failed | punznapwastaken

315 7 3

Requested by flowers4dabeez I think this was number 5

Welp this is a knew ship and its my first time including punz in a story so I'm not really sure what he's like as a person and pls tell me if anything is against his boundaries.

Also I saw his tweet the other day and cried for like an hour, but I don't even really watch him I just can't not cry when something is sad 😭.

Context- punz's brother toke his own life and he feels guilty for it

Tw suicide, pills, depression, meltdown, alcohol and cigarettes mention.


Sapnap 22 he/him
Dream 23 he/him
Punz 23 he/him

Punz pov

I've failed, I've failed as a brother.

My brother killed himself and its all my fault.

My thoughts kept running through my head. "What if I was nicer" "what if I hung out with him more" "what if he had more attention" "what if" "what if"

It all just kept pounding and pounding and pounding leaving me with extreme headaches all the time which I was never able to get rid of.

It was like my brain was trying to convince me that I did it and was then punishing me for it.

Saying my speech at the funeral was the worst I could nearly get the words out at the end sobs overpowering me infront of almost 200 people. And I had to get taken away by my two boyfriends.

We even had to leave and sit in the bathroom for 30 minutes just so I could calm down.

God, I'm so selfish sometimes I couldn't even stay at my brother's funeral because of my own damn feelings.

I really think it should've been me who had died not him, he was so full of life and he was happy from what everyone else saw.

Me on the other hand am miserable. Drowning my life away on cigarettes and alcohol and pretty much every other bad substance out there.

I'd even over heard my mom say she wish it was me that had died not him.

That hurt so much and it makes me think no one would miss me know one would be at my funeral.

No one-

Dream and sapnap pov

"Hey babe you doing alright" dream said walking in punz briefly looked at them but turned his head back staring at the wall infront of him a blank expression on his face.

"Heyy you ok" dream said going in and walking over getting in the bed beside him.

"Punz look at me" dream said holding his waist. Sapnap had come in not long after.

Punz's eyes started to water and he grabbed dream so tightly and was just crying into his shoulder.

"It's all my fault its all my fault"he cried.

Dream tightly wrapped his hands around punz pulling him onto his lap insuring they were close.

"It's not your fault" dream shushed him.

"It is! If I was better then maybe he wouldn't have I'm such a bad brother! It should of been me I don't want to be here!" Punz shouted gripping dream so tightly.

"I know it's hard right now babe I promise it will get better" dream said trying to sooth him.

"HOW! It's just getting worse I keep getting overstimulated by my own thoughts and I keep getting headaches" punz shouting starting to hyperventilate, shaking from head to toe.

"Sh sh sh it's ok I promise you it will be ok all of this will end sometime" dream said keeping his calm voice just letting punz do whatever he wanted to him, letting him scream, hit, kick, punch and anything else to get his emotions out.

Punz was now unable to speak his meltdown getting worse.

Punz was hitting dream hard on the arm letting all of his built up frustration out. Dream not caring in the slightest.

Sapnap had a firm grip on punz's arms the whole time just watching the scene take place until he noticed punz start to pull at his own hair pulling out a chunk of hit.

"Hey doll please don't do that" sapnap said taking his hands. "Please let me go" he shouted at him freeing his hand and running into the bathroom quickly searching through his drawers trying to find them.

He pulled out a small vile of pills. Sapnap and dream ran in.

"Punz please don't" sapnap said tears immediately started in his eyes.

"I have to I can't live like this" punz said poring them into his hands and just as he was about to put them to his mouth dream smacked them out of his hand.

"Dream what the fuck" he screamed at him.

"I'm not letting you do this babe" he said holding punz's shoulders.

"We are here luke ok we'll help you through this" sapnap said placing a hand on his shoulder before hugging him tightly.

Punz just sobbed into both of them not holding anything back.

"Come doll, let's get some sleep" dream said picking pins up and carrying him to bed placing him down. Passing him one of his hoodies and sapnaps sweatpants.

"You get into these alright babe then we can cuddle" dream said as punz did so.

The two got into bed next to him holding him tightly.

"I love you baby and we always will" sapnap said playing with his hair.

Soon punz fell asleep exhausted from his breakdown.

Whoop I like this one sorry I haven't been uploading allot recently

please give me requests

Words 926

Also go read my new book 'old habit' on my profile <3 it's very similar to these stories

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