Part 12

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I gathered all my courage to message Freen. This is my first time asking a girl out so I'm very nervous. I want to invite her out for the weekend. I was thinking about where we could go but realized that I don't know much about Freen.

Since she changed her mind when I told the gang to come to our house I came to the conclusion that she likes our house. I own a Villa just like our mansion so I decided that we can spend our weekend there.

Becky: (waving sticker)

               Are you busy?


I waited for her response but it's been 20 minutes and still no reply. I began tapping my hands and I'm starting to get annoyed. I am getting impatient so I called her instead. I called her but she didn't respond. My nose is starting to flare and I'm getting angrier by the second. "She doesn't message me and she doesn't answer my call. I hate being ignored Sarocha. You better answer the next call or else"  I tried calling her again and after a few rings she responded.

Becky: (mad) Why are you not responding to my text or answering my calls? Am I not worth responding for? If your doing something just say so. Don't just ignore me and leave me hanging. (stamping her feet).

Freen: (slow voice) Sorry, Armstrong. I was busy and I'm doing something important. I was about to call you but you beat me into it.

Becky: (annoyed) Fine.

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt"

Freen: May I know why you called? Do you need something?

I am still annoyed that she ignored me but it vanished immediately after she asked that question annoyance turned into nervousness in a split second.

Becky: (stuttering) I would like .. ahhh...I want to... uhmmm..Can I spend the weekend... ahhhhh...

"Inhale Becky. Relax"

Becky: Would you like to see my Villa? I mean I want to spend the weekend with you in my Villa.....Is.. that ...ok?

She became silent which made me nervous even more that I started to bite my nails and started walking back and forth.

Freen: Yes. I would love to. I'll pick you up at 10:00 hours.

A sense of happiness and relief runs through my body. "Wheew. Luckily it all turned out well". I smiled and responded quickly so that she cannot change her mind.

Becky: (happy) Great!!. See you!!

I feel romantically excited so I jump on my bed like a kid. I went to my cabinet singing while dancing while I start preparing my stuff for the weekend.

Freen's POV
I was having a meeting with our shareholders when I heard my phone's notification. I saw Rebecca' s message and didn't think much of it so I focused my attention back on our meeting.

I don't usually touch my phone when doing business but when I saw that it was Armstrong whose calling I stopped the meeting immediately by raising my hand. The reporter in front immediately stopped speaking and now everybody is looking at me.

Freen: (serious voice) I have a very important call to take please leave the room immediately. I will call you back, standby for a moment.

Nobody dared to complain and Everybody bowed down to me as they started to leave the room. It took time for everybody to leave and my phone stopped ringing. I was about to call her when my phone began ringing again.

She sounded mad and didn't even let me say a word and I could hear her feet stamping on the ground. I can literally picture her right now on my mind. "She must really be annoyed. So cute". She was stuttering but she managed to invite me this weekend at their Villa.

I thought about it for a while and I agreed with her cause despite me being busy the mission is my priority. I know that it's another opportunity to get close to her and have improvement in our relationship.

A Weekend with Rebecca Armstrong (smiling). I need to clear my schedule so I called my secretary.

Secretary: Lady Boss.

Freen: Clear my schedule for the weekend. I have an important thing to attend to. If there's an urgent matter when I'm gone, don't hesitate to call me. Only if it's urgent.

Secret: Noted, Lady Boss. Is there anything else?

Freen: Yes. Please send me all the work that needs to be done this weekend, I'll do them at home. Also, Tell everyone to comeback. We will resume the meeting at exactly 18:00 hours.  No late.

Secretary: As you wish, Lady Boss.

We finished the meeting and I went home with a pile of documents. We also did our progress report  with Grandma. Kirk and I are doing great in our assignment which pleases her.

It's my first weekend with Becky and I can't seem to decipher what I'm feeling. I feel excited, nervous and happy at the same time. I shook my head and just brushed off the mixed feelings and focused my attention on the piled documents instead.

Becky's POV
I woke up late and was suprised that Freen is already downstairs waiting. I hurriedly went downstairs and there I saw the handsome-beautiful lady sitting at our sofa.

Becky: (shy) Why so early?

Freen: (blank face) According to google, when courting a woman you need to be 30-45 minutes early. That's why I'm here.

"Ahhh I thought because you badly wanted to see me"

Becky: (dissapointed) Ahhhhhh. Please make your self comfortable. I'll just shower and we will go.


Freen opened the passenger seat for me. "A Race car. Is she a racer?" I sent the location to Freens phone and we traveled. It's quiet all the way through and nobody speaks until we arrive at our destination.

Usually, I travel it by 3 hours but Freen wanted to drive fast so we got here for only 2 hours. "maybe that's the reason why she wanted a race car. She drive fast"

The maids welcomed us warmly and I arranged a house tour for Freen. After we were settled we went to the terrace for fresh air and to take a rest.

Freen: No big fancy family picture Armstrong? Your Villa is indeed sophisticated and very girly.

Becky: (laughing) I don't have any family pictures inside this Villa. This is a safe place for me since I was 16. I run here whenever I want to escape and unwind. Your actually the first one to visit here besides me and the maids. Family and friends never set foot in this Villa even if they want to. I just won't let them.

Freen: (confused) Why ?? and why did you invite me?

Becky: (smiling) You asked too many questions PFreen.

Freen: (annoyed) I hate it when someone tells me something but doesn't continue to explain the situation. It's frustrating.

Becky: (laughing) I'm sorry PFreen. It's a very personal question and I'm not ready to answer it yet.

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