broken bones | karlnap

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Context- Karl breaks his ankle and sapnap looks after him.


Karl he/him 22
Sapnap h/him 20

Karl walked out of his room his nose all most Berried into his phone trying to get something done he walked down the first step down the stairs going to the kitchen to get a snack. The next thing he realized was his foot not making contact with the wood of the stairs and then he finds he's falling and hits wood floor at the bottom landing sideways on his ankles and his body falling over it making a large thump on the ground pain hitting him instantly letting out a yell of pain gripping his ankle as he rolled over in pain.

"Karl!?" Sapnap shouted from the kitchen after hearing a loud bang from the stairs.

"SAPNAP HELP!" he shouted holding his ankle in excruciating pain his eyes screwed up as tears fell. That was sapnaps call to action if you will and sprinted out seeing Karl on the ground in tears.

"Oh honey what happened" sapnap asked walking over and rubbed his back and knee gently.

"I fell down the stairs and now my ankle really hurts" Karl said his voice cracking and he was almost shaking in pain.

"Can you stand" he asked and Karl shook his head. "It really hurts"

"Oh baby alright come over here let me see it" he said picking Karl up carrying him to the couch he placed Karl down and sat beside him placing his foot of his lap.

He gently rolled up Karl trouser leg and his sock.

His ankle was swelling up and bruised it was gone purple and yellow. Sapnap immediately unclipped the ankle bracket he had on.  Karl still having tears running down his face.

"Tell me when it hurts" sapnap said slowly started to twist his ankle and move it up and down. "There oww" Karl hissed jumping slightly "I'm sorry Karl, can you try walking" sapnap asked holding Karl's hand as he tried to take a step "oww no oww aghh" Karl said letting out a few cries falling back onto sapnap who lowered him back on the couch.

"I think we need to take you to hospital babe" sapnap said Karl nodded taking deep breaths to try help stop the pain but it wasn't working it was so bad he couldn't even think straight.

Sapnap picked Karl of the couch and brought him to the car placing him in his seat going around to the drivers side getting in and driving to the hospital.

After arriving sapnap gave Karl and piggy back so he didn't have to walk.

They walked well sapnap walked Karl was still being carried to the reception and told her what happened and she told them to sit.

Sapnap placed Karl in a seat sitting next to him waiting for his name to be called sapnap pulled another chair from beside them and put it in front of Karl. "I'm going your foot up here alright" sapnap said lifting Karl's foot up making him wince and tears exploded in his eyes as it was placed back down. Karl wrapped his arms around saps shoulder and quietly cried into sapnaps it sapnaps arm around him stroking his back gently.

"It's ok baby don't cry it's alright it's ok" sapnaps said, people were starting to stare at them giving them dirty looks. But sapnaps didn't care it's a hospital where people go when they're in pain and this was Karl's way of expressing it.

"Karl Jacobs" a nurse called and they stood up sapnap picking him up walking inside the doctor office.

--time skip--  (they get x-rays done and all that jazz now they're back in the room.

"Yep it's broken in two places alright I'm gonna have to give you these and you can come back to me in eight weeks he said" before molding a plaster cast on his leg and giving him a pair of crutches.

"Oh and make sure you're on top of the medication he will so much pain if not ok".

"Thank you" they said walking out of the room sapnaps hands on Karl's back offering support as Karl wasn't used to walking with crutches.

They got to their car and drove home Karl still groaning out of pain slightly trying to get comfortable.

That arrived home and sapnap carried Karl and he crutches in with him.

He put Karl on the couch and sat next to him "how are you love" he said rubbing Karl thigh "incredibly sore" he half joked.

"Aww hun can I do anything"

"I don't know but oww oh my god aghh" Karl said started to whimper slightly at the end having immense pain after accedentaly moving it while flinching.

"It's ok sh sh sh it's ok alright I'll go get an ice pack and your tablets and you should feel better.

Sapnap stood up and as soon as he left the pain was almost unbearable and he let out small sobs and screams holding onto his leg for dear life. "Hey babe it's ok here let's put this on and take these" sapnap said putting the ice pack on his leg and giving him his tablets.

"Take a nap babe while it kicks in ok" he said.

Karl nodded wrapping his arms around sapnap and falling asleep.

Hello so this is the part where I make it about me, myself and I and tell you guys the story of how I broke my arm recently
(You can just skip it it's not important I just want to say it)

I broke it doing like a backhand spring typa thing and like landed weird and here's my coach like telling me how it was a good achievement bcs I'd been working on it. But here me like 'yep, yeah definitely' like trying not cry and hen I had to do a while ass routine which is probably one of the hardest routines I've done ever and it included lifting and throwing people above my head and I went outside and my dad was collecting me and I was like my arm is like dying and he didn't really believe me until I got home and my man was there like omg what do we do, and I went to the hospital and they told me the wrong results like they didn't see the break until the day after and I was in Tipperary which is so far from where I live and they called us and like you have to come in now like right now but obviously I couldn't so hey like agreed to have an appointment during the week where they like gave me a sling and blah blah blah.

But then I did it again 2 months later so now I'm in a sling again and I can't go to Scotland with my team :(

So yeah rant over

Words 1113

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