dreamnotfound | car crash

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Tw⚠️ car crash, hospital, broken bones,crying, doctors, seizures, oxygen masks

George he/they 🏳️‍🌈
Dream he/him 💙💛💗

George and dream had been dating for 3 years, they live together in a large apartment. They both loved streaming and Minecraft and they lived about 3 hours .

"George I'm going to meetup with sapnap wanna come" dream said putting pair of white converse on. "Sure" George said smiling standing up and walking over to dream at the door.

George got in the passenger seat while dream got in the driver seat turning the engine on and started moving. Dream put his hand on George's thigh as they spoke about who knows what.

They turned onto the motorway sapnap house was about 2 hours away from theirs.

The road was icy and snow had been pushed to the edge of the road.

George shivered in the cold he regretted only wearing a t-shirt and a skirt. Dream noticed and said their was a hoodie in the back. George turned to grab it. Dream put his hand back on George's thigh and rubbed it up and down.

The snow get thinker to the point that they could barely see anything.

Dream and George were talking and singing songs that came up on the radio.  All of a sudden they hear a swerve and a car came crash into Georges side of the car. The car skidded to the side of the road smashing against the curb.

George had screamed and then passed out cold. Dreams hand that was on George's thigh was extremely bloody and felt like every bone in it had snapped in half. Other then that dream was completely fine just shaken his main concern was George. The car had hit him directly. He looked bad. He must have been looking out the window his nose was broken and his face was covered in scratches from broken glass his body was in a strange position he had obviously broken lots of bones. Dream yelled out and then started sobbing "pls don't be dead George I need you, I love you"  dream then passed out from shock and exhausten.

Dream woke up to a man's voice. "Sir can you here me" the man said he looked like a paramedic. "Ye yep I can where's george" the man looked over somewhere out of the car and pointed at George, George was on a stretcher with an oxygen mask on his face several medics helping him "Georgie" dream sobbed trying to get up but the man held him down (dreams still sitting in the car reck)  "please let me go to him.

Dream had a pleaded look in his eye do the man agreed supporting Dream out of the car. George looked even worse up close he had blood dripping down his face and body.

They loaded George into the ambulance and dream was allowed to go in with him. Dream stood over George's lifeless body dream gripped George's hand "it's ok baby I know you probably can't hear me but I love you" the ride to hospital seem to take years.

Dream always got a leap in his stomach when ever George made any movement but more often then not it was a machine George was attached to. When they got to hospital dream wasn't allowed to be in the room with him when he was getting tests done.

He went to a different to get his wrist looked at. Dream cried the untire time he thought the nurse would think he was weird but she didn't at the end when she took x-rays waiting for the results to come back she reached over and gave dream a hug.

"I-im just r-really worried" dream said whipping his eyes "it's ok to be sad just know he's with the best doctors this hospital has. "Thank you" clay said "you might be able to see him before he goes in for surgery.

Clay went to go into George room George had pipes in his throat. And medical patches on his face they had removed his t-shirt and he had different wires and drips.

"Hi George I'm so sorry I asked you to come look what I have done to you". A female doctor came over to him and told him that George has very sevier head trauma and may never be the same but it's a 50/50% chance of that happening dream sat in an empty seat. They couldn't move George to surgery the couldn't even move him without risking more injury. 

George's leg started twitching and his hands did his monitors were going crazy. "He's having a seizure" one doctor screamed lots of doctors ran over to him and dream was pushed out of the room. Dream stayed at the door listening. The doctors were running around the room getting different things for George.  Dream didn't want to listen anymore he walked around the hospital for a bit. "Oh shit I better call sapnap" clay went into a bathroom.

"Hey" he heard sapnaps voice say "are you ok" sapnap saw the look on dreams face "no, me and George are in the hospital we got into a car crash on the way here George had a seizure and I was forced out of the room he looks bad" dream cried "ok dream breathe for a second he's doing to be alright" "sapnap it's my fault I asked his did he want to come and he said yes and and and an-" dream said struggling to breathe "clay listen to me calm down wait with on call now and in and in 3 hours your going to go back and check on him.

Sapnap waited on call with dream for 3 hours. Them dream got up and walked to George's room. He had all the same wires in his chest but he only had an oxygen mask on his face replacing all of the tubes. Dream sat in the empty chair he would spend the whole night in their if he could. Just wanting to make George comfortable when George awoke.

Dream sat their for hours looking George in his closed eyes "I love you baby" dream smiled "sapnap says high by the way, he wishes you the best"  dream started to cry again warm tears falling onto dreams tshirt.

Dream stayed there all night even though most the doctors helping George had left.

It was 6pm the following evening George was still lying in bed barley alive.

A female nurse came in every hour or so to check George's vitals. "How is he" dream asked, the next time she walked in. "He is doing well but we are not sure when he will wake up"

Sapnap had driven down to the hospital along with his boyfriend Karl.  When the reached George's room they saw dream sitting there with his head in his hands.

Karl went over to him as sapnap talked to a doctor "he'll be ok" Karl said "but we don't know that I'm really scared Karl he's been lying like this for days now and I don't know what I'd do if he-" dream said "no you can't talk about that now he will be fine I promise" Karl replied

Sapnap came back after talking to the nurse 

"She said that it looks like George is doing better but may still have complications when he's awake but they still aren't sure when he's gonna wake up" sapnap said

Dream had tears still poring down his face they went over to dream and hugged him.

Karl and sapnap had to leave because there was only on person allowed after visiting hours.

Dream hadn't left the room apart from going to the bathroom

2 days..

3 days..

4 days..

5 days..

Dream had started to loose hope. When George's hand twitched in dreams hand. Dream looked down at George and his eyes started to open...

Words 1314

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