ADHD | karlnap

591 11 4

Karl had been having a hard day with his ADHD he was constantly fiddling with stuff trying to distract himself from his senses to stop him from having a full on sensory overload which he had felt coming on all day

"Karl stop tapping on the table". His teacher shouted at him. "Oh ok" he said he felt his stomach slowly twist into a not. He tried his best not to start fiddling so his teacher wouldn't yell at him again but it was so hard he had to do something.

He eventually started to space out and absent mindedly started fiddle with the key chains on his pencil case the only thing keeping his mind off the senses , he didn't realize it was making a loud metally noise "Karl! What are you doing stop now!" "Karl are you even listening to me! Get out!" The teacher shouted. Karl immediately walked out of the room his head down feeling all eyes on. He felt like walls were pressing against his body he felt like he couldn't breathe. He ran into the bathroom trying to get away from people. He locked the door and sat on the floor.

He put his hands over his ears and rocked back and forth trying to block out all sound that seemed to be on full volume around him. His mind was slipping away from him he couldn't think of speak. His eyes were at bursting point sobs filling the bathroom.

The bell rang for the end of school and sapnap seeing the whole situation with Karl looking over into his terrified face when the teacher was screaming about him. He prepared himself for the state he would find Karl in as he ran down the corridor eventually being able to here his cries the closer he got he got to the bathroom slapping against the door several times to break the lock. storming into the room to find Karl crouched on the floor a terrified expression on his pale face rocking back and forth his hand covering his ears. Sapnap reached into his bag and pulled out karls ear defenders.

Sapnap slowly pulled Karl hands off his ears and placed the ear defenders over his ears. Sapnap placed his hand over Karl's eyes and put his other hand on Karl's shoulder slowly rubbing it "it's ok Karl it's ok I'm here" sapnap said Karl whined at the new noise he felt sapnaps hands on him. Karl began to get very uncomfortable everything around him seemed to come at him all at once overwhelming him.

Karl flinched and moved backwards away from sapnap. His hands made their way back to his ears and placed them on top feeling the plastic of the defenders beneath them and held them onto his ears as tightly as he could. Sapnap walked towards a tap that was dripping pressed down hard so it would stop and looked around the room for anything else that could be making noise.

He heard Karl's cries get louder from behind him his heart shattering knowing he couldn't do much to help. He walked back over picking up Karl's and sitting back down karls back and legs in arms Karl wrapped his arms around him. Sapnap felt Karl flinch and tighten his grip but stopped almost immediately as to not hurt sapnap"Squeeze as hard as you want baby I don't mind" sapnap said rubbing Karl's back.

Karl squeezed sapnap so tightly it almost hurt but sapnap didn't really care he needed to help Karl. "Sh sh sh it's ok Karl it's ok, keep taking breaths ok it will be over in a minute" sapnap said.

Sapnap felt Karl relax around his hands. And he picked both their bags and left holding Karl in his hands. It had been 20 minutes since school ended so the halls were deserted letting them walk with out stares. Placing Karl into his car he got in himself.

Driving home only took a few minutes as sapnap lived very close.

They arrived home and sapnap carried Karl inside setting him to rest on the couch and sapnap cuddled up to him.


This is really shit ik but it's been sitting in drafts for almost 6 months so I thought I'd get it out

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