faced with fears | karlwastaken

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Requested by lovelydraconevile

Karl as always had emetophobia he just can't help it when someone is sick it's just something about it. It always affected him just something as simple as someone saying they feel sick or someone coughing or someone going quiet for to literally any slight inconvenience someone is doing can make him full on panic and leave.

He couldn't go on airplanes couldn't go to bars or clubs and would avoid hospitals if he could.

If he ever actually saw someone being sick or saw sick on the ground that was a completely different story. He just would cry and panic and in extreme cases even pass out.

Dream has always been there for him whenever anything like that happens he always there to help him and he understands that Karl won't be able to care for him when he's sick. From the amount of times Karl's asked if he's going to be sick even on normal days when he slightly coughed or something.

But the inevitable day was going to happen at some point when he'd say yes to that question.

Karl woke up to soft panting on the other side of the bed. Confused, He slowly opened his eyes and curious look plastered on his face.

He turned seeing dream curled up in a fetal position in a cold sweat whimpering and panting holding his stomach.

Karl's eyes widened his breath picking up.
"Dream baby are you alright" Karl said wiping his clammy face.

"N-no!" Dream whimpered. "Oh baby what's wrong" Karl asked not sure if he wanted to here the answer.

"I'm tummy hurts so bad and I feel really *gag* nauseous" dream cried.

"Are you going to be sick" Karl asked in shock. "Yes I think so I-i-m so sorry sweetheart"
Karl's eyes widened more than before his breath picking up greatly.

"O-oh e-em come on hun let's b-bring you to the bathroom" Karl said fighting back tears.
He was dreading this day after they got married knowing he'd have to do this eventually.

He took dream into the bathroom. "Darling can you sit on the floor please" Karl asked helping him onto his knees Infront of the toilet as he spluttered an retched karl blocking his ears

He couldn't bring himself to look or even touch him so he sat back choking back tears. Until he couldn't take it anymore and had to leave.

"I'm s-sorry baby I have to go" Karl cried.

"It's ok I understand take care of yourself baby" dream said patting his shoulder.

Karl ran out of the room.

He burst into tears sliding against the wall he felt really guilty but he just couldn't do it. He shakely got out his phone ringing sapnap.

Sapnap understood Karl's fear and knew he wasn't being selfish when it came to this.

"H-hello sapnap" Karl spoke his voice cracking. "Karl what's wrong it's 6 am" sapnap asked.

Karl took a deep breath in before replying.
"Dream is really sick a-and and I j-" Karl started but was trying to contain his crys so much he just completely burst into tears.

"It's ok it's ok I understand ok I understand completely" sapnap said as their was another retch from the bathroom Karl shuddered then let out a sob.

"Hey Karl listen to me ok I'll come down and take care of him alright you come up here and spend the day with George alright.

"O-ok" Karl sniffled.

"Ok Karl do you think you can wait till I get there" sapnap asked. "Mhm" Karl mumbled holding onto himself he felt really guilty for leaving dream but he knew he understood.

Sapnap arrived at his house around 15 minutes later and Karl let him in giving him a big hug sobbing into his shoulder.

"Heyyy it's ok Karl it's alright" sapnap said rubbing Karl's back. "Sh sh sh please don't feel guilty Karl it's fine" sapnap said soothing him.

"Ok now you go drive to George's house ok don't worry about things here" sapnap said hugging him quickly before going up to meet dream.

Once he got into the bathroom he knelt down beside dream rubbing his back.
"Hey man you're alright" he said As dream was whimpering.

"Ughhh I feel awful" dream whined putting his head in his hands.

"I bet you do come on I'll help you get back in bed" sapnap says helping him up and walk into the bedroom. He helped dream back into bed tucking him in.

"Do you need anything dude" sapnap asked.

"Some pain killers would be nice if that's ok" dream asked.

"Of course you good by yourself" sapnap asked him.

"Yeah I'm good" dream replied making himself more comfortable becoming twisted in sheets.

Sapnap smiled at him going downstairs to fetch the items.

After about five minutes he came back with a small box of pain relief and water handing them to dream sitting beside him.

"Thanks so much" dream said taking one with water placing it on the side table.

"You wanna watch a movie" sapnap asked and dream nodded.


When Karl arrived at George's house his panic and guilt just increased. "Hey Karl what's going on it's 7am" George asked answering the door in his pjs looking tired.

Karl just immediately broke down crying latching onto George.

"Ok, ok, ok it's ok Karl" George tried to soothe as Karl just sobbed.

"Karl you only really get like this when-" George started then looked in Karl's face which was his answer.

"Oh Karl come in and tell me what happened" George said taking Karl's hand.

"You can start when you want" George said.

"Dreams really sick and he threw up and I-i just couldn't deal with i-it a-and I-i left a-and I f-feel r-really guilty n-no-now" Karl sobbed.

"Oh Karly that sounds awful for you remember it's never your fault and you shouldn't feel guilty" George soothed holding onto Karl who was still crying.

"Sh sh sh it's all ok now" George comforted.

"Come on let's sleep it's so early do you want to sleep with me" George asked and Karl nodded slightly perking up at the idea.

George chuckled a bit leading him up the stairs.

The next day Karl went back to his house where dream was as he wasn't as sick as before after a few brushed away apologies all was well again.


Words 1091

Updated version whoo Hoo ❤️

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