not good enough ever | karlnapity

275 8 5

Tw abuse, f slur, mentions of ed

Sapnap was currently stressing like passing around stressing he was meeting up with his dad for the first time, his dad was coming over. Karl and quackity were told to stay upstairs by sapnap not wanting them to get hurt incase he said something that would upset or offend them.

The door bell rang and sapnap jumped. "Ok- ok how do I look" he said. "You look fine I promise go" Karl said.

Sapnap sprinted down stair letting his father in.

The two started up a basic conversation until his dad started to pick on him a little bit.

"Oh and I see you've gained some wait in the past few months" he said smugly. "Oh em-" sapnap stuttered trying not to cry.

He had just about recovered from bulimia with his partners help so to here that definitely set him back a few steps.

"Yeah I can tell you've gotten uglier" his dad said.

"What-" sapnap said, "C'mon sap what do you do all day sit around here doing Notting in you're useless life playing Minecraft with those f@gg0ts you hang around with" his dad said.

"They are my husbands don't you dare say anything about them" he said getting angry

"Oh so youre one of those f@gs aswell then" his dad said.

"Yes actually it's not my fault that you were in prison for the wedding"

"You know I honestly didn't think you could get worse, you are a horrible person you know that"

"Ok you can leave" sapnap said pointing to the door.

"You really gonna kick your own dad out, fine you were never good enough for me anyways I hate you you've screwed up this family like you screw up everything else" he said spitting on him,

"Good bye f@g" his dad said hitting him again leaving.

Sapnap stormed angrily to his room.


Sapnap came in slamming the door hitting his fist against it letting out an annoyed yell.

He slid down the door his hands over his face.

"Amor?" Quackity said confused and concerned grabbing Karl's hand leading him off the bed.

"I'm going to guess it didn't go well then" Karl asked way to soon. Sapnap burst into tears.

"Karl?!" Quackity whisper shouted. "Im sorry sap please don't cry" Karl said.

"I-it doesn't m-matter what I do I-i-m never g-going to be g-good enough" he sobbed out on choky breaths.

"Oh sappy that's not true at all" quackity said holding his hands tightly.

"No it is true I'm such a horrible person"  sapnap sobbed.

"No baby you're amazing absolutely perfect" Karl said.

"No I'm not! I just screw things up" sapnap sobbed. "Sapnap just listen to us for a second ok" quackity asked holding his hands tightly.

"Sweetheart you do not screw things up ok you're so good at everything you do, you're not a horrible person ok and if your dad said that to you then he obviously doesn't know the person I married, we married you for a reason sappy we love you" he said.

"Quackity's right sap we love you more than you'll ever know" Karl said. "I'll go get you some water alright" quackity said kissing his cheek.

Karl wrapped his arms around sapnaps neck holding him closely. "My baby" he whispered solemnly as sapnap whimpered into his shoulder.

"Do you wanna go into bed it's warmer and comfier in there" Karl asked him. Sapnap nodded he didn't want to talk anymore which Karl understood.

Karl picked him up setting him upright against the headrest. Karl held him so he was leaning onto his chest nuzzling his nose into sapnaps raven coloured curls.

Quackity came back up and saw the absolutely adorable sight Infront of him. He stepped over sitting beside sapnap. He helped him drink the water before placing it down somewhere. Getting into bed with them.

He leaned against sapnap pulling his legs up to his chest massaging his hair.

"Bubs we want you to know we'll always love you ok no matter what alright, doesn't matter what your dad says about you you're perfect" quackity said.

Sapnap barely smiles the two could see how much this was affecting him.

"Baby can you try tell us what he told you please no pressure" quackity said. Sapnap motioned for his notebook he used when he didn't want to talk, Karl reached over picking it up off of the floor.

'he told me I was fat and ugly and I was doing nothing with my life, he said I was useless and a horrible person that should be locked up, he told me I'm a, I don't really want to write it' he wrote.

Quackity gasped, "baby that's not ok at all you're not fat or ugly and it honestly wouldn't matter if you were. You're not useless babe you can loads of stuff everyone loves you. And he definitely should not be calling you that ok that's horrible" quackity said comforting him as he'd started crying again,

"My sweet baby you'll be alright" Karl said. "You don't deserve that I promise you dont" Karl soothed as sapnap layed his head against his chest.


Shortish one for today lads!

Words 870

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