dnf | sensory overload

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Dream 23 he/him🏳️‍🌈
George 25 he/him🏳️‍🌈

Dream was in his bedroom his head spinning in circles then the knot in his chest tightens causing him to fall on the floor the world around him with all of it's noises, smells and sights caving in on him all at once.

He was alone unable to shout for help unable to move unable to think. All one of the many downsides to having adhd is dealing with these all the time.

He sat on his cold wood flooring his hands on his ears as he rocked back and forth trying to block out all of his senses.


George was on the couch enjoying himself watching random shows he found on the tv he loved shows that he would never watch again but was good for the time being.

Usually dream liked watching it with him and George climbed the stairs two at a time to him and his boyfriend shared room.

He opened the door and stepped inside "hey babe I'm wa-, ok" George said and he sat infront of dream "can you hear me" George asked and dream didn't answer.

George went around the room turning different switches they may of helped trigger dreams overload. He turned of all the lights the only source now bring the window that sent a white-gold colour across the room. He turned off their air conditioning the sound sometimes would wreck dreams head.

He sat back infront of dream and slowly put a hand over dreams eyes and blocked his nose with the other. Slow muttering came from dreams mouth "1234 1234 1234 1234"

George looked at dream closely it looked like he was coming around "hey dream you're doing so well, I'm so proud of you" George said. Dream was breathing heavily. George wasn't sure if dream could hear him or not.

George felt dreams eyes open underneath his hand and he took it off to look at him "George" dream said in a scared voice "what's going on"
"you had another meltdown dream" George said and he out his hands either side of dream rubbing him up and down.

"Oh" dream said he didn't like when George saw him like that it made him feel like less of a person, but he always got through it better and quicker when he was there. "You feeling ok now" George said and dream shrugged his shoulders., "can you turn that off" dream said pointing "Turn what off" George asked "t-the clock" "oh" George said not even noticing the clock ticking he just took the whole thing off the wall George grabbed a bag and pulled two fidget toys out and held them up dream pointed to one and George handed it to him "do you wanna stay here or where do you wanna go" George asked and dream pointed down indicating "here" "alright" George said

"Can you look at me please dream" he said lifting dreams chin up, dream didn't give him direct eye contact which wasn't unusual in this situation so George didn't push it. "I'm sorry George for being such a burden" dream sobbed looking down salty tears falling from his eyes. George's heart shattered in pieces listening to his boyfriend to about himself like that. "dream you've never been a burden I love you, you can't control this" George said holding his boyfriends hands. Georges eyes started to swim with tears. "I love you dream it's ok now" he said rubbing the blondes back as he was still sobbing. "Sh sh sh, I'm here you're alright" he said starting to rock side to side with dream in his arms.

George broke off and cupped dream face in his hands whipping dreams tears with his thumbs. Dream for the first time in ages looked up at him in the eyes and George finally got to see his emerald green eyes that glowed in the light from the window. "I'm so proud of you dream thank you" George said kissing dream slowly to not overwhelm him.

"I'm watching something you might like if you wanna watch it with me" George said whipping his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt. "Ok" dream cried

George slowly helped dream walk down the stairs holding his hand making him feel safe. Dream sat on the couch sitting to the side leaning against the hand rest. George climbed on top of him resting on his chest and wrapping his arms around him.


Soooo I may have been working on this for like months but I think it's worth it pls tell what you think and give requests for different chapter bcs I have 0 ideas

Words 735

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