bridge | karlwastaken

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(Karl pov)

I stood on the edge of the bridge the harsh night wind blowing in my face. I looked over the edge the high waves smashed and crashed against the rocks that sloped up the cliff side.

I stared up at the sky with my teary eyes all of my thoughts circled my brain making it as if I couldn't think at all.

My hands rested on the white railing of the bridge that slightly glowed in the starlight. I felt the cool breeze of cars driving past no one stopping to see why I was standing alone in the dark people walking past and just staring at me giving me pity looks but not saying anything.

'no one cares' I told myself crying even more historically now. I felt like a miss behaved child who was having a tantrum on a walk with his family. That's what I thought I looked like and when I look back I probably did look like that but I didn't matter I'd be gone soon enough.

When I saw the sun slowly start to rise from the sea I climbed to the other side of the barrier I placed my hands behind me. Leaning over the railing one foot off the ledge before...

(Clay pov)

I slowly woke up from the cold of my bed before I looked over and saw my boyfriend Karl wasn't there 'no wonder I was cold' he said to myself I got up thinking he was just in the bathroom or something I strode over to the bathroom door a grin on my face opening the door to surprise him.

"Hey bab- what!?" I said as I noticed Karl wasn't in there. "Karl!?" I yelled out hoping for a response when none came I ran down the stairs trying not to panic "ok ok maybe he just went for a walk" I said to myself trying to calm down.

I pulled my phone out and searched for Karl's locating "Watervill bridge why is he- OH MY GØD" I shouted "Karl?" I said the reality slowly setting in. I sprinted to my car not even caring to see what I looked like I drove as fast as I could to were Karl was.

When I arrived I saw a figure in the distance I ran as fast I could go sprinting up knowing that at any point I I could see my boyfriend jump to end his life and never see him alive again never see his eyes open. Never see the smile he wore, he had to get there fast.

(No one's pov)

Karl's second foot just about left the platform when dream got their and he took a dive for Karl catching him before he could fall. "Hey what the fuck" Karl shouted as he didn't know who he was. Dream pulled Karl onto the other side of the railings. Karl turned around and faced his catcher his eyes filled with tears once more when he saw dream standing there a frown on his face. "Dream please let me do this I don't want to be here please" Karl cries

"Karl I am not letting you do this you don't need to do this we can talk about stuff ok" dream said pulling Karl into a hug which Karl pulled away from and Karl attempted to put his foot on the railing again to jump but dream brought him away again. "Karl it's ok it's ok I'm here with you ok we'll get through this" dream said bringing Karl in again lifting him up letting Karl cry into his shoulder. "Sh sh shhhh it's ok baby it's ok to cry" dream said playing with Karl's hair. "Dream in sorry you had to come" Karl sobbed harder into his shoulder. "Karl it's ok no need to apologize love this is what I'm here for alright" dream said starting to sway slowly side to side.

"Let's get you back home alright baby" dream said starting to walk back to his car holding on tight to Karl so he didn't try to jump out and do it again.

They arrived at dreams car dream opening the door and placing Karl in doing his seat belt before walking around and doing the same for himself. The drive home was silent apart from Karls continues sobs and splutters.

Dream placed a hand on Karl thigh and rubbed it with his thumb "I love you baby thanks for coming back with me".

Dream carried Karl upstairs into their bedroom and set Karl on the bed before sitting down himself. "Karl, why?" He asked looking him "I just can't deal with it anymore I can't deal with what people are saying" he cried "I know it can be hard seeing that stuff all the time but you can talk to me ok we can find a solution alright" dream said putting an arm around him. "I love you dream" Karl said pecking him on the lips before collapsing on the bed and turning over. Dream sadly looked at him knowing tomorrow would be hard but turned over and fell asleep anyway.

Rushed I know

Words 866

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