that you're safe at least
           : I'll come over after class. Just want to know if you're fine.
           :One text Becky, that's all I'm asking. Just tell me that you're ok.

"Fuck! It is infuriating when your calls and text are being ignored. Nobody dared to treat me this way"

I want to ditch class but I can't. Grandma will know and I'll be doomed. I waited for the class to be over and went directly to their house. I rang the doorbell a lot of times and a few minutes later I saw a maid coming.

Maid: Ms. Chankimha?

Freen: Yes. I'm here for Becky.

Maid: I'm sorry ma'am but she's not expecting visitors right now.

Freen: Is she alright?

Maid: (bowing) I'm sorry ma'am but I'm not the right person to answer your question.

I nod at the maid and I called Becky. She did not respond so I messaged her instead.

Freen: I'll be waiting outside your house. Im here until 21:00 hours. Come out if you're ready to talk to me.

I waited for how many hours and she did not come out. I want to review the files Kirk sent me but I can't seem to shake her off my mind. Becky crying in front of me and her word saying that she's hurt keeps echoing on my mind.

Why does she affect me this way. I looked at the time and I saw that it's 21:32 hours. I looked at their house and dialed her one more time. No response so I messaged her again.

Freen: I'm leaving now. I hope you had your dinner. Gudnyt Becky.

I start the car and left with a heavy heart.

Kirks POV
I'm really bored staying in the house. I can't train and I can't go out. I'm waiting for Freen but it's already 21:30 and she's not yet here. She's never been late to her appointments especially if it involves the mission and the company. She has a meeting with Mr. Rey at 18:00 and she has another appointment with our spy. "How come she's not yet home. She never missed an appointment before"

I got worried so I called her. A few rings and she answered.

Freen: Becky?

I was hurt that she called me Becky. "She never called me in other names before."

Kirk: Where are you? You have a meeting. Mr. Rey he's been waiting here for a few hours now.

Freen: (dissapointed) Oh Kirk. I'm on my way. Tell Mr. Rey to eat first and tell him that something came up. Also, cancel my appointment with the call girl. Let her come tomorrow.

Just like that she ended the call. I talked to Mr. Rey and entertained him for a while. Freen came with a sad look in her eyes and she looked defeated "Whats with her". She informed Mr. Rey that they will start the meeting in 22:10 hours.

Freen's POV
We started the meeting very late. He saw that I'm not looking good.

Mr. Rey: Lady Boss. Would you like to reschedule?

Freens: No. Let's begin.

Mr. Rey: Your health is our number 1 priority, Lady Boss. You don't seem okay.

Freen: (serious voice) Don't make me repeat what I said Mr. Rey. You might find yourself working in another company.

He bowed at me apologetically. We discussed a lot but it seems that nothing comes in to my mind. All I can think of is Becky. Her words her eyes crying. "Why can't I get her out of my head"

The meeting is over and yet I can't sleep.  I looked at my phone to message her but she didn't respond to any of my calls and messages so I got discouraged. I'm worried about her and the only thing I want to know at the moment if she's ok. "This is one of the worst night of my life"

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