crying and screaming karlwastaken

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Tw self harm, panic attack, trouble breathing, blood, razor, screaming, crying

Proceed with caution my loves </3

Dream 23 he/him 🏳️‍🌈
Karl 22 he/him🏳️‍🌈

"Karl you're ok calm down" dream said his hands on his boyfriends shoulders.

"Dre- dream it's not ok I'm sorry I'm sorryyy" Karl was screaming tears streaming down his red face.

"Karl please" clay said desperately

"No no no no, aggghg" Karl screamed, the scream shot through dream he couldn't stand seeing his lover like this.

Karl breathing was alarmingly quick and his hands and legs were shacking so much it looked like he had been pushed in a pile of snow.

Karl had his hands over his ears and was trying to move back away from dream.

Dream held him close, each of Karl's sobs felt like a stab in the heart for dream it was almost unbearable.

Dream had walked into the bathroom they shared and saw a razor that looked like it was very hastily hidden that was dripping with blood he went back into their bedroom with the razor and showed it to Karl.

Karl eyes swam with tears and his breathing quickened "dream I'm s-sorry.

Dream was in no way mad at Karl he just was concerned and simathetic he didn't know how else to talk in these situations.

"Hey hey hey hey hey look at me look at me Karl" dream said cupping his face wiping away his falling tears and staring into his destraut eyes "your ok baby" he kissed Karl on the nose "dream i-i-i-" Karl tried to say "I know I know love it's ok"

Karl chocked on his breath warm tears and blood still dripping on the floor
"I'm here baby I'm here" dream said Karl's shacking head in his hands.

"I'm sorry you probably th-think i-im weird" Karl said looking down at his quivering hands. "Karl I love please, I don't think your weird" dream said a tear running down his face. "Of course you do who wants a b-b-boyfriend who cuts himself"
"Karl I love your gonna get through this"

Karls sobs were loud and close together and he shacking so much it was hard to keep a hold on him. And his breathing was still very fast, desperately trying to get air in.

"I-i can't b-breathe" Karl said gasping for breath but none coming in. "It's ok In through your nose out through your mouth" dream held onto Karl as Karl tried to gather his breaths slightly taking big shacking breathes in

"Clay" Karl said looking up at him with red puffy eyes that were filled with tears, Karl never said dreams real name there was something really wrong with Karl and all dream could do is be there a offer comfort until Karl calms down.

"I-i just panicked dream when I heard you c-coming in and I wasn't able t-to h-hide it properly" Karl said

Dream gave Karl a big hug making sure to grip him tight. "Karl why though" dream said again not angrily but simatheticly.

"I d-dont kn-now" Karl said his voice quivering the old tears dripped down his face again as dream held him "I do it when I need to p-punish myself" Karl's words broke dream and a wall he didn't know was building up collapsed, dream was now the one crying he put his hands over his face wiping his tears "you never ever need to punish yourself Karl you are the best person I know I love you so much" his voice was surprisingly strong considering he was crying.

(Not sexual
Dream carried Karl into there bathroom and took Karl shirt off seeing that had not only harmed one of his arms but both and all the was down his chest and stomach. And dream looked down at Karl's legs all the way up and down were covered in thin long lines in groups of 3.

Dream carefully wiped the blood off of Karl and wrapped the parts with bad cuts of bandages.

"I love you Karl" dream said giving Karl a kiss

"I love you too"

How are we people's

I needed to get a chapter out I haven't updated in a month but here we go.

I love you so much pls eat and drink today u deserve it.

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