2 sick lover's | georgenapity

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Part two to 'being sick is the worst'

Context-quackity and sapnap are sick after taking care of George

Tw vomit,


it had been 5 whole days since George was sick originally, he was feeling allot better since then but what he hadn't realised was he would pass on his sickness to quackity and sapnap,

the three were in  bed it was 7 o'clock in the morning when George who was on his phone waiting for them to wake up he heard a slight groan from beside him thinking it was just someone walking up he turned over smiling sweetly.

The smile dropped how ever when his saw his smaller boyfriend in a fetal position rubbing his stomach and whining into the sheet.

"Oh shit quackity are you alright sweetheart" George says. "N-no" quackity croaked out before coughing allot into his elbow.

"Oh no babe I think you have a fever" George said putting a hand to his forehead.

"You try fall asleep again ok get some rest I'll go get you things to make you feel better" he said before he ran around to sapnap to make him aware of the situation.

But he noticed something's off.

Sapnaps face was red especially his cheeks and sweat was beading off his face. His mouth was parted open by chipped callus lips breathing heavily through his mouth.

George took his blanket off gently to not wake him but he started to stir anyway.

"George?" Sapnap groaned tiredly. "Yes sweetheart are you ok" George asked.
Sapnap shook his head settling back down and rubbing his temples.

"I feel icky" sapnap said also curling into a ball. "Oh no sap it'll be alright ok I'm going to go get some medicine I'll be right back-" he started but at that moment quackity shot out of bed his hand over his mouth.

George sighed but quickly followed him to the bathroom to see him hunched over the toilet spluttering and gagging.

"Ok Lexi it's ok sh sh sh it'll be over soon ok" george comforted.

George heard the bed creaking again and quick footsteps that ran in the direction of the other bathroom.

"I'm just going to check on sapnap ok" he said rubbing his back again before standing up briskly walking to the bathroom that was a bit down the hall.

"Sapnap?" George said softly seeing his lover on the floor.

"Sh sh it's ok baby nothings going to happen.
"George it hurts" he said again rubbing his temples harshly.

"Doing that will make it worse sweetheart do you think you're able to come back in bed with me now?" George asked and sapnap nodded sadly.

"Alright sweetie let's go back to bed ok that's it" George said helping him stand.

"Can you walk by yourself" George asked sapnap who nodded but held his hand taking small steps.

George helped him crawl into bed and lay down "sweetheart im just going to check on quackity alright I'll be back" George says motioning to the ensuite.

George walked in to quackity brushing his teeth grimacing at the awful taste in his mouth.

He spat in the sink as he legs started to buckle under him.

George was able to get under him before he fell picking him up bridal style.

"Are you alright bae" George says noticing quackity's watering eyes.

"No" he said and burried his face in his shoulder.

"Sh sh sh hey it's ok please don't cry babe" George said bobbing him slightly which was the wrong choice as quackity gagged again as George rushed to have him sit on the floor Infront of the toilet.

"You're doing great babe I'm so sorry" George says rubbing his back as quackity collapsed into his arms once he was done.

"You ready to go back to bed now hun" George asked quackity nodding his head sticking out his arms to be carried.

George chuckled picking the smaller boy up holding him around his waist.

George set him down in bed with sapnap. Quackity didn't let go of George instead clinging onto him.

"Quackity you have to let go alright so I can take care of both of you" George explained quackity let go but then pulled him into bed with them.

"You guys are such idiots you got too close to me when I was sick" George said.

"We had to take care of youu" sapnap whined hugging him.

"Well don't get me sick again" George said nuzzling into sapnaps head.

"Hmm we'll try not to" sapnap says making George laugh.

Just a short chapter for this morning.

Words 773

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