twitchcon | knf

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Requested by Zayleelovesyou thank you so much.

Context- George has a panic attack on stage.

Tw homophobia, panic attack

George 25
Karl 24

It was a little bit before the first panel that George and Karl were going to be doing at twitchcon.

Unfortunately their first day there hadn't been going to plan at all especially for george. he just couldn't wait for this horrible day to be over and cuddle with his boyfriend in you might be wondering 'why was today so bad' well let me take you back a few hours

Pretty much everytime he walked down a hall he was Being screamed homophobic thinks, or made faces at him when he decided to wear a skirt which really destroyed his confidence when Karl had picked out that skirt for him and spent along time telling him how pretty he was and it was all just flushed away.

But what hurt the most was the fact that
these were meant to be his fans they were meant to support him I mean sure they not all fans of him but it's the same kind of place they come from. It wasn't all bad of course there were a good loads of fans who were really excited to see him but all he could think about were negatives he felt guilty when he could barely look happy in their photos or be excited to see him even having to put on twitter a sorry for not being energetic he just wasn't having a good day which people were saying it wasn't a good excuse and he was getting lots of hate for it.

He really didn't want to go on this panel but Karl had pretty much forced him too saying he'd regret it otherwise.

George didn't think he would regret it because he really just needed to breathe for a bit. But was ended up walking on stage anyways the lights immediately blinding him aswell as the loud applause he waved to the crowed and put on a fake smile.

It was a dtkq so all of his friends were there and were people he was comfy with and he started to think maybe it wasn't that bad...

Oh boy was he wrong

The fans were asking away questions and laughing loudly about their jokes. He wished he had brought his ear defenders as he felt himself starting to get overwhelmed.

His face started to feel hot for some reason and he began sweating as he stared looking in the crowed thinking all of them were judging him he didn't even notice a girl with long brown hair and in his merch ask him a question and completely unintentionally ignored her.

Until he felt a large dig in the side. George felt awful for it now he felt himself start shaking. He tentatively answered her question quickly apologizing and tried to collect his breaths

"Why can't you speak properly faggot" he heard someone about from the crowed and people started laughing loudly the laughter ringing in his head. That was basically his tipping point. He put his head in his hands he couldn't take it anymore his day had been going awful.

He could still here people making fun of him and making fake aweing sounds as he quietly cried into his hands. His head bobbing slightly with each sob letting people know he was crying.

He couldn't breathe, he was still on stage 'fuck George breathe' he thought until he felt a hands on his thighs slowly rubbing them up and down. looking up to see Karl kneeling there infront of him. "Hey baby" he cooed bringing George's microphone away from him so he could just whisper to him without other people hearing "sh sh sh it's alright just take deep breaths ok in through your nose out through your mouth ok" he spoke gently massaging his thighs again.

Sapnap dream had gotten up to block them as people had started filming them still shouting homophobic things at him. Quackity was trying to distract them away from the situation saying that 'george isn't having a good day and we shouldn't be filming him' but nothing could really be done almost everyone was filming him.

"Hey George relax ok just try breathe so we can get you off the stage ok" Karl whispered. "Karl help me pleeease" George quietly shrieked as his Shaking intensified

"Let's get you off ok baby come on" Karl said picking him up to his feet Karl shielding George's face from the crowed.

George immediately started sobbing the second they got of stage. Karl just held him tightly caressing his head shushing him slightly. "Hey it's ok now" Karl said holding him on his lap "sh sh sh please don't cry babe" Karl said. "That was so embarrassing Karl" he cried "no it wasn't ok it's embarrassing for that person to have shouted that a you" Karl comforted "especially since you've been very open about you're anxiety lately and what not to do to you at twitchcon I'm proud of you for that by the way" Karl said smiling at the end and George just didn't reply staring sadly at the ground.

"Let's go back to the hotel ok" Karl suggested. And George nodded

Karl stood picking George up with him as they walked to a taxi that Karl had called he put George in and sat beside him. George tried to hold in his sobs the way there but failing a little bit.

Karl thanked the driver carrying George out going into the hotel and up into their room.

He put George on the bed as he went to get water for him to help him calm down

He came back to George who was a complete sobbing mess. And shaking violently

He immediately cradled him holding him up to his chest "daddy- Karl please can hold me" he cried and Karl could tell he was almost in little space but wasn't allowing himself to slip. "You can slip if you want baby" Karl said knowing he'd probably want to after a stressful day.

He unraveled to look at him seeing his glossed over eyes and his pouty lips both indicators that he'd slipped. "My sweet baby boy" Karl cooed bouncing George on his knee slightly. "How old is my baby" he asked and George held up two fingers. "Oh such a small boy, how about we get into some comfier clothes and cuddle how does that sound bubs" he asked George smiled at this meaning he liked that idea.

"Ok here we go" Karl said changing George into a fluffy onesie he brought with his in case this happened he quickly brushed gently through his hair so it wasn't noty

Karl changed into sweatpants and cuddled up into the little. George loving the warmth and coziness Karl gave off expecaily when he was little. "Daddy can I have paci pwease" he asked "of course hun here you go" he said putting one in his mouth and hugged him tightly again.


Put a little bit of age regression at the end because I wanted to try it out I won't put it in every book I just thought it goes well in this.

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