dreams | karlnotfound

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Karl 24 he/him 💙💜💗
George 24 he/him 🏳️‍🌈

Tw anxiety attack

Karl and George were asleep in their shared bed it was 2am the and the soft tapping on the window from the branches outside mixed with the sound of chatter as people walked past.

George was in an uneasy sleep tossing and turning he always had this one dream that visited him in his sleep every single night.  He was hiding somewhere doing something stupid like you would normally do in dreams but then someone would grab him and pull him down stairs somewhere and he would sit on a chair. A creepy man from the corner will run up to him then disappear then when he turned around he would be there his teeth yellow and sharp smiling at him with his white eyes dripping in blood.

He sat bolt upright Shaking and panting in his room but tonight was worse than it had been before it got worse every night. He curled into a ball and slowly cried into his knees trying not to be too loud to disturb his sleeping boyfriend. He couldn't breathe no air was coming in he held desperately to his throat.

Karl slowly started to wake from his side. "Oh my gosh Georgie" he said sitting up like a bullet and rushing to help his boyfriend "k-ar-l h-elp I c-c-cant b-re-athe" George sobbed "ok ok  just try to relax for me ok" Karl said grabbing an inhaler from his bedside table incase it came to the worst "I'm here I'm here now ok count with me" Karl said starting to count out loud as he moved his hands up and down. "Ik it's scary baby but I'm so proud of you please try to breathe now" Karl said holding his hands.

"Sh sh sh its over now ok no need to be scared I'm here" Karl reached over and hugged him "was it the dream again" Karl said and he felt George nod "ok well it's not real alright and you will stop having these dreams I promise". Karl said "but I have them every night"George cried into Karl's chest "yeah but one day you'll be able to fight him off and he'll never come back ever again" Karl said choosing to adopt a playful tone to help calm George who chuckled a bit at Karl.

"We don't have to go back to sleep if you don't want to just yet" Karl said stroking Georges hair who clinged onto his chest.

After a while of cuddling and Karl singing and talking into George's ear he calmed down he slowly sank back into his bed and curled up next to Karl who spooned him wrapping his arms around his waist, George felt comfortable in Karl's arms but he just didn't want to go back to sleep but after a few hours he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Kinda got the idea off someone but I don't know who theirs was kinda different to this like it was a different scenario with different people but still I didn't make up the topic

Love u pls eat and drink today

Words 635

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