couples just fight that's it, right | snf

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Heyy it's me again

George and sapnap always fought like always. On stream was bad enough but when cameras were off it was almost a full on screaming match across a room. But the two would always kinda act like nothing happened after going back to just being an extremely lovey dovey couple always cuddling and kissing even when surrounded by other people.

The bickering started off fine just a bit of teasing but after a bit turned into basically battle fields.

Everytime a fight escalated their friends always thought they'd end it that it was too much that time but the two kinda just ended it mostly by realising what was actually wrong and would just randomly hug in the middle of their fights and were completely cool with each other.

But this time they had actually gone too far.

It was Karl, dream, quackity, sapnap, George, sylveey and Hannah in one room.

And of course a fight broke out between the couple over something completely stupid and it had been dragged out of proportion to the point they had completely forgotten what they were fighting about originally.

They were just insulting each other at this point saying some extremely fucked up shit. That other five knew were deep insecurities the other had including intimate parts of their relationship which should not be shared in a room full of people not to mention in an argument.

Both had tears of furry in their eyes as the shouted at each other insult after hurtful insult flew across the room as the five just watched in horror wondering where this all came from.

Sapnap was getting so fed up with George's petty insults as it was mostly him shouting intimate details about him like it was nothing and he was starting to get fed up.

He let out an infuriated yell screaming out


"WELL IM SORRY THAT IM SOO STUPID FOR NOT SEEING HOW UNHAPPY YOU WERE. AND YOU KNOW WHAT MAYBE YOU AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH! I HATE YOU!" George shouted back but immediately regretted it is he saw is boyfriends eyes fill with even more tears as they started to pour down his face his mouth was parted in complete shock his eyes wide as memories of being told that by past lovers passed through his head.

"Sap please I didn't mean that" George saying trying to console him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I think that's enou-" dream true to say but he was cut cut off by sapnap.

"Why George I thought you loved me" he says not shouting anymore is voice cracking. He let out a small cry before sprinting upstairs dream immediately jumping up and following him up the stairs. following close behind him hearing a door close upstairs somewhere.

Karl sighed and stood walking to the stairs.

"Karl? Please" George says looking desperate. "I'm sorry George but I think you've done enough for today" Karl said trying to stay calm. "No Karl!" George shouted after him as he walked up the stairs following dream.

George turned to the three left on the couch.

"I think we should leave we'll let you sort it out I don't think it's really our place" sylveey says grabbing Hannah's hand. (Not in a romantic way!)

George looked confused and disappointed as he looked at quackity and expected him to leave aswell but he didn't he just walked up to him quickly wrapping his arms around him.

"Q-quackity I'm sorry I didn't mean it" George try’s to explain.

"Sh sh sh I know you didn't" quackity shushed.

"You can cry George it's ok" quackity said noticing Georges sniffling and how he was trying to suppress his crying.

When he said that George immediately broke down bringing quackity on the floor aswell. George sobbed into quackity's arms on the floor.

"Quackity I swear I didn't mean it I just I don't know what happened" he cried.

"I get it ok you were just angry alright it's understandable" quackity explained "I'm sorry I wish I could take it back I'm so sorry" George sobbed

"I know you would" quackity said comforting George.

He rubbed George's  back. "You are just stressed ok you need to calm down" quackity said rubbing his back firmly but comfortingly.

Quackity pulled George onto his lap so they were closer. Holding him tightly until he stopped crying and calmed down a bit.

"He's never going to forgive me"

Dream sprinted after sapnap finding him staring at the wall opposite to the door.

His knees buckled under him as he fell to the floor sobbing hysterically,

"Sh sh don't cry sapnap it's alright" dream said wrapping his arms around him letting him cry into him and just let all of his emotions and feelings out.

Karl came in not long after wrapping his arms around sapnap rubbing his back tightly
"I-i- c-cant believe h-he said t-tha-at" sapnap sobbed now crying into his knees and rocking back and forth.

"I thought he l-loved m-me" he cried coming out as muffled.

"I'm sure he does sapnap he's just angry that's all" Karl said.

"Sapnap can you breathe darling" Karl said knowing the pet name might call him a bit."N-no" he said putting a shaking hand to his mouth then to his chest as he desperately tries to get oxygen into his lungs which just weren't working.

"Fucking work!" He shouted at himself while slapping his down to his thigh.

"Ok let's not do that alright" dream said holding sapnaps hands in his own.
"Just take a deep breath sap that's it ok you are doing amazing already just keep trying to take deep breaths" dream said.

"Now their we go all better right" dream said as sapnap was now able to breathe semi- normally.

"I'm s-sorry" sapnap sobbed. "No sap don't apologize ok you didn't do anything" Karl reassured.

"I'm not good enough" sapnap sobbed now into Karl's chest.

"Yes you are sapnap I'm sorry George can't see that you are incredible ok you can find someone else who knows that" Karl says.

"I don't think i-i- can" sapnap said. "I'm sure you can sapnap ok" dream says rubbing his shoulder.


The sad truth is sapnap and George were never really the same after it they just agreed that the bickering had become too much for each other and they just couldn't handle it. Deciding to just stay friends if they even were that anymore it's sad but sometimes you just fall out of love with the other person.

Ik this is shit but idk I've had this for ages so I thought it would be good to post it so here it is.

Please I need requests I have like no ideas sorry if I haven't done yours yet.🧡

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