emetophobia | Karlnotfound

863 6 2

Tw vomit, panic attack

George 25 he/they 🏳️‍🌈
Karl 24 he/they 🏳️‍🌈

Karl wakes up beside his boyfriend everyday since Karl moved to England every day was the same.

Karl would wake up to kisses, cuddles and smiles. Except today.

Karl wakes up to find his boyfriend still asleep with his hands on their ears. He was groaning in their sleep obviously in pain.

"Baby" Karl said concerned. George groaned  before slowly waking up. "Kawel is t-that you" George says putting on a baby voice. "Yes baby it is what what's wrong" Karl said simatheticly. "I don't feel gooood" George groaned "what hurts baby" Karl said lifting George's chin to see him better "my head and my stomach' George shouted

"Oh ok here sit up" Karl said slowly helping George sit up. When George sat up fully he gagged and covered his mouth with their fist.

"Karl" George screamed "it's ok it's ok here" Karl said picking George up and bring  to the bathroom.

"KARL I DON'T WANT TO GET SICKK" George screamed being gently placed on the floor. "I know I know this is just Incase" Karl knelt down behind George.

George gagged again making him shake uncontrollably. George had emetophobia so everytime him or someone else gets sick he gets really scared and starts panicking.

"Your ok George your ok" Karl said as George threw up into the toilet. George was shaking so much it was hard for Karl to keep a grip on him.

Karl kept saying stuff like "oh baby" and "you'll be ok" which wasn't really helping but at least george knew someone was there helping him.

Karl snaked his arms around George's waist hugging his boyfriend tightly.

George's retching was almost unbearable for Karl but he knew he had to stay there. George took his head out out of the toilet and turned around to face Karl crying.

"Come here baby it's ok it's ok" he said rubbing George's back

"Sh sh sh it's ok it's ok don't cry baby I'm here" Karl said stroking Georges hair.

Karl picked George up from the waist lifting him onto the counter.  He filled a glass and tipped it into George's mouth before George spat it out again in the sink.

"Ok baby back to bed" Karl said. Karl supported George as they walked into their bedroom Karl tucked George in before getting back into bed himself, he let George lye on him and put his his hand on his back.

One hour later Karl wakes up from some pointless notification. He gets out of bed to go find some medicine for George.

He was rummaging through the cabinets trying to find something then George stumbles in and Karl ran to him to pick him up "I thought you were asleep" Karl said "the pains to baaaaad" George said

Karl sits George on a kitchen chair. He gives George a Panadol (paracetamol/pain killers idk what u call them in ur country) and some seven up.

"Thank yo-" George almost said put covered his mouth with his fist, Karl knelt down infront of George rubbing his legs up and down.

"Alright babe back to bed" Karl said holding George's hand bring him upstairs. George sat on the bed and Karl took George's t-shirt off and replaced it with a new one we did the same with George's shorts.

They got into bed hugging each other making George feel very comfortable.

"I love you"

Aggh I like this chapter it's a bit different and shorter but I like it


Words 571

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