the ex, karlnapity

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Sapnap 22 he/him 🏳️‍🌈💙🖤❤️
Quackity 22 he/him🏳️‍🌈💙🖤❤️
Karl 22 he/they🏳️‍🌈💙🖤❤️

Sapnap and quackity were in the shared bedroom streaming just a normal valorent stream but they were taking it in turns "your so bad quackity" sapnap shouted as quackity had just lost very badly. "Alright alright Mr vAlOrEnT gUy" quackity said swapping seats with sapnap.

Karl was in the sitting room he was scrolling through twitter when he got a notification from an unknown number he clicked on it to find a picture of him with barely any clothes on and a caption "I'll share these to everyone if you don't send more"

"No" Karl said he covered his mouth with a shaky hand another message popped up "I know you're there slut answer now or I'll do it. Karl hated being called that his ex used to call him that all the time even when they were "together" and only one person would have those pictures.

Karl went onto google to try find someone that has around the same body as him and he found one pretty quickly he cropped it and sent it to him a message appeared almost instantly with "that's not you send me a real one slut" Karls tears poured down his face and he typed "please leave me alone"
"No not until you send them to me" he replied "no not right now please" Karl said he shut off his phone and ran upstairs to their room where he knew quackity and sapnap were he opened the door.

The door wasn't visible to where the stream saw so none of the chat would see him and quackity and sapnap looked over at Karl who was red faced with tears pouring down his face. "Hey guys I-i think we are going to end the stream here if that's ok" sapnap said looking at Karl concerned the whole chat started spamming "noooo" and "who's at the door" sapnap shut off the stream and stood up he went over and hugged Karl and karl cried into his shoulder sapnap rubbed patterns into his back before leading Karl over to sit on his bed quackity who was watching the interaction got a message on his phone and he picked it up to look at it.
He gasped at what his saw it was the picture of Karl again he set his phone down and went over to sapnap and karl.

Karl was sitting on their bed his hand over his mouth and was sobbing the words "no" and "why" like the chat did in a different context "why what baby what's going on" sapnap asked and Karl's sobs grew louder quackity brought his phone and showed sapnap the picture.

Sapnap didn't mind seeing Karl naked he had seen it before, he did mind that someone else had a picture and sent it to quackity and God knows who else.

Karl cried louder as he realized he had sent it to people. Quackity got closer to Karl and hugged him, quackity resting his chin on Karl's head before leaning his head down and kissing him on the top of his head.

"Karl what is this about" sapnap said as Karl and quackity broke apart sapnap go easy on him quackity said as him and Karl sat on their bed. "It was my ex h-he t-told m-me that if i-i didn't send m-ore he would send them to e-everyone" Karl sobbed "I'm going to kill this guy" sapnap said and he almost stood up but quackity sat him back down karl sat in the middle of both of them. Karl was crying into his hands and quackity and sapnap looked at each other. "I feel sick" Karl said and he ran to the bathroom with his hand covering his mouth. Sapnap and quackity followed him to find Karl hunched over on his knees, his arms and hand on the rim of the toilet. "Oh baby" quackity said as Karl retched into the toilet

Karl's boyfriends sat beside Karl and comforted him Karl who was crying and throwing up, they sat up from the toilet and looked up at them. The two taller's heart broke at the sight of their distraught boyfriend. Karl had tear scars on his red face.  Quackity and sapnap stood up slowly bringing Karl with them and they slowly walked back into their room. Sapnap pulled Karl forward onto his lap  "What d-do" I do" Karl cried into sapnaps shoulder, sapnap played softly with karls hair "call the police" quackity said "no don't call them put we'll file a report" sapnap said he moved his hands from Karl's head to his back rubbing it  up and down.

"Please don't cry Karl" sapnap said as he looked at Karl. Karl chocked on his sobs and covered his mouth with his fingers "we love you baby" quackity said and he hugged Karl from behind and he swayed side to side "I'm scared" Karl said "why are you scared sweetheart" quackity asked "what if he sends them to p-people" Karl whimpered into his hands "yeah" quackity said agreeing with him "here, let's go down to the station and report that bastard "o-oh ok" Karl said wiping his eyes.

I will finish this

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