prom gone wrong | knf

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Requested by SuspiciousSoot  a great request tbh love this one
Massive tw, sa, bullying, homophobia, concussion, beating up, vomit described in detail, bright pictures (of what they're wearing) hospitals, passing out

The big day George was going to ask Karl to the dance. He knew Karl was gay and he'd seen Karl looking at him in a way that that suggested he like him more than a friend but he was still scared, he really, really, really liked Karl and he thought if he got rejected it would break him.

There was also other issues their school had to be the most homophobic school in town or maybe even in the whole state there had been several LGBTQ kids have to move schools for safety of their life. He had already seen people pick on Karl for it. It broke George heart when he would walk to the hall to see people kicking him while shouting slurs at him and George was no way strong enough to stop it so just got roped into the violence.

He hated seeing Karl cry like that he didn't deserve it he really didn't.

All these thoughts pounded in George's head as head he walked over to Karl talking to Hannah and sylvee. "Hey Karl can I talk to you for a sec" George says with s slightly worried look on his face "yes sure man" Karl says in the walks over to behind The Wall with George.

George felt his breath quicken as he tried to ask Karl, he couldn't get the words 'you're so stupid George this is embarrassing' George thought to himself. "Hey its ok take you're time" Karl said seeing George getting really nervous. 'god, he's so amazing' George thought like how much Karl cares about him

"Do you want to go to prom with me" George asked, Karl's face lightened as his mouth opened 'here it is rejection just prepare yourself-' his thought were interupted with Karl flying into his arms "yes yes!, Oh my I've liked you for ages!" Karl screamed "same I just didn't know if you liked me back" George says karl let's go with happy tears in his eyes "I'm so excited!" He says "I know same do you want to come round my house to get ready" George asked and Karl nodded smiling again before running away.

As George walked back he saw him again talking to Hannah and sylvee again. Both of them clapped there hands to their face ran to him and they jumped up and down hugging him. George smiled to himself proud of himself about how happy he made him.

--------day of dance--------

George was sitting on his bed a corsage in his hands ready to put it on Karl's wrist when he finished getting dressed.

Karl stepped out of the bathroom gosh did he look fucking beautiful George's heart immediately melting at the sight "gosh woah Karl shit" he said

"Do you like it Karl said swaying his dress side to side" Karl said "I love it" George said
The dress was short and lilac decorated in beautiful purple flowers, he painted his nails a pastel purple to match and also done pale purple eye shadow as did George but it was different Karl's decorated in gems and a lot more noticeable.

"You don't like to bad yourself" Karl added walking over to him wrapping his arms around his neck. George places his hands on his hips and they slowly swayed side to side.

"You want to go" George asked and Karl nodded and the walked to the car

--time skip-- (to when the get there)--

"Alright we here" George said pulling up to the school. "You ready to go" George said and he looked over at Karl. Karl shook his head and stared out the window "Karl why what wrong" he asked " I'm just scared of what people will think of me" Karl said "aww karly you look amazing don't worry". "No it's not that's it's just you know with a boy" Karl said "I'm sorry"

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