secrets | dreamnotnap

420 5 8

Requested by flowers4dabeez whoo

Tw alcohol reference, weed, cigarettes, smoking, depression, sh, eds, sh recovery, crying. You know like all the good stuff /j

Context- sapnap is going through a depressive episode and is drinking smoking doing drugs and needs the love and support from his partners who r there for him.

Characters- -
Sap nap 22 he/him
George 26 he/him
Dream 23 he/him

Sapnap had basically given up on his life he thought to himself what was the point in living anymore. He was essentially wasting away on drinks, weed, cigars, and god knows what else. Just know that if it was bad for you sapnap is probably doing it.

He had such a bad self harm addiction that he couldn't be trusted with anything sharp his boyfriends hiding anything he could hurt himself on.

He was secretly hiding a little stash of weed alcohol and cigarettes in a little box under his bed Incase he needed it ever.

He was sitting on his bed a smell of smoke in the room as he was currently on his 4th one in that sitting.

He was startled when he heard someone walk in quickly hiding the packet but dream had already seen it and the cigarette in his mouth. "Sapnap what was that" dream said walking over grabbing the pack out of his hands "what is this sapnap" dream asked "dream give it back" sap pleaded "no!, You can't just waste your life smoking" dream said looking pissed "dream please I need them" sapnap said breaking down and dream felt bad for shouting at him "oh sappy me and George have just been so worried about you" he said hugging him but pulling away getting the smell of weed off of him.

"Sapnap why do u smell like weed" dream asked and sapnap gulped hiding his face in his hands starting to cry "oh sapnap" dream said hugging him tightly "baby why?" Dream asked tentatively "I don't know" sapnap admitted crying more sobs carrying through the house. "It just makes me feel better for a bit when I do it" sapnap said "I think I'm depressed dream" sapnap admitted "and I get it if you don't want to be with me anymore because who would want to be with someone who's only way of being happy is drugs and alcohol" sapnap said breaking down.

"Sapnap of course I won't leave you I'll help you alright" dream said taking his hands. "Thank you dream-.." sapnap said breaking down into fast sobs trying to suppress them not wanting to look week.

"It's alright baby you can cry" dream said stroking his head. As the door opened for the second time as their brunette fiance walked in.

"Hun what's wrong" George asked walking closer but stopping scrunching his nose "think before you speak" dream called not wanting George make a snarky comment on the smell something he usually would have.

George came over breathing through his mouth and hugged the two.

"What's up baby" George asked. Sapnap looked like he wasn't able to speak so dream answered. "Sapnap is going through a despresive episode and is finding things a little tough right now" dream said "oh honey I'm so sorry is there anything we can do help" George asked. "No you just need to wait them out I used to have them allot when I was younger" sapnap said wiping his nose.

"Ok ill run you a bath honey and then we can make this place really nice and Cosy so we can wait it with you yeah" dream said picking sap up bringing him to the bathroom leaving George to clean up the room which he loved doing.

He found sapnaps box under the bed and started crying himself..

Dream came in to get sapnap a towel when he saw George crying. "Georgie what's the matter" dream asked sitting beside him and George showed dream the box from beside him "i-i d-didn't know it was this bad" George said. "I know baby but we gave to stay strong for him yeah he's going through enough, do you think you can do that for me" he said smiling rubbing George's cheek as he smiled. "You go but the box down stairs in the cabinet and lock the door to it and just throw the weed out it really is disgusting" dream said and George smiled going to do what he was told.

As dream went back to sapnap he saw him crying hard into his knees. "Honey what happened" dream said "they are going white dream" sapnap said talking about his scars disappointed they didn't stay read but instead fading becoming pale.

"Alright it's alright let's get you out of here yeah get you into comfy clothing" dream said dryinig him off and changing him.

"Darling can u come with me now" Dream asked picking sapnap up bring him into sapnaps bedroom ((the guest room sapnap took over)) George had completely cleaned the bad smells in the room and had dimmed the lights placing fairy lights on the ceiling. It looked beautiful. George emerged from a corner taking sapnap in his arms laying him down. He took out a face mask he had in his hand and gently rubbed it on sapnaps face then doing one for dream, George already having one on sat down in the bed beside him and dream the other side.

"I love you guys" sapnap said "we live you too they said cuddling into him.

They played a movie in the background as the cuddled.

Sad chapter to celebrate 5k 🥂🥳

But actually thank you so much I love you all

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