the end | dreamnap

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Tw fighting, talk abt eating habits.

This chapter doesn't reflect in anyway my view of the characters this is just a story!!


Sapnap and dream were sitting in their living room together both just staring into space. they hadn't spoken in days and it was getting worse, they gave each other stern looks when they passed each other, they didn't eat together anymore, they rarely shared a bed, they were secretive with each other.

Nothing really happened to make it like this over time it just got worse. Every small argument turned into bigger ones, every small mistake the other made was the biggest problem in the world and so on.

It was hard on all of their friends as well watching them go through this particularly rough patch in their relationship.

It was affecting sapnap a lot more than it was affecting dream, sapnap spent countless hours in his room sobbing his heart out because of it. He wanted things to go back to the way they were when it was good when sapnap and dream would talk, go on dates, by each other flowers, dance together and just spend time together even if it was just watching a movie on their couch.

But they hadn't done anything like that in weeks and it was taking a toll on him mentally.

He spent a lot of time crying while on call with quackity and Karl. He was sure he'd done something to start this, was he too boring maybe, was he not a good boyfriend. He didn't know what it was.

He hadn't been getting any sleep at all over the past few days neither had he been eating and he was exhausted. He was almost completely done with him at this point.

"Dream" he said. "What" dream snapped back.

"Dont use that tone with me" sapnap scolded.

"I'll use whatever tone I like bitch" he replied.

"So you're calling me a bitch now, what happened to babe or darling, got too mature for them" he said confidently but snarky.

"Fuck off sapnap" he replied. "Why should I we never talk anymore why can't we just go back to what we were like before" he pleaded.

"Why would we do that with your bitchy attitude" dream replied.

" 'bitchy attitude' I'm not the one calling you a bitch!" Sapnap said getting angry.

"Does it look like a fucking care?!" Dream yelled back.

"All you do is ignore me everyday!" Sapnap shouted.

"It's a two way street sapnap maybe if you actually looked at anyone else but yourself you'd notice that you don't always to the right thing all the time!" He said.

"You're one to talk!" Sapnap shouted. "Yes i am the one to talk youre so annoying all the time fucking sitting there in your bedroom all day not doing anything helpful!" He shouted sapnap eyed widened filling with tears.

"You wanna know why I spend all my time there? Because I'm fucking crying because you don't love me anymore" he said sniffling that turned into sobs.

Clay's face fell and he went over to sapnap. "Hey sap it's ok" he said trying to console him putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He shouted slapping his hand away.

"Just fuck off!" He shouted storming out of the room. 

"Sapnap get back in here" dream said. "No!" Sapnap yelled back.

Dream grabbed his wrist. "Don't touch me get off" sapnap yelled pushing dream away from him. Dream stumbling onto the floor.

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