I will never hurt you | snf

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Tw abuse trauma

Georges dad beat him if he did something wrong like spilling his cup and the trauma hadn't left him.

George and sapnap were sitting at their dining table in their new house that they had recently enough bought together in Florida after making their relationship more serious. They had fallen in love in high school and decided to move in together and get married.

Sapnap had asked him if he wanted to move back to England as he knew George preferred it but George had declined immediately because his dad still lived there.

George explained the situation with his dad the conversation including allot of tears from both men after George explained how abusive his dad was and what he would do to him George explaining that he didn't want to live anywhere near him.

Sapnap understood and then learned that George had flashbacks of it a lot if he thought someone was mad at him or if something happens he always thinks it's his fault being told everything his fault.

Sapnap constantly reminded him that everything was ok and he'd never be mad at him aswell as telling him that he loved him deeply and wouldn't leave him.


"Would you like something to drink" sapnap asked "yes can I have a glass of water please" George asked smiling at his fiancé as sapnap walked over to the sink to fill two glasses of water for them before bringing the glasses to the table "thanks babe" George said taking his glass from sapnap who sat down opposite him.

"So do you have any plans today" sapnap asked him starting to sip his water holding his hands. "Not much I'm streaming with,- shit!" George said who'd picked up his glass which slipped and smashed on the floor soaking him and covering himself and the floor with shattered glass. "I'm sorry I'm so sorry" George said standing up but stepping on a piece of glass in his haste to not get sapnap mad and let out a loud yelp grabbing his foot, blood starting to spill out of the bottom of his heel

"it's ok baby I'll go get the mop" sapnap said "I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't hurt me" George said tears of fear exploding in his eyes the puddle of water now had specs of blood from George's foot. "Don't worry I'll just clean it up" sapnap said showing George what he was doing and he wasn't mad at him.

"No I'll do it I'm sor- oww!" He screamed stepping on his foot which had a piece of glass lodged into it. "Sh sh sh don't worry ok im not mad ok" sapnap said "I'm so sorry" George said again trying to help. "No it's ok I've got it you take care of yourself ok baby" sapnap said sweeping the glass away into a pan and putting them in the bin.

George started to go into a flashback.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" his dad screamed at him after he accidentally spilt a glass of milk George sobbed into his hand earning a slap from dad "youre so useless I wish I never had you you're pathetic 15 years   old and still acting like this" he dad yelled kicking him in the stomach and he fell off of his chair onto the ground. George just laid on the floor beside the chair crying and sobbing as his dad continued to beat him.

George was pulled out of his flashback by his fiance's words "hey it's ok that's it George just breathe he's not here anymore" he says.

Sapnap advanced on George and George turned his face and put his hands out infront of him "please- please don't hurt me" George said "baby, I would never, I promise can you look at me please" sapnap asked and George slowly took his hands away.

"I love you so much ok I'm never going to be mad at you sweetheart" sapnap says as George eventually started to calm down taking deep breaths and thinking about good things which always helped him relax.

Sapnap picked George up and carried him to the island setting him down and sitting in a stool infront of him. "Can I see your foot Georgie" sapnap said and George cautiously extended his leg showing sapnap the bottom of his foot. "Yeah it's really in there deep isn't it" sapnap said starting massaging George's thighs.

Sapnap stood and took a first aid kit from the top cupboard and wetted a few paper towels and sat in his stool again. "This might sting a bit ok" sapnap said said wiping the area George winced at the contact and grabbed sapnaps free hand and squeezed. Sapnap took tweezer out and started to pull at the glass in his foot "oww" George winced at the pain and dug his nails into sapnaps hand.

Sapnap pulled the glass out and cleaned the cut before placing a plaster it a wrapping it with a bandage. "That's better isn't it" sapnap said smiling George just stared down at his hands sapnap smiled faded "what's wrong baby" sapnap asked placing both his hands on Georges hips. "I hate thinking about it" George mumbled "I know you do Georgie but I'm always here to help" sapnap said rubbing his thumb in circles. "He used to beat the shit out of me if I did that" George said. Sapnap was slightly surprised as George didn't talk about what his father did he just said that he didn't like it being brought up so sapnap avoided his dad at all cost.

"How about we go to dreams it will be good to get your mind off things" sapnap suggested "I don't really feel like going anywhere I kinda just wanna take a nap" George said. "Alright let's go" sapnap said taking George upstairs and into bed.

I kinda like this idea ik it's very rushed like always but I'll rewrite it when I get the chance go eat some food you deserve it.

Words 676

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