happy? birthday | karlnotfound

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Karl woke up he felt his nose was stuffy. And felt a sick feeling in his head and chest and he groaned turning in bed hoping to make it go away but of course it didn't.

It took him a good minute to remember that it was his birthday and all his friends were coming over to celebrate. He groaned again how would he be happy feeling like this.

He turned over onto his bed side table to get his phone and saw a text from his brother.

Hey bro sorry to say this on your birthday but twinkle just ran over and I'm sorry but she didn't make it.

Karls hand clapped over his mouth trying to stop the tears from falling.

Next second the door opened and his smiling boyfriend came in and he decided not to burden him with his problems.

"Hey baby happy birthday" he said quietly giggling.

"Hey thank you babe" he said noticing how his voice sound hoarse. George cocked an eyebrow at his putting a hand on his boyfriends forehead. "Are you sick babe you feel hot"

"No I'm good it's warm in here" Karl said coughing a bit.

"Ok but if you feel ill later just tell me ok" George said getting up to open the curtains. Of course it was raining why was today going so bad.

"Mhm" Karl mumbled sniffling. "C'mon you better get dressed they'll be here soon"George said excitedly going to his wardrobe and picking out some clothes.

"Will I leave you alone so you can change" George said gently and Karl nodded he just needing a chance to breathe.

"Alright love I'll have breakfast ready for when you come out" George said smiling pecking him on the lips.

Karl quickly got dressed he always loved the close George picked out for him. Denim shorts and a purple and white hoodie.

He shoved why was he so cold it was the middle of summer.

He scrolled on his phone unable to look at any app without the countless amount of hate.

Hate Karl so much that fat f.... A can't believe he's done this I hope he dies

Karl Jacobs deserves to be locked In a cage and drowned.

Fuck you Karl!!

Karl whimpered at the comments they just kept getting worse he hadn't done anything what the hell.

"Karl! You coming" George called from downstairs. Karl jumped at the noise before running downstairs.

"Hey baby happy birthday" George said the sitting room/ kitchen area looked incredible decorated in purple ribbons, balloons, streaming, bunting and everything else you'd expect.

"Thank you baby!" Karl exclaimed hugging him tightly. "No problem my love" George said holding his hips.

They stayed like that for a minute Karl's head buried into George's shoulder.

Until there was a knock on the door and quackity, sapnap and dream walked in. "Hey birthday boy" sapnap said placing a parcel on the counter.

"Heyyy" Karl said tryin,g to put a happy face on.

"Sorry I have to sit down I feel really lightheaded.

"Are you ok" sapnap asked him George also coming over putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just tired" Karl said sitting in bar stool.


It had been an hour and Karl had just been feeling worse and worse.

Every cough pulled at his vocal cords making his head ache worse and worse.

Karl felt really shaky his cold hadn't eased of at all and he felt really week.

He tried to cut the cake but he just couldn't he could barely lift his hand up he was so frustrated why was everything going wrong today.

When he was finally able to cut the cake the piece balancing on the knife fell off onto the floor.

Karl just couldn't deal with any more unable to stop the inevitable tears that had been threatening to fall all day spewed out of his eyes.

He completely just broke down putting his head into his hands crying and sobbing loudly.

"Hey baby ,hey" George said rushing over to him as everyone else just stared around confused as this wasn't a big deal and were confused why he got so upset about if even George was confused.

"Hey baby can you look at me for a second could you do that for me" George said crouching down beside him. "Hey sh sh sh it's ok everything's ok" George said massaging his back.

Karl continued to cry his body shaking. Dream put a gentle hand on his shoulder sapnap and quackity standing close.

"How about we go have a chat in our bedroom alright you'll be a little more comfortable in there wont you baby" he said Karl nodding.

"Ok love C'mon we'll be back in a minutes guys alright" George said taking Karl's hand bringing him into the bedroom.

George just gave Karl a minute to let his feelings out before he tried comforting him as he didn't look like he was able to talk much.

George just held Karl close to his chest rocking him. As Karl hiccuped and choked out the last few sobs.

"My baby it's ok" he said calmly.

"Now what's going on ok take a deep breath in alright and then try to explain the issue alright baby"

"I-i woke u-up a-and I felt s-sickk and have b-been weak a-all day. A-and my cat died a-and I w-was on twitter, p-people s-saying bad t-things" he sobbed out.

"Oh love you're really not having a great day are you?" George asked putting Karl on his lap.
"I understand ok, the cake was just the tipping point?" George asked fully engaging in the conversation. "Mhm" Karl cried.

"Ok take deep breaths now ok let's calm ourselves a bit ok, I'm so sorry about your cat baby I know you loved him but just know you had some really great memories with her didn't you ok let's just think about them alright she's always there with you ok" George said comfortingly.

Karl nodding smiling slightly. "There's that smile I love now twitter is the most stupid thing ever!" George said enthusiastically which made Karl laugh.

"Ok Karl nothing is true because I know you and I know what's true or not I know you care what people think but they just want to find a reason to hate you ok" George said kissing his forehead as Karl coughed again.

George smiled sympathetically at him. Rubbing his hair out of his face.
"Where do you not feel well honey" George asked trying to cover all grounds.

"My head and my chest" Karl whined. "I'm sorry love maybe we reschedule this party for next week yeah and we can just cuddle in bed ok how's that sound.

"Good" Karl mumbled. "Ok love I'll go tell the others" George said kissing his head.

"Hey guys Karl isn't well so we are just going to rest for a bit you can stay if you'd like but we probably aren't going to to come back down" George said.

"Is he ok" sapnap asked concerned. "He's fine just a bit emotional that's all can we reschedule this for next week?" George asked them. "Of course" dream said quietly.

"Ok thank you guys so much" George said rushing back in seeing Karl curled up in bed sniffling into his pillow.

"Hey sweetie you alright" George spoke quietly.
"Mhm" Karl mumbled looking at him with red and puffy eyes. Georges face softened into a sympathetic smile.

"Sh sh sh it's alright" George cooed putting him in his lap rocking him until he slowly fell asleep to make this terrible day over.

Words 1293

First update in a while what do we think???

Also my writers block is bloody killing me right now PLS give me some ideas!!

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